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Home > Guinea Pigs > Can Guinea Pigs Eat Lemons? Risks & FAQ

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Lemons? Risks & FAQ

Can Guinea Pigs Eat_lemons

Like humans, guinea pigs rely on their diets to provide essential nutrients, such as vitamin C. Citrus fruits, such as lemons, are a common source of vitamin C, but can guinea pigs eat lemons? Lemons aren’t technically toxic to guinea pigs, but it’s still not a good idea to feed them to your pet.

In this article, we’ll discuss why you should think twice before feeding your guinea pig lemons. We’ll also cover why your pet needs vitamin C, even if it isn’t lemons, and how best to provide this vital nutrient.


The Trouble with Lemons

The first issue with lemons is their food group: fruit. Generally, guinea pigs should eat only minimal amounts of fruit. The high sugar content is unhealthy for guinea pigs and could impact the delicate balance of bacteria in their digestive system, leading to diarrhea.

When you offer your guinea pig fruit, the best options are those naturally high in vitamin C or fiber, such as kiwi, oranges, pears, or apples. Surprisingly, lemons aren’t a good source of vitamin C, with estimates suggesting a guinea pig would have to eat almost the whole fruit (80%) to get their recommended daily amount of this nutrient.

Because lemons are so acidic, a guinea pig probably won’t want to eat that much, and there could be problems if they do. The high acid content in lemons can irritate a guinea pig’s mouth, teeth, and stomach. They may develop painful mouth sores that can impact their appetite.

Image Credit: Andy M., Pixabay

Guinea Pigs and Vitamin C

As we mentioned, feeding fruit to a guinea pig is one way to provide them with vitamin C. But why do we need to supplement their diet this way, and what happens if we don’t do it?

Many animals don’t need vitamin C in their diet because they make their own within their bodies. Guinea pigs, humans, and other primates don’t have this ability because of a genetic mutation. That’s why you and your guinea pig need to eat foods with vitamin C or take supplements.

If your guinea pig doesn’t get enough vitamin C, it will impact its healing ability, joints, skin, and hair. They may be more vulnerable to infections and disease too.

Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency in a guinea pig include the following:
  • Swollen feet or joints
  • Unhealthy fur
  • Mouth or skin sores
  • Diarrhea
  • Decreased appetite
  • Reluctance to walk

If your guinea pig displays any of these signs, make an appointment with your exotic pet veterinarian.

Two guinea pigs on the grass
Image By: Charleen Magne, Shutterstock

How to Make Sure Your Guinea Pig Gets Enough Vitamin C

Guinea pigs need 10–50 milligrams per day of vitamin C, depending on their age and health. So how do you ensure your pet gets the nutrition they need?

Most of your guinea pig’s daily diet should consist of hays, grasses, and species-appropriate pellet food. However, hay doesn’t contain any vitamin C, though it plays a vital role in dental and digestive health. Guinea pig-specific pellet diets are supplemented with vitamin C, but the nutrient loses potency over time and could still put your pet at risk of deficiency.

Besides hay and pellets, guinea pigs should eat brightly colored vegetables and dark, leafy greens each day.

Some healthy options include:
  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Bell peppers
  • Lettuce (except iceberg)
  • Carrots
  • Squash

Even with these additions to your guinea pig’s diet, they should still receive a daily vitamin C supplement. Tablet or liquid options are available at pet stores and online retailers. If possible, avoid placing the vitamin C supplement in your pet’s water because it breaks down quickly and becomes less effective.



Lemons aren’t a healthy option for your guinea pig, but other fruits and vegetables are suitable as part of a balanced diet. To keep your guinea pig healthy, provide fresh water daily and keep their enclosure clean and sanitized.

Guinea pigs are low-maintenance pets overall, but that doesn’t mean you can take their good health for granted. Like dogs and cats, guinea pigs should have a yearly checkup with a veterinarian.

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