Usually, a baby goat should poop at least once a day. However, some may poop far more than that. More than once a day is perfectly fine as long as the poop is normal otherwise. It simply shows that the baby is getting plenty to eat and drink. Unless the poop is abnormal (which we’ll discuss below), they can’t poop too much.

If a baby goat does not poop for 24 hours, there may be an issue. If the baby was just born, there might be a birth defect that is causing the problem. Sometimes, these can be treated with surgery. However, other times, they cannot be.

Baby goats will not poop if they are not getting enough to eat. So, if the goat isn’t pooping enough, it can be a sign that they aren’t getting enough milk. Usually, this is more of the case when the baby is nursing directly from the mother. Otherwise, you should know what it is eating.

Finally, some baby goats will suffer from constipation. There are ways to fix this, as it is very common with baby goat divider

What Does Abnormal Goat Poop Look Like?

On top of paying attention to how often your baby goat is pooping, you’ll need to pay attention to the quality. Often, the quality will determine if something is wrong with your goat—not necessarily the frequency.

Before we talk about abnormal poop, though, let’s talk about normal poop. This will change over time as the baby goat ages and their diet changes.

1. Meconium

Watery Goat Poop
Image Credit By: IhorStore, Shutterstock

Just like human babies, goats will consume some fluid before they are born. This is digested and turned into meconium. Right after birth, the baby goat will start to pass meconium, which will look nothing like adult goat poop.

This type of poop is sticky, stinky, and tar-like. It is difficult to clean and very dark. The baby goat should pass this within 24 hours. If their stools haven’t transitioned by then, it may be a sign that they aren’t eating enough.

2. Pudding Poop

We’ll call the next phase pudding poop because it, well, looks like pudding. Usually, this stool is yellow and made of thick pellet logs. This poop is also very sticky and may smell of soured milk.

It will begin right after the meconium stops and last until the goat transitions to more solids. Therefore, you can expect it to last for about the first two weeks.

3. Yellow, Grape-Like Clusters

Yellow Goat Poop
Image Credit: Anakumka, Shutterstock

Around 10 to 20 days old, your goat’s poop will resemble adult poop. However, it will be yellow instead of brown. This transition is caused by development in the digestive tract as the goat gets ready to consume less milk and more solid food.

As the goat starts eating hay, the poop will become browner. Often, there isn’t a strict transition between this stage and the next.

4. Brown Berries

Goat Poop
Image Credit: Lorena Alejandra Ledesma

In a month or a little less, your goat’s poop will look like an adult’s. Usually, this is due to the digestive tract finishing development and the goat eating more solids. As we previously stated, there isn’t a strict start and stop between this stage and the previous one. The poop will slowly move from yellow to brown.

Now that we know how their poop is supposed to develop let’s take a look at some troublesome stools that may call indicate an underlying issue.

5. Yellow and Watery

If your goat develops watery poops within 1 to 14 days after birth, it is likely due to consuming too much milk. However, it can also be caused by consuming too-rich milk, usually when using a milk replacer. Luckily, when consuming milk straight off of mom, most goats do not develop this issue.

Luckily, this is also extremely treatable. The bad news is that it must be treated quickly, or it will lead to dehydration.

To solve this issue, you need to lower the amount of milk your goat is consuming. To do this, simply reduce the amount of milk your goat is consuming at each feeding until the poop returns to normal. Of course, be sure to watch their weight to ensure they are still consuming enough.

6. Bright Yellow or Green and Watery

Sadly, either of these poop types is quite serious. Usually, it is a sign that there is seriously something wrong with your goat. However, there are a few different possibilities.

Firstly, if there is blood in the poop, it may also be enterotoxemia. This condition is caused by a bacterium. Usually, this bacterium is in the soil and doesn’t harm goats. However, if the goat already has a sensitive digestive tract, this bacterium may be opportunistic and attack them further. However, if your goat is infected with this bacterium, there is usually an underlying issue.

If this is the case, medication is needed. Usually, it is recommended to give a large dose of CD Antitoxin, as this reduces the effect of the bacteria. However, the underlying cause also needs to be dealt with.

7. Smelly, Green Diarrhea

Green Watery Goat Poop
Image Credit: LOKMAN PST, Shutterstock

Usually, this occurs between 21–30 days of age. Most of the time, it is a coccidiosis infection. (Other causes also exist, but these are rare, so most just assume it is a coccidiosis infection unless proven otherwise.) This condition is caused by a small parasite that can live in the walls of your goat’s intestines. Sadly, deworming pills usually don’t work.

Instead, it is usually recommended to treat it ASAP with antibiotics, which can remove the parasites. This infection can be dangerous, especially in babies. It can lead to dehydration or even stunted growth. Therefore, you should quickly treat your goat.

We recommend giving all goats a dose of antibiotics when they are 21 days old as this parasite’s lifespan is 21 days. Therefore, if they have the parasite, this antibiotic will wipe it out and prevent issues from occurring.

8. No Poop

Usually, this will occur shortly after birth. However, it can technically occur anytime. Sadly, there are many different causes. Figuring out which one is the cause of your goat’s issues can vary. Luckily, there are some signs to look for.

Firstly, some goats are born with a birth defect that prevents the passage of poop through the intestines. Usually, this is a cause of “mysterious death.” However, you will usually notice the absence of poop before death occurs.

Secondly, constipation can be caused for a range of reasons. This should be treated promptly, as the unpassed stool can harm your kid’s system.

Thirdly, it may be caused by your baby not eating enough. Usually, this is apparent if they are eating a milk replacer, as you’ll know how much they’re getting. However, if they are consuming milk, then you may not know how much they are eating.

new goat divider


Baby goats should poop at least once a day. However, more is not typically a huge problem. As long as your goat is pooping once a day and it looks normal, you should have nothing to worry about.

However, there are several types of troublesome poop, as well. For instance, anything overly watery can indicate a problem. No poop at all can also indicate a problem. Exactly what the poop looks like matters, as it can indicate what the underlying problem is.

Featured Image Credit: AllaMosurova, Shutterstock