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Home > Pet rats > Can Rats Eat Blueberries? All You Need to Know

Can Rats Eat Blueberries? All You Need to Know

Can Rats Eat_blueberries

Rats can eat many types of food that humans can eat, but not everything. For example, citrus fruits are toxic to rats and could cause kidney damage if consumed often. So, are blueberries an appropriate food for rats? This is a great question that every rat owner should learn the answer to before even considering offering blueberries to their pet. The short answer to the question is yes, rats can eat blueberries. But there is more to the story, so read on.


Why Feed Rats Blueberries?

There are many reasons to feed your rat blueberries as snacks throughout the week. First and foremost, blueberries are filled with important antioxidants that will help keep your rat happy and healthy as time goes on. In fact, studies show that blueberries can help rats avoid memory problems in old age. The antioxidants in blueberries also help fight off free radicals in a rat’s body that could damage their health as time goes on.

The micronutrients found in blueberries can even help lower blood pressure in rats that are prone to hypertensive strokes. Another benefit of blueberries is that they are full of water, which will help keep your rat hydrated when it is hot outside. Overall, blueberries can help your pet rat live a long healthy life that lasts well into old age. This is one of the most powerful fruits that you can offer your rat during meal and snack times.

rat holding a blueberry
Image By: Grace800, Shutterstock

How Many Blueberries Should Rats Eat?

Although blueberries are healthy for rats, this fruit should not be offered as their main source of calories and nutrients. At least 90% of a rat’s diet should consist of commercial rat pellets that include all the essential vitamins and minerals that they require to maintain their overall health for a lifetime. Blueberries should be offered to rats in small amounts, along with other types of fruits and vegetables, as a supplement to their pellet diet.

Too many blueberries can cause diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and nutrient deficiencies. If your rat is eating too many blueberries, they likely will not eat enough pellets and other types of food to meet their nutritional needs as time goes on. Therefore, it is a good idea to only offer two or three blueberries to your pet rat at any given time.

The blueberries can be fed to your rat as-is or mixed with other fruits and veggies during snack time. They can also be added to pellet food during mealtimes. There is no need to cut them up beforehand, but it is important to thoroughly wash them to get rid of as many residual pesticides as possible.

Other Fruits That Can Be Fed With Blueberries

Blueberries are not the only type of produce that your pet rat should eat for good health. Many different types of fruits and veggies can be offered as part of your rat’s diet for variety and health reasons. Mixing it up and offering different types of fruits and vegetables to your rat will keep them from getting bored with their meals and ensure that they eat enough to maintain their weight. Fruits and veggies that you should be offering your pet rat include:

  • Pineapple
  • Melon
  • Blackberries
  • Strawberries
  • Cherries
  • Bananas
  • Coconut
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Tomatoes
  • Cauliflower

Some rats enjoy certain fruits and veggies more than others, so if your pet does not seem interested in the type of produce that you offer, switch things up and keep offering something different until you figure out what they enjoy the most.

rat sniffing strawberries and blueberries
Image By: Grace800, Shutterstock

Human Foods a Rat Should Not Eat

Some human foods are not safe for rats and should never be offered to your pet for any reason. For example, brussels sprouts can destroy the thiamin that your rat consumes and inhibit the animal’s ability to stay healthy. Other foods that you should never feed your rat include:

  • Blue Cheese: The mold is toxic to rats.
  • Candy: Sugary snacks can cause digestion and health issues.
  • Green Bananas: They lack digestive enzymes.
  • Beet Tops: They can cause urinary and kidney infections.
  • Apple Seeds: They contain cyanide that can affect tiny rats.
  • Onions: They can make rats anemic.
  • Red Cabbage: It inhibits the ability to absorb thiamin.

If in doubt, consult with your veterinarian for expert advice and guidance before introducing new types of food to your pet rat’s diet.



Rats can eat a wide variety of human foods for good health, including tasty blueberries. You can feed your pet rat fresh or frozen blueberries, but be sure to defrost the frozen ones before offering them up at meal or snack time.

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