Andalusian chickens are one of the most stunning and unusual chicken breeds. Their blue-black feathers and striking red combs make them stand out in a flock, and their friendly dispositions make them a joy to keep.

They’re not just beautiful, either. These chickens are also hardy and productive, making them a great choice for both experienced hobbyists and commercial chicken farmers.

Considering adding Andalusian chickens to your flock? Keep reading to learn more about this incredible breed.

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Quick Facts About Andalusian Chickens

Breed Name:Andalusian
Place of Origin:Spain
Uses:Ornamental, eggs, meat
Cock (Male) Size:7 pounds
Hen (Female) Size:5 pounds
Lifespan:5–8 years
Climate Tolerance:Warm
Care Level:Easy
Eggs:Medium to Large
Egg Production:Up to 150 eggs a year

Andalusian Chicken Origins

While it’s not clear exactly where or how the Andalusian chicken first came from, there are some pretty solid theories.

For instance, many livestock historians believe that the Andalusian is the result of crossbreeding local Spanish chickens with Black Castilian chickens. In fact, Andalusians look a lot like their Spanish cousins—both breeds share the same blue-black plumage.

The Andalusian chicken first arrived in England sometime between 1840–1850, where two breeders, Taylor and Coles, began what is now known as the international Andalusian strain.

In 1874, the breed was officially recognized by the American Poultry Association. During the 1800s, breeders created a smaller version of the Andalusian chicken, also known as bantam Andalusians.

Today, Andalusian chickens are quite rare in both the US and England, but it’s still possible to find them if you look hard enough.

Andalusian gallus (hen)
Andalusian gallus (hen) (Image Credit: Костюшко, Wikimedia Commons CC SA 3.0 Unported)

Andalusian Chicken Characteristics

The personality of Andalusian chickens is just as unique as their appearance. These chickens are friendly and curious. It’s common for them to greet their keeper when they see them or come close to see what they’re doing.

Andalusian chickens are also known for being quite chatty and noisier than other breeds. These chickens are not shy about making their presence known, and they will often communicate with their keepers and other chickens quite loudly.

Part of their curious nature is that Andalusian chickens love exploring, so they do well in large yards or pastures. They’re also excellent flyers and can easily clear fences that are 5 feet tall or more. If you’re not careful, you may find your Andalusian chickens roosting in the highest branches of trees or strolling outside your property.

Despite being sociable, Andalusians don’t enjoy being handled. They don’t like to be petted or cuddled and can get easily stressed when picked up, which can make them challenging for novice chicken keepers to care for. This also means that they’re not the best choice if you have kids who want to help with the chickens.

In all, Andalusian chickens are quite exciting to take care of. They’re friendly, rugged, and easy to care for. Just be sure you have the space to accommodate their love of exploration.


Andalusians are ornamental fowl, which means they’re primarily kept for their good looks. However, they’re also fairly good egg layers, producing around 150 eggs per year.

The average Andalusian hen can produce up to three white or brown eggs a week. Some of them even continue laying throughout winter! However, there’s a catch: Andalusian hens don’t typically go broody, which means they often won’t sit on their eggs to hatch them. Invest in an incubator if you want to raise baby Andalusians from eggs.

On the other hand, Andalusian chicks feather out quickly and are often ready to lay eggs earlier than other chicken breeds.

andalusian chicken
Image Credit: cainphotos, Shutterstock.

Appearance & Varieties

Andalusian chickens are easy to identify because of their distinct coloring. These chickens have blue-grey plumage with black lacing, and this is the only color that’s recognized by most poultry associations.

Andalusians are fairly light and small on average, and the breed also has a bantam variety.  Bantam Andalusians are even smaller than the standard-sized chickens, though they share the same coloring and general appearance.

Aside from their coloration, these chickens are also characterized by their large, single combs. The combs can sometimes flop to one side on hens, but roosters usually have combs that stand upright with five points.

Andalusians also have wattles and earlobes that are white, as well as eyes that are red in color. The beak is horn colored and has a slight downward curve, and the legs are free of feathers and slate blue in color. All in all, they are elegant and striking birds.

Distribution and Habitat

Today, Andalusian chickens are quite rare in both the US and England, but it’s still possible to find them if you look hard enough. They’re mostly concentrated in Spain, specifically in Utrera in the southwestern region of the country.

If you’re lucky enough to find Andalusian chickens for sale, keep in mind that they do best in warm climates. This is due to their Mediterranean origins, and it’s something to keep in mind if you live in a colder region. Make sure to provide them with plenty of straw or hay so they can stay warm during the winter months.

Are Andalusian Chickens Good for Small-Scale Farming?

Yes, but do adequate research into the breed first. They’re terrific foragers and can free-range quite easily, which is great news for small-scale farmers. They also produce a fair number of eggs and can be a good source of meat despite their small size.

Before getting Andalusian chickens, however, it’s important to make sure you have the space for them. They love to roam and will escape any enclosure that isn’t well built, so be prepared for a bit of extra work if you decide to add them to your farm.

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Beautiful, productive, and rare, an Andalusian chicken will quickly become one of the most prized members of any flock. They make great egg layers, and their striking blue-grey plumage is sure to turn heads. As long as you give them space to explore, respect their space, and fortify their enclosure, you’ll have a wonderful time caring for your Andalusians.

See also:

Featured Image Credit: Pegasene, Shutterstock