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Home > Rabbits > Mini Satin Rabbit: Facts, Pictures, Lifespan, Behavior & Care Guide

Mini Satin Rabbit: Facts, Pictures, Lifespan, Behavior & Care Guide

mini satin rabbit

The mini satin rabbit is a spinoff of the regular-sized breed. Until the 1980s, people were satisfied with the standard satin rabbit. However, the 1980s and 1990s saw an uptick in interest for a miniature-sized satin rabbit. Initially, this breed was only accepted if they were fully white. Today, mini satin rabbits come in a variety of colors.

These rabbits can weigh up to 5 pounds when fully grown and have compact bodies with semi-long yet luxurious hair. Their ears are semi-long and their eyes are bright, giving them a cuddly yet alert look that is hard to resist. They come in many different colors, which makes each one unique from the others. Here is what else you should know about the mini satin rabbit.


Quick Facts About the Mini Satin Rabbit

Species Name: Oryctolagus cuniculus
Family: Leporids
Care Level: Moderate
Temperature: Moderate
Temperament: Easy-going, affectionate, curious
Color Form: Various
Lifespan: 5-8 years
Size: 3-4 inches long, 3-5 pounds
Diet: Hay, grass pellets, fruits, vegetables
Minimum Tank Size: Four times the size of the rabbit
Tank Set-Up: Cage, bedding, food and water dishes, toys
Compatibility: Good with people, other rabbits, some other animals

Mini Satin Rabbit Overview

Mini satin rabbits have dense, satiny hair that is luxurious to the touch. They do shed, but very little compared to cats and dogs. These rabbits are gentle, affectionate, and curious. They enjoy playing with toys and other rabbits. They also like sitting in laps and snuggling up in dark hiding spots to take long naps.

They have stalky, compact bodies and big, vibrant personalities. The mini satin rabbit is a vocal communicator, tending to purr and squeal in excitement when their human family members come home after a long day at work or school. These rabbits are quite rare, so they are typically more expensive than their standard counterparts.

How Much Do Mini Satin Rabbits Cost?

Mini satin rabbits can cost between $50 and $150, depending on where you get one from. It is always important to work with a reputable breeder or a pet store when buying one of these rabbits. Backyard breeders may charge less for their rabbits, but they are known for cutting corners when it comes to caring for their animals, in an effort to optimize profits.

Reputable breeders put their animals before profits and make sure that each adopted pet comes with a health certificate, proper vaccinations, and sometimes even starter care kits. No matter where you get a mini satin rabbit, you should take them to your veterinarian as soon as possible after bringing them home to assess their health and create a long-term healthcare plan.


Typical Behavior & Temperament

These frisky little rabbits love to hop and play. They are curious and will nibble on just about anything in front of them, so they should always be supervised while spending time outside of their caged habitat. Mini satin rabbits are easy to potty train, similar to cats, so their habitats usually stay clean and require changing only once a week or so.

They love the company of people and other rabbits, but they do not have to live with other rabbits to thrive. These cute animals enjoy playing with toys and always look forward to exploring something new. They are easy to handle if they are picked up and held from a young age. These are smart rabbits that can be trained to do things such as come when called and even run an agility course!

Appearance & Varieties

Small and compact, the mini satin rabbit weighs in at just under 5 pounds when fully grown. Their bodies are ever so slightly elongated, but their build is stalky overall. Their little heads are round and their eyes dark yet alert. Their upright ears are usually no more than 3 inches long.

Mini satin rabbits come in a variety of different colors, including black, red, white, blue, chinchilla, copper, opal, and tortoise. They may also feature a broken pattern on their coat, which can be a combination of any color or color and white. These rabbits are raised to show by many enthusiasts because of their unique compact look and outgoing personalities.


How to Take Care of Mini Satin Rabbits

Taking care of a mini stain rabbit is easier than taking care of other types of pets, like cats and dogs. Still, they do require daily attention and care to maintain a high quality of life as they age. In addition to taking the time to play with and feed a mini satin rabbit daily, you must maintain a proper habitat setup for them to spend most of their time in. Here is what you should know.

Habitat, Tank Conditions & Setup

The mini satin rabbit’s habitat setup and conditions should be carefully monitored daily to ensure that all the animal’s needs are being met. Setting up a habitat for this type of rabbit is straightforward, but first-time owners should study the habitat requirements before investing in any supplies.

The Enclosure

This rabbit’s habitat should be made of wire so it is completely breathable. The cage should be big enough for your rabbit to comfortably hop three times from one end to the other. It should provide enough space for a litter box, food, water, and toys without crowding the floorplan.

The Bedding

The floor of a mini satin rabbit’s cage should be covered with bedding of some type to keep them comfortable and to absorb moisture and catch food particles that may fall to the ground. Pet stores and online shops offer a variety of bedding options to choose from. Shredded newspaper or paper bags and wood shavings also work well.

The Temperature

Mini satin rabbits do not do well in extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold. They should live inside if outdoor temperatures reach below 50 degrees or above 85 degrees, day or night, at any point during the year. They do not need any special heat lamps or fans to stay comfortable if temperatures are between 50 and 85 degrees.

The Lighting

Rabbits are crepuscular, which means that they are the most active during dawn and dusk. They can be interactive during the day, but they almost always sleep through the night as humans do. Therefore, they do not need any special lighting to accommodate their awake time. If they live in a room without any natural sunlight coming into it, though, a regular light should be turned on at dawn and left on until just after dusk.

What to Feed Your Mini Satin Rabbit

Mini satin rabbits eat mostly hay and grass. Pet shops sell pellets made of hay and grasses to make feeding easy. At least 70% of your rabbit’s diet should be made up of pellets or hay from bales. The rest of their daily diet should include fresh veggies, like carrots, cabbage, kale, and cauliflower. A small amount of fruit, like bananas, strawberries, and melon, can also be offered once or twice a week.

Keeping Your Mini Satin Rabbit Healthy

The best way to keep your mini satin rabbit healthy is to make sure that their habitat stays clean by cleaning it out and disinfecting it once a week, feeding them a proper daily diet, and making sure that they get plenty of exercise and companionship throughout the day. It is also important to take your rabbit to a veterinarian for regular checkups and scheduled vaccinations throughout the year.


Do Mini Satin Rabbits Get Along With Other Pets?

Mini satin rabbits are sociable creatures and get along great with other rabbits. They typically enjoy the company of humans of all ages too. When it comes to other animals, it really depends on the rabbit’s unique personality. If introduced to friendly cats, dogs, ferrets, and other animals from a young age, they will likely enjoy spending time around those animals as they age. However, owners should not be surprised if all their mini satin rabbit wants to do is run away and hide when other animals are lurking about.

Are Mini Satin Rabbits Suitable for You?

Mini satin rabbits are cute, cuddly, and fairly easy to care for, making them a great pet option for many households. However, they still require daily care and attention just like any other pet. They also require a gentle and patient hand while being interacted with.

Therefore, they may not be the best option for younger kids who are just learning to interact with animals. Overall, it is up to you and your family whether these rabbits are a suitable pet option for your household. Take the time to make a list of pros and cons with your family to help you all decide.



We love these cute little rabbits! They are unique in their looks, they love spending time around humans, and they do not take up much living space. What more could one ask for in a pet? We hope that our guide makes it easy for you to prepare to become the proud parent of a mini satin rabbit. What about these rabbits most intrigues you? Tell us your thoughts by leaving us a message in the comments section below.

Featured Image Credit: Eric Isselee, Shutterstock

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