Blackberries are a delicious fruit to have as a snack, used in baked goods, or on top of cereal or yogurt. If you have any berries left over that you do not want to eat, you might be asking if the leftovers would make a good treat for your chickens. But can chickens eat blackberries?

The short answer to the question is yes, but in moderation. This article will discuss the safety of feeding your chickens blackberries, the health benefits of blackberries for chickens, and how to feed them to your chickens.


Health Benefits of Feeding Chickens Blackberries

Blackberries are not only a delicious fruit, but they are also good for chickens. They are a good source of vitamins and minerals and are low in calories. Blackberries provided as part of a diverse and varied diet are also a good natural way to keep chickens healthy and free from disease.


Manganese is a mineral found in blackberries that has many benefits for chickens. It helps with bone development, the immune system, and controlling blood sugar. It also aids in the absorption of calcium, which is important for strong bones. Manganese also helps the immune system by fighting off infection and helping to heal wounds. This is important as chickens live in flocks and disease can spread quickly.

Credit: Ajale, Pixabay


Fiber is an important part of a chicken’s diet and has many health benefits. Fiber helps reduce cholesterol and control blood sugar levels, and it also promotes healthy bowel movements. In addition to these health benefits, fiber also makes chickens feel fuller for longer, which can help prevent overeating.

Vitamins C and Vitamin K

Both of these vitamins play a role in blood clotting. A lack of vitamin K can lead to blood spots in eggs. There are many benefits of vitamin C for chickens. Vitamin C helps chickens to grow and develop properly, and it also helps to keep them healthy. Chickens that are deficient in vitamin C may suffer from several health problems, including respiratory infections, anemia, and even death.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is an essential vitamin for chickens and plays an important role in their health. It helps to maintain their skin and feathers, and also helps with their eyesight. Chickens need a regular supply of vitamin A in their diet, and it can be found in green vegetables, fruits, and grains.

Image Credits: ulleo, Pixabay

Vitamin B

Chickens need vitamin B for many different things. It helps with bowed legs, inflamed cavities, liver and kidney problems, mouth sores, dermatitis, and feathering. Vitamin B is an essential part of a chicken’s diet. Without it, they can develop serious health problems.


Blackberry seeds are a natural source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for chicken health. Omega-3 fatty acids help keep chickens’ skin and feathers healthy and also play a role in brain and eye development. Chickens that eat a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids are less likely to suffer from health problems like heart disease, arthritis, and inflammation.


Safety of Blackberries for Chickens

As the popularity of backyard chickens continues to grow, so does the interest in what these feathered friends can and cannot eat. Many people are surprised to learn that blackberries are actually safe for chickens—in moderation, of course.

There are a few things to consider before feeding them to your flock. While blackberries offer some nutritional benefits for chickens, such as vitamins A and C, they also contain a lot of sugar and acid. This means that they should only be given to chickens in small quantities and as a special treat. Overfeeding your chickens’ blackberries can lead to health problems, just like it would for humans.

So, if you’re looking to add a little variety to your chickens’ diet, blackberries are a safe option—just don’t go overboard! The benefits of a diverse diet are that the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that a chicken needs are given to them in varied doses through different types of food.

vorwerk chickens eating
Image Credit: Manfred Ruckszio, Shutterstock

How to Feed Your Chickens Blackberries

  • The rule of thumb for feeding chickens is that treats should add up to no more than 10 percent of their daily diet. And it’s important to rotate treats on different days to help keep a blanched diet. So only make blackberries an occasional treat.
  • Look for blackberries that are plump and have no mold. Mold can be very dangerous for chickens. It is easy for berries to get moldy without noticing, so check the whole box, especially at the bottom to make sure no mold sneaks in.
  • Avoid berries that have been treated with pesticides. Chickens’ bodies are much smaller than humans so the impact of pesticides on their system is much greater. Find organic blackberries or pesticide-free blackberries to feed them.
  • Remove any uneaten berries after a few hours to avoid spoilage. If they are missed or not eaten they can mold and be a hazard later. They also can bring rodents into the coop which can be dangerous for your chickens.
  • Blackberries have a small seed that could pose a choking hazard for baby chicks, so only feed blackberries to grown-up chickens. The seeds are quite good for them, but only for chickens big enough to be able to chew and digest the seeds.
  • The berries are acidic and may cause digestive upset in some chickens. So, it’s best to introduce blackberries in moderation and see how your chickens react before adding them to their regular diet.
  • Do not mix blackberries in with the chicken feed. This can make the feed inedible because the berries break and turn the whole meal into a sticky, wet mess. Feed them separately as a special treat. Try using a container to hold them so berries are not lost in the coop and left behind to rot or attract pests.
  • A cool tip is to freeze the berries before feeding them to your chickens. This can be a lifesaver for hot days and overheating chicks and it is a great (and tidy) way to feed the berries in the hot summer months.



Feeding chickens blackberries is a great way to enhance their diet. This superfood is packed with nutrients that can help chickens stay healthy and lay more eggs. Plus, blackberries are a delicious treat that chickens will love. So if you’re looking for a way to boost your flock’s health, consider adding blackberries to their diet.

Moderation is key to feeding blackberries so you don’t overdo the sugar in their diet. Being careful in feeding them with mold and pesticides is also very important. Blackberries are a natural and organic food that can help chickens stay healthy and happy!