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Home > Birds > Conure Sneezing: 5 Possible Reasons & Solutions

Conure Sneezing: 5 Possible Reasons & Solutions

sun conure parrot on the tree branch

If you have a conure and have noticed that it seems to be frequently sneezing, it’s natural to be concerned that there might be a health issue at play. If you are an inexperienced bird owner, you might not even know the best course of action if your bird gets sick. If this sounds like you, keep reading while we look at several different reasons why your conure might be sneezing and what you should do to help your bird feel better and make you more confident about treating it.

divider-birdThe 5 Reasons Your Conure Is Sneezing

1. Food Allergy

Believe it or not, one of the most common reasons your conure is sneezing is that it is allergic to its food. Your bird can also be trying to tell you it doesn’t like what you are feeding it, and the only way it knows how is by carrying on with sneezing, coughing, and hacking.

What Can I Do About It?

If the sneezing coincides with a new type of food or treats that you got for your pet, we recommend discontinuing it to see if there is any change in its behavior. It will usually take about 24 hours for the signs to go away if it’s a food allergy, but it can clear up even sooner in some cases.

golden conure eating
Image Credit: Lucas Correa Pacheco, Shutterstock

2. It’s Sensitive to Smells

Many people like to use air fresheners to improve the air quality of their homes. However, many of these fragrances use essential oils that we may find pleasing, but they can have a profound effect on your bird, causing it to sneeze and possibly triggering more serious health issues.

What Can I Do About It?

If you have any air fresheners, candles, or other fragrant items in the room with your conure, we recommend removing them, even if they have been there for a while. It can take time for the smell to bother your pet and cause a reaction.

3. Dusty Air

Dusty air can tickle your pet’s nose, causing it to sneeze. It’s not uncommon for your pet to sneeze a few times while you are housecleaning, especially when using a feather brush or vacuum cleaner, both of which can put dust into the air. Cats and dogs can also increase the dust in the air, as can cigarette smoke.

What Can I Do About It?

Dust occurs naturally, and some environments create more than others. We’re not going to give up our pets, but some sources of dust can be tough to prevent. The only way to remove dust from your home is through frequent cleaning and dusting, so it doesn’t have a chance to build up.

golden conure
Image Credit: LifetimeStock, Shutterstock

4. Dry Air

Dry air can cause more dust to enter the air, and it may also make your conure’s nose more sensitive to it. Low humidity can also cause your bird to show other signs of a cold and may even result in feathers falling out. The dry air can also dry out the nasal passages leading to a possible sinus infection.

What Can I Do About It?

You can add humidity to the air easily by using a humidifier. These devices can quickly add humidity to the room eliminating the problem. However, we recommend using a hygrometer along with it to make sure the humidity doesn’t go past 65%, which could cause other health problems for your pet.

5. Infection

Certain bacteria, like E. coli, and viruses like avian influenza can affect your bird in all types of ways and can result in sneezing. Unfortunately, bacteria can pose a serious danger to your pet, and sneezing is one of the milder signs that might show as a result of an infection.

What Can I Do About It?

We recommend taking your bird to the vet if you suspect bacteria is to blame. Your vet will usually provide you with medication to quickly clear up the infection and get your bird back to normal.

Mitred Conure
Image by bluepaints, Pixabay

divider-birdsIf I Have a Cold or the Flu, Can I Get My Bird Sick?

If you are not feeling well, you do not need to worry about your bird catching your illness. Birds are different enough from us that they usually don’t get sick from human diseases. However, we still recommend minimizing contact while you are not feeling well.

Can My Bird Make Me Sick?

Unfortunately, humans are much more susceptible to bird illnesses than they are to ours. If you come in contact with avian flu, histoplasmosis, and many other bird diseases, you could find yourself with flu-like signs, including muscle pain, fever, and chills.

divider-birdFinal Thoughts

If your conure is sneezing, it might have a cold, but there can also be several other causes, including dust, dry air, and even a food allergy. In most cases, the sneezing will stop in a few days, but if it persists, we recommend taking your bird to the vet to have it looked over to find out the cause so you can treat it correctly. The medication your doctor prescribes will usually clear up the problem in a day or two.

We hope you have enjoyed reading this guide and found it useful and informative. If we have helped you get your bird feeling better, please share this guide to why your conure is sneezing and what you can do about it on Facebook and Twitter.

Featured Image Credit by: Good Shop Background, Shutterstock

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