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Home > Birds > Can Parrots Eat Lemons? Facts & FAQ

Can Parrots Eat Lemons? Facts & FAQ

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Parrots, like most birds, are social eaters and want to eat with their flock-mates, a.k.a. you. Your parrot will likely show some interest in what you have on your plate at mealtime and you may be tempted to share some tidbits with your bird. It’s important to know what foods are safe for your bird to eat and what foods are not safe. Proteins, vegetables, and fruits are all items you’ll commonly find on your own plate, but which ones are safe to share? You’re drinking a glass of water with lemon in it and the thought crosses your mind that you don’t know if lemons are safe for parrots. We can put your mind at ease, parrots can eat lemons in moderation. Read on to learn more.


Can Parrots Eat Lemons?

Yes, parrots can eat lemons, but like many other foods, it should be fed to parrots only in moderation. Lemons provide many health benefits through their consumption, such as fiber, vitamins, and plant compounds. They contain high amounts of Vitamin C, which can boost immunity and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Lemons also provide a good source of dietary fiber and can help absorb more iron from play sources to avoid anemia.

Some studies are also showing that lemon can prevent kidney stones. While many of these benefits have only been studied in humans, parrots have been observed enjoying all types of citrus in the wild, leading to the belief that parrots can also reap the benefits of a good lemon now and then.

Image By: Piqsels

How to Feed Parrots Lemons

If you decide to give your parrot a lemon as a treat, wash it thoroughly to remove any traces of pesticides. It’s best to remove the lemon peel and cut it into smaller pieces for easy consumption. Lemons are acidic so it’s best to give this fruit in moderation to prevent any digestive issues. You should also offer lemon with another piece of fruit, or a vegetable, to give your parrot options and to cut down on the acidity of the lemon.

What Other Food Can Parrots Eat?

Parrots can eat a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and grains in their diet.

  • Fruits: Berries, papaya, melon, bananas, kiwis, cherries, apples, peaches, and apricots (all without pits).
  • Vegetables: Peas, pumpkin, zucchini, corn, carrots, peppers, and dark leafy greens.
  • Proteins: Cooked chickpeas, lentils, and beans.
  • Grains: Quinoa, millet, spelt, and wheat.
Parrot eating apple
Image By: Creative Zone, Shutterstock

These are just a few of the healthy foods you can supplement your parrot’s diet with during mealtime. Different parrots have different nutritional needs so always check to make sure it’s okay for your particular parrot to eat. If you’re uncertain about whether you should give your bird a particular food, check with your vet to make sure that it is a healthy option for your bird.

What Foods Should Parrots Avoid?

While many foods can be fed to parrots in moderation, some foods are so toxic that should never pass your feathered friend’s beak. They are:

  • Fruit pits and apple seeds
  • High-fat foods
  • Caffeine
  • Chocolate
  • Salt
  • Onions and garlic
  • Avocados
  • Xylitol

None of these foods should be given to your parrot at any time. They can all cause adverse health effects in your bird and may even kill it. If your bird ingests any of these foods, watch it carefully for adverse effects and call your vet for medical help.

Senegal parrot
Image By: Ondrej Prosicky, Shutterstock

Interesting Fact About Parrots Taste Buds

An interesting fact to know is that parrots have approximately 300 tastebuds on the roof of their mouth while humans have 10,000 taste buds or so. Parrots’ palates aren’t going to have the same nuances in determining flavors that humans do, but they have shown a preference for one food or another. It’s possible that while their tastebuds are limited, they really enjoy the texture of certain foods, so see how your parrot responds to this new treat.



Parrots can safely eat lemons as long as they are only given as treats. Remove the rind and cut the lemon up into smaller pieces to feed it to your parrot. You should also offer another fruit, or vegetable, at the same time to give your parrot another option in case it doesn’t want the lemon. Parrots have fewer taste buds than humans do so they are likely not tasting the same depth of flavor in a lemon as humans are when they bite into one. Always watch your parrot carefully when introducing new foods to help determine if there are any adverse effects to a change in their diet. If the parrot is not interested in the lemon, remove it from the cage and replace it with food you know your parrot will eat.

Featured Image Credit: Marcus Bethke, Shutterstock

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