Having a donkey is fun, but it can be a lot to learn. They require specific care with diet, exercise, housing, and many other categories. So, if you’re looking to add additional food items to the menu, you are doing the right thing by making sure something is safe for your donkey to consume.

Pumpkins are a fall-time favorite—used for everything from pies, to flavor inspirations, to aesthetics, to carving. And yes, pumpkins can be a terrifically nutrient-rich snack for your donkeys, because every part of the fruit is edible to them. So, let’s get all the details about this yummy, fleshy fruit.

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Donkeys Can Eat Pumpkin

All pumpkin parts are safe for your donkey—seeds, flesh, stems, and leaves. You name it. In addition to being totally safe to consume, they have a list of health benefits for your hooved buddy, and they taste pretty yummy, too.

Of course, some pumpkins taste better than others, so your equine might have its preferences.

Pumpkin Nutrition Facts

Amount Per 1 Cup
  • Calories: 30
  • Fat: 1 g
  • Potassium: 394 mg
  • Carbohydrates: 8 g
  • Dietary fiber: 6 g
  • Sugar: 2 g
  • Protein: 2 g
  • Vitamin C: 17%
  • Iron: 4%
  • Vitamin B6: 5%
  • Magnesium: 3%
  • Calcium: 2%

This was calculated using a basic pumpkin. There are several different kinds of pumpkin varieties, each having its own appearance, taste, and nutritional benefits. So if you have a specific pumpkin in mind, it’s best to quickly Google the nutrition facts for that variety for exact percentages and measurements.

Positive Aspects of Adding Pumpkin to Your Donkeys Diet

Lots of fantastic things happen when you add pumpkin to your donkey’s diet. Pumpkins are full of natural goodness that make for a healthy snack choice.


The single-handed most important aspect of your donkey’s diet is fiber. Fiber is essential as it helps with all of the digestive processes. Pumpkins have quite a bit of fiber, which helps to keep your donkey regulated.

Even though your donkey gets lots of fiber in their standard diet, having a little extra never hurts. However, it’s important to do just what is necessary with fiber. Even though this is a key ingredient, too much is still too much.

sliced pumpkin on kitchen board
Image Credit: Dream79, Shutterstock


Pumpkins contain vitamins and natural antioxidants that help your donkey’s immune system thrive. Antioxidants work to remove free radicals within the body, lessening the risk of cancer and other health issues. It can also help with immunity and nervous system health.


Potassium plays a vital role in bodily makeup. It’s best at helping to maintain normal levels of fluid within cells. It can also help muscle contractions and reduce high blood pressure.


Zinc helps with many vital functions such as DNA creation, cell growth, tissue healing, immune support, and protein building.

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Potential Considerations When Adding Pumpkin to Your Donkeys Diet

It’s not all sunshine and rainbows. There is a balance to everything. If you choose to feed your donkey pumpkin, you should know the dos and don’ts. Here are a few considerations to consider before serving your donkey pumpkin.

Pumpkins Can Be Easy to Choke On

Your donkey has teeth that are designed for ripping, tearing, and breaking down plant material. However, some harder food items like pumpkins can be a little difficult for your donkey to conquer.

Pumpkins are quite large. The exteriors can be very firm and, therefore, can sometimes be hard for your donkey to eat. You should always feed your donkey pumpkin and reasonably sized pieces to avoid choking.

There is no need to puree or cook the pumpkin first, it simply needs to be in comfortable-sized sections.

pumpkin flesh and seeds_M W_Pixabay
Image Credit: M W, Pixabay

Pumpkins Are Not a Staple of Your Donkey’s Diet

Even though pumpkins can be a delicious addition to your donkey’s diet, they are not a staple. Your donkey thrives on hay and grasses. They have a very specific dietary requirement to keep their stomach and overall physical body in good health.

So if you do feed your donkey pumpkin during the season, make sure that you’re not overdoing it. It should never be a substitute for their regular diet. And you should always make sure to offer them supplementally, and not as a full meal.

Pumpkins Are Full of Natural Sugar

As you likely know by now, donkeys require a very low-sugar diet. While certain fruits and vegetables are fantastic to feed your donkey, these should be used as snacks. Pumpkin contains a high amount of natural sugar, which isn’t bad on its own.

But if you feed your donkey too much, it can seriously impact its digestive system. So always ensure you are serving pumpkin in appropriate portions, preferably at least a few pieces at a time.


How to Feed Your Donkey Pumpkin

Donkeys will prefer eating pumpkin raw. Most pumpkins are very large and hard to break, making them a problematic food item for your donkey to enjoy on their own.

For best results, you should dice or chunk the flash of the pumpkin before serving it to your donkey. This will lessen the complications and make it really easy for your donkey to enjoy.

To avoid exposure to pesticides and other potentially dangerous chemicals, it’s always best to feed your donkey organic pumpkin.

Regular Donkey Diet

As much as donkeys would love to munch on goodies all day, the real diet all comes from the greens. Donkeys require high-fiber meals for optimal digestion. Their diet should also be low in protein, starches, calories, and sugar.

Your donkey absolutely loves to munch and snack, quickly becoming overweight when left to free-range. The best thing to feed your donkey is high-quality barley or oat straw. You should resist access to grass where your donkey can graze a lot as well.

In addition to the bulk of their diet, you can also add lots of yummy fruits and vegetables for your donkey to enjoy. Some other favorite snacks for donkeys include:

  • Carrots
  • Bananas
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Swedes (Rutabaga)
  • Turnips

Just like for pumpkin, you’ll want to make sure to serve fruits and veggies to your donkey in size-friendly portions. Don’t let them gorge themselves, and don’t offer large pieces that could provoke choking.

Donkeys naturally file their teeth while chewing, but you should never forget to check for potential dental problems, as this can seriously impact their appetite and eating ability.

miniature donkey eating
Image Credit: babeaudufraing, Shutterstock

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Final Thoughts

So now you have learned that donkeys can most certainly delight in this fall-time favorite. Pumpkin is not only delicious to your donkey, but it provides a wide array of health benefits to boot.

If you are interested in feeding your donkey pumpkin, ensure that the pieces are sized perfectly for your donkey’s mouth to avoid choking. Also, don’t overdo it. Even though donkeys will absolutely love having a few pumpkin snacks, they require a diet of high-fiber and low-sugar hay—so moderation is key.

Featured Image Credit: stevepb, Pixabay