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Home > Horses > Can Horses Eat Celery? Diet & Health Advice

Can Horses Eat Celery? Diet & Health Advice

Can horses eat celery

As natural herbivores, horses love to dine on grass, hay, grain, and veggies. Many horse owners love treating their equine pal to delicious leafy treats, including carrots, apples, and cucumbers. But can horses eat celery? Yes, of course, they can!

So, what are the benefits of feeding your horse celery? Let’s take a closer look at horses and this refreshing green vegetable.

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What Is Celery?

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Image Credit: Pixabay

Celery is a crunchy, green veggie that is part of the Apiaceae family, which also includes parsley, carrots, and parsnips. It’s a low-calorie snack that contains tons of essential vitamins and nutrients, including fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins A, K, and C. It also contains water, magnesium, and phosphorous.

Can I Feed My Horse Celery?

Yes, you can feed your horse celery, and you should! Celery can provide your pony with a ton of nutritional perks. Celery is even a good snacking option for older horses with metabolic issues like insulin resistance since it’s low in sugar.

Equines love the stiff, crunchy texture and the refreshing taste. Since celery is high in fiber, it can promote a horse’s digestive health. While the majority of your horse’s fiber should come from hay and/or grass, offering them celery can add more fiber to their diet.

Vitamin A found in celery will help to brighten your horse’s skin and improve his eyesight. This vitamin also contains powerful antioxidants that can combat dangerous cells called “free radicals.”

The phosphorus in celery can aid in your horse’s bone and teeth health. Magnesium can help boost the function of the muscles and nerves.

And thanks to its large quantity of water, celery will keep your horse hydrated.

Is Celery Harmful to Horses, or Is Celery Safe for Horses?


Feeding your horse celery could be harmful if the celery contains microbes or parasites. Ensure you’re only feeding fresh, clean celery to your horse. Never feed him celery that has mold or rotting parts.

Never feed celery to your horse if he has hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HYPP). Due to celery’s high potassium contents, which is about 289 mg per serving, it should not be fed to horses with this disease.

Be mindful that full celery stalks can be a choking hazard to horses. Always cut the celery up into small pieces before offering it to your equine.

How to Prepare Celery for Your Horse

Only buy fresh, clean, organic celery that is free from parasites, pesticides, and mold. Thoroughly rinse it under running water to remove any dirt or debris. Chop the celery stalks into small, bite-sized cubes.

To make the celery more enjoyable for your horse to eat, add peanut butter to the celery cubes. Peanut butter is perfectly safe for horses to consume. You can also mix the celery into your horse’s bran mash as a yummy additive.

Always feed your horse celery in moderation to avoid digestive upset.

Image Credit: McJapid, Pixabay



Celery is a perfectly acceptable treat for horses and can provide your hoofed friend with many health benefits. Always cut the celery stalks into small cubes and wash them before offering them to your animal. Feed your horse celery in moderation. Never feed celery to horses with HYPP.

Celery is a tasty treat for almost any horse and can be served to them in a variety of ways!

Find out if other foods are safe to feed to horses:

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