Duck ponds are a great way to keep your ducks happy and healthy. They provide a place for them to swim, play, and exercise. Duck ponds also help to keep your ducks cool in the summertime.

There are many different ways that you can build a duck pond. You can use a variety of materials, such as concrete, liner, plastic, metal, or even straw. Each type of material has its own advantages and disadvantages.


The 5 DIY Duck Pond Plans

1. Concrete Duck Pond by wikiHow

DIY Concrete Duck Pond
Image Credit: wikiHow

Concrete duck ponds are very durable and long-lasting. They are also very easy to clean and maintain. However, concrete duck ponds can be very expensive to build. This particular pond does require a bit of excavation and planning, but it’ll be great for your ducks when finished provided that you have the budget for it.

2. Liner Duck Pond by The Garden Spot

DIY Liner Duck Pond
Image Credit: The Garden Spot

Liner duck ponds are less expensive than concrete ponds, but they are not as durable. Liner ponds also require more maintenance than concrete ponds. The tools and supplies that you need will vary based on what you want the pond to look like. But this one uses a liner and pond rocks to cover the bottom. Then, just fill it up and your ducks are ready to go.

3. Plastic Duck Pond by TeeDiddlyDee

DIY Plastic Duck Pond
Image Credit: TeeDiddlyDee

Plastic duck ponds are the least expensive type of pond to build. They are also the easiest to clean and maintain. However, plastic duck ponds can be easily damaged by UV rays from the sun. This pond is simple and great if you only have a couple of ducks or a small amount of space. It’s also easy to drain and refill with water to keep your ducks healthy.

4. Metal Duck Pond by Digging

DIY Metal Duck Pond
Image Credit: penick

Metal duck ponds are very durable and long lasting. They are also very easy to clean and maintain, especially draining and refilling with clean water. However, metal duck ponds can be very expensive to build. This plan even shows you how to build a beautiful path around the pond as well.

5. Straw Duck Ponds by Cool Creativity

Straw duck ponds are the cheapest type of pond to build. They are also the easiest to clean and maintain. However, straw duck ponds can be easily damaged by UV rays from the sun, so you will have to replace the straw frequently. This particular pond is quite large and great if you have multiple ducks or a farm, which makes replacing the straw bales easy and convenient as well.


The 7 Basic Steps to Building a Duck Pond

The exact materials and tools you’ll need to build a duck pond depend on the type of pond you want as well as the size. However, the steps to build it are pretty much the same regardless of the type of pond that you build.

1. Gather Your Materials

Once you have chosen the type of pond that you want to build, you need to gather the materials that you will need to build it.

The following is a list of materials that you will need to build a duck pond:

  • A shovel
  • A wheelbarrow
  • A measuring tape
  • A level
  • String or twine
  • A hammer
  • Nails
  • A saw
  • A spade
  • A trowel

2. Find a Level Area

Now that you have gathered all of the materials that you need, you are ready to start building your duck pond. The first step is to find a level area in your yard where you want to build your pond. Once you have found a level spot, use the measuring tape to measure out the size of your pond.

grass with measuring tape and gloves
Image Credit: Varavin88, Shutterstock

3. Mark the Perimeter

Then, use the string or twine to mark out the perimeter of your pond. Next, use the shovel to dig a hole around the perimeter of your marked area. The hole should be about 6 inches deep.

4. Remove the Excess Dirt

After you have dug the hole, use the wheelbarrow to remove the dirt that you have dug up. Once you have removed all of the dirt, use the level to make sure that the hole is level. If it is not level, use the shovel to fix it.

5. Line the Bottom

Now that your hole is dug and level, you can start to build your pond. If you are using liner, metal, or plastic to build your pond, you will need to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to properly install it.


If you are using concrete to build your pond, mix the concrete according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Once the concrete is mixed, pour it into the hole that you have dug. Use the trowel to spread the concrete evenly around the hole.

After the concrete has been poured, use the hammer to nail the forms into place. The forms will help to hold the concrete in place while it dries. Once the forms are in place, leave the concrete to dry for 24 hours.

After the concrete has dried, you can remove the forms and start to fill your pond with water.


If you are using a plastic pond, you will need to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to properly install it. One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is with a heavy-duty tarp-type material, such as a pool or pond liner.


If you are using a straw pond, simply fill the pond with water and let it soak for 24 hours. This will help to compact the straw and make it more durable.


If you are using a metal pond, you will need to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to properly install it. If it’s a tub or a found object, you’ll want to make sure the container is cleaned and sealed water-tight to avoid leaks and water costs.

6. Fill Your Pond with Water

Once your pond is built, you can start to fill it with water. If you are using a liner, metal, or plastic pond, you will need to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to properly fill it with water.

7. Add Your Ducks

Now that your pond is built and filled with water, you can add your ducks. Ducks love to swim, so make sure that your pond is deep enough for them to swim in. You should also add some plants to your pond. Plants will help to filter the water and keep it clean for your ducks.

ducks in a pond
Image Credit: amy humphries, Unsplash



Building a duck pond is a fun and rewarding project. It will provide your ducks with a place to swim and cool off on hot days. It will also give you a place to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. Building a duck pond is a great way to add value to your home and property. So, what are you waiting for? Get started today!

Featured Image Credit: aleksandar popovski, Unsplash