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Home > Cats > Lambkin Cat: Pictures, Care Guide, Temperament & Traits

Lambkin Cat: Pictures, Care Guide, Temperament & Traits

Lambkin Cat

Height 7 to 8 inches
Weight 5 to 9 pounds
Lifespan 12 to 15 years
Colors A wide variety of colors
Suitable for Families who have children and other cats, singles, seniors
Temperament Tolerant, loving, affectionate, calm, gentle

The Lambkin cat is a rare breed that’s a mix between the Munchkin Cat and a Selkirk Rex Cat. Also known as the Nanus Rex Cat, the Lambkin is an adorable animal, and you’ll certainly want to give one a forever home. This tiny Munchkin Dwarf Cat with its curly, sheep-like coat has won the hearts of animal lovers everywhere. However, the adorable looks of this cat aren’t the only unique and interesting things about it.

In this guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about the Lambkin Cat Breed. We’ll start with what you need to know before you buy one, how much a kitten will cost, the temperament and intelligence of this delightful breed, and a few little-known facts about the breed that you might not have already known.


Lambkin Kittens

Lambkin Cat Characteristics

High-energy cat will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy cats require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a cat to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train cats are more willing and skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Cats that are harder to train are usually more stubborn and will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some cat breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every cat will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds' potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some cat breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other animals. More social cats have a tendency to rub up on strangers for scratches, while less social cats shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your cat and expose them to lots of different situations.

If you want to have a Lambkin kitten, you’ll need to know a bit about the kitten’s parents first. The Munchkin cat and the Selkirk Rex are usually calm cats. You can expect your Lambkin kitten to be energetic and laid-back. In other words, the cat will be playful at times but will have no problem laying on the couch all day long if you let it. If you’re looking for a kitten that wants to be left alone to do its own thing, you may need to look elsewhere.

This is a people kitty and loves nothing more than to be with its pet parent, so expect to spend a lot of time with your furry friend, and make sure you play with them often since they are very social and extremely intelligent.


3 Little-Known Facts About the Lambkin Cat

Below are a few little-known facts about the Lambkin cat that you might not have known already.

1. Lambkins Are a Controversial Crossbreed

Many pet owners don’t know that the Lambkin cat is a bit controversial. Some experts say that the Lambkin’s short appearance is due to a genetic mutation that causes the kitten pain and many health issues. However, the cat has a long lifespan, and some owners have not experienced problems with their pets’ health.

2. The Name Nanus Rex has Special Meaning

The first half of this tiny kitty’s name is Nanus, which means dwarf in Latin. The second part of the name Rex refers to the short curly hair caused by the genetic mutation.

3. The Lambkin Cat Breed Is Extremely Rare

The Lambkin Cat is so rare that the waiting list for one through most reputable breeders is years long.

Parent breeds of Lambkin Cat
Image By: (L) Dasha Parfenova, Shutterstock | (R) Pixabay


Temperament & Intelligence of the Lambkin Cat

Just as its parents are, the Lambkin cat is very intelligent. This little fellow has a lot of love to give a pet parent that is willing to give it back. You need to be a very devoted cat lover and able to spend plenty of time playing with and cuddling your Lambkin kitten for the cat to be healthy and happy. The kitten will be happy to cuddle up on the couch with you or be just as happy to play with you when you’re ready. These cats are warm, affectionate, and love to be pampered by their family.

Make sure to keep plenty of toys around to stimulate the cat mentally and physically. One word of warning, however, don’t let the fact that your Lambkin cat has short legs fool you. These cats are proficient climbers and can make it to the top of almost anything. Make sure you have a climbing tree or cat tower available for your feline friend.

Are These Cats Good for Families?👪

The Lambkin cat’s calm and docile nature makes them the perfect pet for families with children and other pets, senior citizens, and even people who live alone. It is important to teach your children to respect the Lambkin so that no one will get injured during playtime.

While these cats are suitable for anybody, they need to be with someone who will be home with them most of the time. It is a very social breed and can suffer from separation anxiety if let alone for too long. If you’re away from the house often or don’t have time to cuddle, pet, or play with your cat, the Lambkin might not be the best choice for a pet.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets?

The Lambkin is a docile, friendly, loving cat that can get along with almost every kind of animal. As with any other situation, a lot depends on the resident pet’s temperament. If you have the Lambkin around a non-aggressive, friendly pet, they’ll get along just fine.


Things to Know When Owning a Lambkin Cat:

Now that you know everything there is to know about the Lambkin cat breed, you are probably ready to go out and put your name on the waiting list to adopt one. However, there are a few things you will need to know when owning a Lambkin cat.

Food & Diet Requirements

Like all felines, your little Lambkin is a carnivore. That means the cat needs a healthy diet filled with protein to be fit for years. There are many protein-based cat foods, but make sure that the first ingredient listed is meat. Your furry friend can eat dry or wet food, but avoid brands with preservatives, artificial flavors, and excess plant protein. When choosing a cat food, it’s best to look for one that has plenty of meat protein, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.


Even though they are tiny, Lambkins need exercise and mental stimulation, just as all cats do. Make sure you have plenty of toys and a climbing tree for your feline friend to use. Lambkins love to hide objects and seek out objects as well. You could try hiding things around the house for the cat to find as a way to exercise mentally and physically.


Most pet parents know that cats are intelligent, and the Lambkin is no exception to this rule. You can expect your furry friend to learn how to use the litter box with no problem. Many of these cats can be taught tricks and games. However, don’t expect it to perform all the time. Like most cats, the Lambkin will do what it wants and may not be in the mood for playtime when you’re ready.


Even though the Lambkin has a unique curly coat, they don’t require all that much in the way of special grooming. They have soft fur, which doesn’t matt and tangle as some cats’ fur does. You can probably get by with brushing your cat once a week and only giving it a bath when needed. In fact, your cat will probably love the attention, and brushing is an excellent source of bonding time for you and your feline pal.

Health and Conditions🏥

As with any crossbreed,  there are a few health conditions you will want to watch out for in the Lambkin. Just because your furry friend can develop these conditions doesn’t mean the cat will.

Minor Conditions
  • Gingivitis
  • Lower Urinary Tract Disease
  • Osteoarthritis
Serious Conditions
  • Lordosis
  • Dwarfism
  • Pectus Excavatum
  • Pancreatitis
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Uremia
  • Lymphosarcoma
  • Hypochondroplasia

It’s a good idea to keep regular checkups with your vet so that any problems can be discovered and dealt with ahead of time before they have a chance to get worse.

Male vs. Female

We couldn’t find any known differences between the male and female cats of the Lambkin cat breed. Unaltered cats are more likely to spray and act out, but males and females have the same temperament. It’s best to get your Lambkin cat spayed or neutered when they reach the right age. It’s better for the cat’s health and prevents you from ending up with a litter of kittens you might not want.


Final Thoughts

As you can see, the Lambkin cat breed is an adorable, friendly, loving cat. It’s best if this cat lives in a home where someone can be with it for most of the time, as it likes to socialize with its pet parents and could suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for too long.

There is a bit of a debate about whether breeders should continue producing Lambkins, but there is no concrete proof that they shouldn’t. If you want a Lambkin cat for your own, there’s a long waiting list to give one a forever home, so sign up soon.

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Featured Image Credit: (L) otsphoto, Shutterstock | (R) mdmmikle, Shutterstock

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