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Home > Birds > Can Parrots Eat Raisins? What You Need to Know

Can Parrots Eat Raisins? What You Need to Know

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Owning a parrot can be a big responsibility. Trying to maintain a healthy diet for your bird, keeping their cage clean, and offering them the interaction needed to stay happy is a 24-hour obligation many people happily take on. When considering a parrot’s dietary needs, it’s important to keep treats and healthy snacks in mind. One of those treats is raisins.

If you’re asking yourself if raisins are a healthy treat for your parrot, the answer to your question is yes. Raisins are ideal for adding needed vitamins and nutrients to your parrot’s diet. If you own a parrot and want to offer your feathered friend a great diet, including nutritional raisins, read on below to learn more about parrots and the advantages of adding raisins to their diet.


The World of Raisins

Most likely, you’ve tried raisins at some point in your life. Raisins are quite common throughout the world in various snacks, baked goods, and cuisines. The question is, do you know what raisins are? Raisins are dried grapes. Grapes come from various parts of the world. Dried grapes have various looks and tastes. This is a result of how long they are dried.

Raisins are the result of drying grapes for roughly 3 weeks. During this time, the color of the grape changes slightly, and that is why many raisins, especially those made from red grapes, have the darker brown or green color we are used to.

grapes and raisins
Image By: Dream79, Shutterstock

What Health Benefits Do Raisins Offer Parrots?

Raisins have a soft texture and sweet taste. This is why so many people and parrots love them as a snack. But did you know raisins have quite a few health benefits for your parrot?  Let’s take a look at a few of the great things raisins have to offer.

  • Potassium: Raisins are perfect for adding a little extra potassium to your parrot’s diet. Potassium helps lower blood pressure. This can extend your parrot’s mortality rate and decrease the chances of stroke. For pet owners who have elderly parrots, adding raisins to their diet may be a great way of keeping your feathered friend around longer.
  • Iron: Raisins are also high in iron. What does this mean for your parrot? Iron helps increase red blood cells. In the hopes of keeping your parrot healthier and avoiding issues with anemia, add a few raisins to their meal times.
  • Vitamin B: Raisins are packed with types of vitamin B, which are crucial for parrots. Lowering cholesterol, promoting brain function, boosting metabolism, and even a better immune system can all result from the right amount of vitamin B in your parrot. To keep your bird healthier, offer it a few raisins.
  • Fiber: If you think your parrot is having digestive issues then add a few raisins to their diet. Raisins are great for fighting gastrointestinal issues. It also makes your parrot feel full. If your bird is looking a bit chunky, raisins may help them eat less.
  • Antioxidants: Another healthy benefit of raisins is their antioxidants. These antioxidants are ideal for fighting diseases like cancer, stroke, and heart issues.

A Healthy Diet for Your Parrot

jardines-parrot in a cage
Image By: Ulf Zakariasson, Pixabay

Most people think they should feed their parrot seeds daily to keep them healthy, but this isn’t exactly the case. For a healthy parrot and happy feathered friend, a mix of pellets and fresh foods is ideal. Let’s take a look at the perfect parrot diet and where raisins may fit in.


Roughly 50% to 70% of a parrot’s diet should consist of pellets. When offering your parrot pellets, it is best to avoid those high in sugar or that use dyes. This keeps your bird healthier over time and free of diseases that can be caused by an abundance of sugar. Choosing a parrot blend that offers the right balance of taste and nutrition is the best choice for a healthy bird.

Fresh Foods

There is lots of fresh food out there you can offer your parrot. Raw or steamed veggies are great for parrots. They can also eat a healthy blend of whole grains such as rice and barley. Raw, soaked nuts and seeds and a limited amount of fresh fruits round out the suggested 10% to 20% of fresh foods in a parrot’s diet.

This is where raisins come into play. Raisins are a great fresh fruit to offer your parrot a couple of times a week. The benefits of raisins are great for your bird, while a controlled amount helps avoid overdoing it on the natural sugars they contain.

parrots eating food
Image By: Dewald Van Rensburg, Pixabay

Foods Your Parrot Should Not Eat

Like with most animals, there are certain things parrots shouldn’t eat. Avoiding foods with dyes and preservatives is important. These types of additives can be dangerous. This is why using organic foods for your parrot is your best option. You should also consider keeping a close eye on your parrot’s intake of salt, sugar, and fats to avoid health problems.

There are some foods out there that are considered toxic to parrots. By offering these foods to your bird, you could risk serious health issues or death. Read over this list and keep it in mind any time you offer new treats or foods to your parrot.

macaw parrot perching
Image Credit: Richard Bernico, Pixabay

The 3 Drawbacks of Adding Raisins to Your Parrot’s Diet

Like with so many foods our pets eat, there can be drawbacks to introducing something new to their diet. Raisins are no different. Let’s take a look at the two biggest drawbacks you may face by giving your parrot a new yummy snack.

1. Sugar Levels

Due to the sugar found in these tasty treats, it’s important to closely monitor how many raisins your bird is eating. This sugar offers your bird added energy. If you have an active bird who gets plenty of exercise daily, it may not have issues with extra energy. For those who spend most of their time in a cage and have decreased activity levels, keep their raisin intake on the lower end to help keep them from overexerting themselves.

2. Weight Issues

Again, due to the sugar in raisins, overfeeding can result in weight issues. Certain species of parrots inherently have problems with weight control. An overweight parrot may not have the ability to fly as it should. Other activities will be limited due to weight like playing or interacting with other parrots and owners. High sugar levels and weight are also known to cause health conditions in parrots such as heart problems.

macaw parrot
Image Credit: Arulonline, Pixabay

3. Choking

As a responsible pet parent, you should always be concerned about choking when feeding a pet. With parrots, choking is possible with several of the foods they consume. Always try to offer your bird small-sized servings and be present as often as possible.


A Happy and Healthy Parrot

As you can see, raisins can offer a lot of benefits to your parrot. If you want to add a sweet treat your feathered friend will love to their diet, toss in raisins. Keep in mind, however, proper feeding schedules and routines are required to keep your parrot both happy and healthy, and moderation is key.

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Featured Image Credit: Pixabay

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