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Pocket Beagle Dog Breed Guide: Info, Pictures, Traits & Care

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on April 19, 2024 by Dogster Team

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Pocket Beagle Dog Breed Guide: Info, Pictures, Traits & Care

The Pocket Beagle is a miniaturized version of the Standard Beagle, one of America’s favorite pets. Breeders can achieve the smaller version by introducing dwarfism or selectively breeding runts for several generations—although you should ensure the health of your pocket Beagle by having your breeder share health records.

Breed Overview


Up to 13 inches


15 – 18 pounds


10 – 15 years


Black and tan, red, white and tan, brown and white, lemon and white

Suitable for:

Children and adults, apartments, large homes


Gentle, friendly, family-oriented

These dogs are friendly and family-oriented, so they make great pets. If you are thinking about getting one of these dogs for your home but would like to learn more about it first, keep reading while we discuss diet, training, grooming, and more to help you make an informed decision.

High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.

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Pocket Beagle Puppies

Two-months old tricolor beagle purebred puppy
Image Credit: Joao Kermdec, Shutterstock

The problem with finding these dogs is that they are not as easy to find as pure breeds or even mixed breeds because the Pocket Beagle requires either the dwarf gene or several generations of breeding runts. If you have one of these breeders near you, the cost can be quite low. Otherwise, these dogs can get quite expensive.

When you bring home a pocket Beagle, be ready to have regular and firm training sessions. These dogs are not the most obedient for training, since it might be a challenge for them to concentrate. They’re very high-energy dogs and will likely want to run around and play.

Temperament & Intelligence of the Pocket Beagle 🧠

The Pocket Beagle is an extremely friendly dog that makes a great companion and loves to be around people. Since it is so friendly, it doesn’t like to be left alone too long, so it’s not well suited to small families that spend a lot of time at work. Even though it enjoys company, it’s wary of strangers, so it makes a great watchdog.

The Pocket Beagle has average intelligence and is smart enough to learn several tricks. It’s also inquisitive and will spend a lot of its time following you around the home as you do your daily chores.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡

The Pocket Beagle is a fantastic family pet that is well suited to large and small families. They enjoy playing with children and have plenty of energy for running and wrestling so they can have a lot of fun together, and they make fantastic companions for adults. They like to take long walks and sit on the couch with you while watching television. It enjoys riding in the car and will want to be a part of all of your family functions.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets? 🐶 😽

Yes. The Pocket Beagle gets along well with other pets. It’s never aggressive and makes instant friends with most other dog breeds, and can even get along well with cats, especially if you socialize them as a puppy. Since breeders created the Beagle primarily to hunt rabbits, these dogs might chase small animals around your yard like rabbits, chipmunks, and squirrels, and it can be difficult to prevent this behavior in some dogs.


Things to Know When Owning a Pocket Beagle:

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

Your Pocket Beagle is a high-energy dog that will require plenty of high-quality food. We recommend choosing a brand that lists real meat like chicken, beef, turkey, or lamb as the first ingredient. Avoid brands that list corn or soy first because these foods can lead to weight gain, and they won’t provide the protein your pet needs for energy and strong muscle. We also recommend choosing brands that provide your pet with real fruits and vegetables, omega fats, and probiotics to help your pet stay happy and healthy. Use dry food as often as possible because the crunching can help scrape away plaque and tartar to slow the progression of dental disease.

Exercise 🐕

The Pocket Beagle is an active dog that will require plenty of activity to stay happy and healthy. If you have children, they can be a big help in keeping your pet entertained, but if you have a smaller family, we recommend setting aside at least 30 minutes each day to take the dog for a long walk or have it chase after a ball. These dogs have a strong prey drive and will enjoy games that incorporate a rolling ball.

Training 🦮

One area that the Pocket Beagle does not do so well is in training. While these dogs are smart enough to learn several tricks, it can be challenging to keep them focused long enough to learn it, and training will become an exercise in your patience as much as the dog’s intelligence and ability. We recommend setting 5 – 10 minutes aside each day to have a training session. Holding them after a long walk can help keep them focused and holding them at a specific time will help the dog get into a routine that can make training easier. Plenty of positive reinforcement with treats and praise, when the dog does well, is also a good idea, and it’s important to remember that it can take even highly intelligent breeds weeks or months to learn a new trick.

Grooming ✂️

The Pocket Beagle is a low-maintenance dog that does not require a lot of brushing, and you should not need a professional groomer. We recommend brushing the coat about once a week to keep it free of debris. You might notice a little more fur on the carpet in the fall and spring during the shedding season, so increasing the frequency to twice per week is a good idea. These dogs also have floppy ears, so it’s important to check them frequently to ensure they are clean and dry to prevent ear infections.

We highly recommend manually brushing your pet’s teeth as frequently as possible with the pet-safe toothpaste to help slow the progression of dental disease, and you might need to trim the nails if you hear them clicking on the floor.

Health and Conditions ❤️

Minor Conditions
  • Epilepsy
  • Patellar Luxation
Serious Conditions
  • Cataracts
  • Deafness

Minor Conditions

  • Epilepsy: Epilepsy is the most common neurological disorder affecting dogs. It’s an abnormality of the brain that can cause seizures and tremors and may affect the entire dog or just a single side or part of its body. Owners will need to keep a journal detailing episodes so doctors can take the appropriate action, and though there is no known cure, many dogs will live a full life with epilepsy.
  • Patellar Luxation: Patellar luxation is a condition where the patellar ligament holding the kneecap in place stretches and allows the cap to slide. It’s quite common in smaller dog breeds like the Pocket Beagle, and it can affect the dog’s ability to support weight on the leg. Surgery is usually required to fix the ligament, so it stays in place.

Serious Conditions

  • Cataracts: A cataract is a condition that affects the eye and causes the lens to become cloudy. This cloudiness can prevent light from hitting the retina resulting in vision loss. It has many causes, but it usually comes from the parents as part of its DNA. Surgery may be required, although alternative modern methods are beginning to emerge.
  • Deafness: Unfortunately, deafness is common in the Beagle, and it’s a serious issue among breeders trying to create the smaller pocket Beagle as your pet can get it through genetics. Deafness can occur in one or both ears, and it’s usually easy to detect early in life.

Male vs Female

The female Pocket Beagle is slightly smaller than a male, and they are a little easier to train because they are not so focused on chasing rabbits and squirrels. Females like to snuggle but require more attention than the males who spend more time patrolling the property.


3 Little-Known Facts About the Pocket Beagles

1. Some people call the Pocket Beagle a Cup Beagle, Miniature Beagle, or Old English Pocket Beagle.

2. The Pocket Beagle is the rarest of the hounds because of the challenging requirements breeders have to follow to create them.

3. The tip of the tail on the Pocket Beagle is almost always white to make it easier for hunters to find them against any background.


In Conclusion

The Pocket Beagle is a great addition to any family, and it will make an especially good pet for someone with plenty of patience and time on their hands to train them properly. It gets along well with children and other pets and doesn’t require much grooming. The most difficult part of owning one of these dogs is likely finding a breeder to create one which is why the Pocket Beagle price may put people off.

Featured Image Credit: bunthaweekan anpunya, Shutterstock

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