Catalana chickens are gorgeous birds known for being solitary, hardy, and best suited for warm climates. While these chickens may not be common in the United States, people all over the world can easily appreciate the meat and eggs of the Catalana. Read on below to learn more about this rare and intriguing chicken breed.

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Quick Facts About Catalana Chickens

Breed Name:Catalana
Place of Origin:Catalonia, Spain
Uses:Meat and Eggs
Rooster (Male) Size:8 pounds
Hen (Female) Size:6 pounds
Color:Buff, light tan buff, reddish-gold buff
Lifespan:5–8+ years
Climate Tolerance:Hot Climates
Care Level:Low to Moderate

Catalana Chicken Origins

During the second half of the 19th century, the Catalana chicken was bred in Catalonia, Spain. They were created using landrace fowls of the local area and Asian stock, possibly Cochin chickens.

In 1902 at the World’s Fair in Spain, the Catalana was introduced to the rest of the world. Shortly after, in 1949 the Catalana became a recognized breed in the US. Although they are recognized, the Catalana is still considered a rare bird in most areas but excels in Latin America.

Catalana Chicken Characteristics

These chickens are very hardy and do best when they are in hotter climates. They are good flyers that prefer roosting in higher places. Catalana chickens do not do well in total confinement. These birds prefer free-ranging and are amazing foragers when given the chance. These chickens aren’t very friendly. They will avoid contact with humans as much as possible.


Catalana chickens are considered dual-purpose birds. They are raised for both meat and eggs. Considered an average egg producer, the Catalana chicken is known for its delicious meat and decent yield. Many people raise them on small farms to provide their families with meat and eggs. Unless a large number of chickens are raised, producing enough meat and eggs for selling may be difficult.

Appearance & Varieties

Catalana chickens do not come in many colors. You’ll find them in buff, light tan buff, and reddish-golden buff. These birds have large, six-point combs which stand up on roosters and layover on hens. They also have black and green-colored tails along with horn-colored beaks. Their wattles are large and red while their toes and earlobes are white.

Population, Distribution & Habitat

Catalana chickens do best in hot climates. This could be why they are considered rare birds. They are found in abundance in South Africa but aren’t overly common in North America due to temperature restrictions.

chicken divider Are Catalana Chickens Good for Small-Scale Farming?

If you live in a warm climate and have room for them to roam, Catalana chickens are excellent for small farms. Keep in mind, however, these birds do not fare well with captivity and need free-range capabilities.

The Catalana chicken is an independent bird that does well when left on its own to forage. While they aren’t suited for cold climates, the beauty and hardiness of these chickens make them a great bird to bring to your small farm.

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Featured Image Credit: Carl Jones Photography, Shutterstock