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Home > Birds > How to Train Conures: 6 Expert Tips & 5 Tricks

How to Train Conures: 6 Expert Tips & 5 Tricks

colorful sun conure

If you are trying to train your conure, you might want to know just how you can accomplish this. Conures are one of the most popular parrot choices you can find on the market. People adore them for their curious personalities and spicy attitudes.

Owning a conure can be a challenge itself, and training is no exception. These parrots tend only to do what they want when they want. Convincing them that they would benefit from training can really be a doozy. But with enough patience and perseverance, it can be done.


The 6 Tips to Training Your Conure

Before you start training, you need to make sure the area is set, and the mood is right. Here are some things to keep in mind before each session:

1. Patience

Because conures are so challenging to work with, you need to have all the patience in the world when you start to train them. You have to keep in mind before you begin that the likelihood of them resisting you is pretty high.

After all, conures can be moody birds and therefore might not feel up to it whenever you’re ready. If your conure is exceptionally erratic, you might want to take a rain check for training that day. Also, try to explore other incentives.

2. Clear Distractions

If you spent any time at all around your conure, you know just how short their attention spans are. When you begin the training session, you will want the room and training area to be completely distraction-free.

That means clearing out any colorful toys, closing off any windows, and making sure it is just you and your bird. Once you have their full attention, you can get down to business.

sun conure bird on a branch
Image Credit: rutpratheep0, Pixabay

3. Utilize Positive Reinforcements

Because they are so headstrong, using negative reinforcement tactics when training is not going to reap any desired rewards. Always use positive reinforcement tactics like verbal praise and treats. Your parrot more responds much better to these things than punishments or strong, aggressive tones.

4. Make It Fun

Your conure will perform better if they don’t feel like it’s all work and no play. Make sure to use lots of voice inflection, stay upbeat, or make it seem like a game. The more you keep the energy up and the mood set, the better your bird should respond.

turquoise green cheeked conure
Image Credit: Close to Me Photography, Shutterstock

5. Repetition

As with anything else, your conure won’t understand the concept of the trick the first time around. It will take many repetitions before they’re able to perform. And keep in mind that no bird is the same, and time will be different for each one.

If you have multiple conures, some may catch on quicker than others to certain concepts. This is expected behavior, so you always have to train each bird based on its own intelligence and receptiveness.

6. Timed Sessions

Every bird has their limit, and you can keep its attention for different time frames. It’s best to keep training sessions short and sweet so that you don’t overextend them or stress them out.

A good rule of thumb is to keep training sessions set at approximately 5 minutes apiece, with a 2-minute variation. That way, you can keep them on task but not make things too complicated.

woman and her pet conure parrot
Image By: Roylee_photosunday, Shutterstock

divider-birdcageBenefits of Training

When you train your bird, that requires spending one on one time with them. As you probably can imagine, that has its perks. Let’s go over a few areas that improve when you work with your conure.

  • Bonding: When you spend time training your conure, you’re only strengthening the bond you two have together. Parrots like conures thrive on the companionship that they have with their owners. It is a significant part of care, and it will only increase the livelihood of your animals.
  • Building Trust : Conures are naturally reserved when it comes to trusting humans. The more you work with and socialize with them, the more they realize that they can trust you.
  • Improved Attitude: The more comfortable you’re conure is, the less likely they are to show aggression or attitude. If you were constantly spending time with your conure to train them, it would make it a more mannerly bird that is well-rounded and obedient. Also, the more time you spend with your bird, the more included they will feel in your everyday life. This will prevent them from being lonely, anxious, or moody.

divider-birdThe 5 Cool Tricks to Try Out When Training Your Conure

1. How to Teach Your Bird to Wave

In this video, this sweet girl explains how to get your bird to wave. Her instructions are straightforward—and she has adorable helpers to demonstrate.

2. How to Train Your Bird to Do Awesome Tricks

In this video, this bird owner shows a list of supplies you’ll need before you get started. She goes over how to do flips, toilet training, kisses, and more!

3. Coin in Bank Training

In this video, you’ll learn how to create a more frugal bird by teaching them to stash their coins. This trick involves a lot of mental stimulation, so you will definitely keep them busy.

4. How to Teach Your Bird How to Spin

This short and sweet video goes over how to teach your conure to do a basic spin. If you want them to dance for treats, this might be the trick you need to master.

5. How to Teach Your Bird to Fetch

The same instructor as the previous video teaches you how to train your bird to play fetch. She goes over the materials you need and carefully shows three steps for successful retrieval.


Popular Types of Conures

Sun Conure Orange and red
Green-Cheeked Conure Green, gray, and red
Blue Crown Conure Green with blue head
Jenday Conure Orange, red, green
Nanday Conure Blue, green, black

Factors That Play Into Training

Image By: UniqSnaps, Shutterstock

Certain aspects make it harder or easier to train your conure. Let’s explore some of the different factors.


The younger your conure is, the easier it will be to train. That is true with just about any animal on the planet. If you plan to teach your conure tricks, the sooner you can start, the better.

Don’t be discouraged if your conure is older. You can try to train them to learn tricks at any time. It’s simply more effective if you have a fresh, young mind willing to take in new information.


Conures are spirited little birds that have minds of their own. Some of them will be much calmer and easier to train than others. If you have a bird that’s a bit of a spitfire, you might have to do some major convincing to get them to cooperate.

If you have a challenging conure, it might take much longer to train one task. But you do have to be prepared in advance because it’s hard to tell exactly how long it will take for each individual.

Image By: Rutpratheep Nilpechr, Pixabay


Before you start any training, you will want to form a bond with your bird. When you first bring home your conure, chances are they’re going to be pretty shy for a while. It takes them time to warm up to their environment and all these new sights and sounds.

The more your bird trusts you and the closer you become, the more likely it will be receptive to training.



Training your conure doesn’t have to be a daunting task. The better your bond, the smoother the training experience will be. So, always have a relationship and level of trust built with your bird before starting the process.

Next, pick out a few tricks that you think are simple enough to start. Work with your bird every day, and make sure to repeat any task, and offer lots of praise for a job well done. You’ll have a regular performer in no time.

Featured Image Credit: Naypong Studio, Shutterstock

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