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Home > Snakes > Blizzard Corn Snake: Facts, Info & Care Guide (with Pictures)

Blizzard Corn Snake: Facts, Info & Care Guide (with Pictures)

blizzard corn snake

The Blizzard corn snake is a type of corn snake that has been popularized due to its brightly colored, white skin. Originally from the United States, this breed of snakes is now also found in other countries such as China and Australia.

They are bred for their bright color and make great pets for anyone interested in owning one!

This blog post will discuss some facts about the Blizzard corn snake, including how they behave under different circumstances (such as captivity or living outside), what kind of care they need to thrive, and more!

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Quick Facts About Blizzard Corn Snakes

Species Name: P. Guttatus
Common Name: Corn Snake
Care Level: Beginner
Lifespan: 20-30 years
Adult Size: 3-5 feet
Diet: Small rodents
Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons
Temperature & Humidity: Temperature: 75°F – 85°F
Humidity: 40-50%

Do Blizzard Corn Snakes Make Good Pets?

In general, corn snakes make great pets because they are very clean and easy to take care of. In addition, they are a great choice for beginners because they are not as active.

In general, their temperament is a lot more friendly than other types of snakes. They do not have any venom or poison, so their bites are harmless to humans. You should handle Blizzard corn snakes with care to avoid injury, but they typically do not bite.

On top of being an angel, this snake is simply beautiful to look at. You’re sure to leave a mark on the visitors that come to your home once they see your snake.


The blizzard corn snake is a variation of a regular corn snake. The difference is that the blizzard corn snake has a white or cream-colored body. Also, unlike most other types of corn snakes, this type usually has dark black spots down its back in rows.


How to Take Care of Blizzard Corn Snakes

Caring for a corn snake is fairly easy, even for beginners. Here are some key things you need to know to provide your pet with the best living conditions possible.

Habitat, Tank Conditions & Setup


Your corn snake’s tank should be at least a 20-gallon tank with a secure screen top. Make sure the lid of your tank is tight-fitting so that it cannot escape.

It is important to ensure all areas where there are plants or other decorations keep these items away from the heat and light sources to avoid overheating your pet.

The tank should be set up with a dry side and a humid side, allowing the corn snake to access both warm and cool areas to regulate its temperature.

To decorate the tank, make sure to include a hide box, climbing structures, and branches. The tank should also have fresh water available at all times, along with food items, which we’ll explore below.


Corn snakes usually live in environments that have sunlight, but they can also be bred in captivity. You’ll probably want to add a light so you can see your beautiful snake better, so we recommend going with a fluorescent lightbulb or a desk lamp.

Heating (Temperature & Humidity)

Snakes are reptiles, meaning they are cold-blooded and need heat to stay warm. To keep the snake happy and healthy, we recommend you provide a heat source on both sides of the tank to make sure it can regulate its temperature well.

The best way is with an under-tank heater that keeps one end of the cage at around 78 degrees Fahrenheit and the other end at around 85 degrees Fahrenheit.


Choosing the right substrate is very important because these guys need to get a good grip. The best type of substrate is newspaper, but you can also use astroturf or any other material that allows the snake’s skin to breathe and remain moist. Keep in mind that snakes love burrowing and hiding, so you’ll need a substrate depth of at least two inches.

Tank Recommendations
Tank Type: 20-gallon glass vivarium
Lighting: Gentle lighting
Heating: Heating pad/tape on the bottom of the enclosure
Best Substrate: Newspaper


Feeding Your Blizzard Corn Snakes

Blizzard corn snakes have the same basic feeding needs as regular corn snakes. This means they need a diet of rodents. You can feed them either live mice or pre-killed, but you need to make sure they are small enough for the snake to swallow.

Corn snakes do not need to eat often, so you can feed them every couple of weeks. They are not picky eaters and will accept a wide variety of food, including rodents and birds.

Be sure to provide a water dish with fresh, clean water at all times! Snakes need to drink too!

Diet Summary
Rodents 95% of diet
Insects 4% of diet
Birds 1% of diet

Keeping Your Blizzard Corn Snakes Healthy

There are a few things you can do to keep your corn snake healthy. First, make sure to keep the temperature in their habitat between 72-81 degrees. You should also provide a heat lamp as needed.

Also, do not forget to feed your corn snake, and likewise, do not over-feed it. Feeding plays a great role in your pet’s overall health.

You should also make sure your pet snake is mentally healthy by providing it with a variety of different items, like branches, leaves, rocks, etc.

Common Health Issues

There are a few common health issues you should look out for, such as are respiratory infection, dehydration from lack of water intake, and mental distress due to an improper enclosure. It is recommended to regularly monitor your snake’s skin and behavior for any changes and report them to your veterinarian when appropriate.

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Corn snakes are found in the wild, where they are prey to many hunters.

It is estimated that they live from 6-10 years in the wild. In captivity, however, it is a different story. Blizzard snakes often live to 15-20 years old, sometimes more!


If you’re interested in breeding corn snakes, you’ll be happy to know that Blizzard corn snakes are very easy to breed. Breeding season typically begins in March, and the eggs are laid in the summertime.

To help your female corn snake during the process, make sure you provide her with a nest box that is moist. She needs a space where she will feel safe and comfortable.

In the end, you’ll have 10-30 eggs that you’ll need to incubate.

When the eggs are ready, they will hatch in about 60 days! If any of them don’t seem like they’re hatching after a week or two, it’s best to discard them.

Are Blizzard Corn Snakes Friendly? Our Handling Advice

Blizzard corn snakes are known for their docile nature, which makes them great pets. We recommend that you handle your snake at least once every two weeks to keep him relaxed and well cared for.

You should feed the corn snake in front of it so they can track the prey if need be, but don’t try to touch or pick up the Corn Snake when feeding time is over! It will become defensive and could bite as a result.

Bites from Blizzard Corn Snakes are not venomous and typically only cause minor pain that will last about three days – no more than 48 hours. But with some human species (like young children), there’s always an increased risk of infection because we do not have enough antibodies in our bodies yet against these types of bacteria.

Shedding & Brumation: What to Expect

Blizzard corn snakes shed their skins periodically, which happens about once a month. During this time, you’ll see the corn snake shedding its skin in small pieces at first, and then all of a sudden, they will shed quickly for a few days before leaving behind a completely new-looking body.

Blizzard corn cnakes typically brumate (hibernate) during the winter months from November to February – but not always! It depends on where he lives or if he has reached maturity yet.

Blizzard corn cnakes are one of those snakes that can have different schedules as adults than when they were juveniles because there is no set age range where these animals go into hibernation mode like many other types of reptiles do.

How Much Do Blizzard Corn Snakes Cost?

Corn snakes generally very affordable pets. Blizzard corn snakes maybe a little bit more expensive due to their rarity. You can adopt one for the average price of $100.

Once you have your snake, don’t forget its terrarium, lights, a water dish, and branches/substrate. All in all, you’re looking at about $300.

Care Guide Summary

  • Docile nature
  • Inquisitive and exploratory
  • Harmless bites
  • Susceptible to disease
  • Needs time to adjust to a new environment
  • More expensive than regular corn snakes


Final Thoughts

Corn snakes are a great pet for anyone willing to invest time and effort. They’re not difficult animals, but they do require some special considerations for their care.

Be sure you know what type of environment your snake needs to feel safe- and have an escape route out if necessary- before deciding whether or not these reptiles will make good pets for you!

If you want more information about corn snakes specifically, read up on them in our blog section.

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: fivespots, Shutterstock

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