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How Fast Can a Vizsla Run? Facts & Breed Comparison

Written by: Patricia Dickson

Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Dogster Team

Magyar Vizsla male is running towards the camera

How Fast Can a Vizsla Run? Facts & Breed Comparison


Dr. Maja Platisa Photo


Dr. Maja Platisa

DVM MRCVS (Veterinarian)

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Vizslas are medium-sized dogs that originated in Hungary and have long been known for their fast speeds. A Vizsla can reach speeds of up to 40 miles per hour, which is amazing, considering an average human can only run around 6 miles per hour.

These dogs are nearly as fast as Greyhounds, which run at speeds of 45 miles per hour. The Vizsla can run at these top speeds due to their muscular, lean, powerful body. The dog makes an excellent companion for active people, and they get along well with children since they’re loyal, loving, and very social.

We’ll tell you more about the Vizsla, how fast it can run compared to other species, and more below.

How Fast Can a Vizsla Run?

The Vizsla can reach a top speed of 40 miles per hour and was originally bred in 9th-century Hungary to be the perfect hunting dog. This resulted in a slender dog with powerful legs and great endurance.

The Vizsla’s role as a hunting dog meant they had to be fast, and that speed has stayed with the dog since the beginning; in fact, few dog breeds are faster than the Vizsla. To put into perspective just how the Vizsla is, below, we’ve compared the dog to other animals.

Vizla Running
Image By: Ivanova N,Shutterstock

The Vizsla Compared to Other Animals

  • Vizsla: top speed of 40 miles per hour
  • German Shepherd: top speed of 30 miles per hour
  • Greyhound: top speed of 45 miles per hour
  • Cheetah: top speed of 75 miles per hour
  • Arctic Wolf: top speed of 46 miles per hour
  • Tiger: top speed of 40 miles per hour
  • Human: top speed of 27.3 miles per hour (Usain Bolt)

As you can see from the chart above, the Vizsla is only 5 miles per hour slower than the fastest dog breed in the world, the Greyhound, and only 6 miles per hour than the fastest wolf breed in the world.

It’s slightly over half as fast as one of the fastest animal on land and significantly faster than humans. The fastest a human being has ever run is 27.5 miles per hour, which was accomplished by Usain Bolt in 2009, and that still pales in comparison to the average Vizsla. As you can see, the Vizsla is truly a fast dog that excels in any dog sport that requires quickness. It is also the official dog of Hungary, though they are popular almost everywhere as pets due to their friendliness and loyalty.

Final Thoughts

The Vizsla is a classic hunter that has easily adapted to the modern world and modern life. This dog makes an excellent pet, and they behave well with children. However, you do want to ensure that the dog is exercised properly and that they don’t get away from you, as it would be hard for you to catch up with them if they ran away. If you’ve been thinking of adopting a Vizsla, you’ll need a large and secure yard, plenty of energy, regular daily long walks, several hikes per week, and a durable leash and collar to ensure your pup doesn’t run away.

Featured Image Credit: Bianca Pinkernell, Shutterstock

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