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Home > Bearded dragons > Translucent Bearded Dragon: Facts, Pictures, Info & Care Guide

Translucent Bearded Dragon: Facts, Pictures, Info & Care Guide

Translucent Bearded Dragon

Bearded Dragons are one of the most popular reptiles kept as pets, and because of this, they have been selectively bred to create multiple color morphs. One of these color morphs is the aptly named Translucent Bearded Dragon, which have translucent scales and spikes. These unique Beardies are highly sought after by some people and can be difficult to come by. Read on for more information about the Translucent Bearded Dragon.

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Quick Facts about Translucent Bearded Dragon

Species Name: Pogona vitticeps
Common Name: Bearded Dragon
Care Level: Moderate
Lifespan: 10 – 15 years
Adult Size: 16 – 24 inches
Diet: Omnivorous
Minimum Tank Size: 4 feet x 2 feet x 2 feet
Temperature & Humidity: 75 – 85˚F (cool zone), 88 – 100˚F (basking area); 20 – 40% humidity

Do Translucent Bearded Dragon Make Good Pets?

Translucent Bearded Dragons make great pets, especially for beginners to reptile keeping. They are social and can be a lot of fun to interact with. While they do have specific husbandry needs, Bearded Dragons tend to be a little more forgiving care-wise, which is a major factor that makes them so beginner-friendly.

Translucent Bearded Dragons make extra special pets due to their unique characteristics. They do still require specific care, though. Their popularity as a starter pet often leads to improper care from well-meaning people. It is important to be ready for the commitment before bringing home a Translucent Bearded Dragon.


These Beardies are known for their dark eyes with no discernible iris and the blue eyelids that are common in many Translucent Beardies. They have scales and spikes that appear to be translucent, which often leads to them having lighter coloration than many other Bearded Dragon color morphs.

In baby Translucent Bearded Dragons, they often have blue-colored bellies. This is due to the translucent scales covering their bodies. As they age, this blue coloration on the abdomen fades.

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How to Take Care of Translucent Bearded Dragon

Habitat, Tank Conditions & Setup


Translucent Bearded Dragons require a tank that is at least 4 feet by 2 feet by 2 feet, but this is the bare minimum. Juveniles can have a smaller enclosure, but they will quickly outgrow it. The general recommendations are 20 gallons for babies, 40 gallons for juveniles, 50-75 gallons for small adults, and 75-125 gallons for large adults.


Your Translucent Bearded Dragon will need to be kept in a room that allows for regular day and night lighting cycles. A room with natural light but not in direct sunlight is a good option. They also require 12 hours of UVB light in the tank daily.

Heating (Temperature & Humidity)

Translucent Bearded Dragons need a daytime temperature of 75-85˚F and a nighttime temperature of 70-75˚F. The basking area should be kept at 88-100˚F to help maintain your Beardie’s body temperature. Humidity should be maintained between 20-40%. Inappropriate humidity levels can lead to shedding problems and respiratory infections.


There are multiple substrate options for Translucent Bearded Dragons. Tile and slate are the easiest options to keep clean, although newspaper or paper towels are also easy to keep clean. Adult Beardies can have play sand or desert sand as substrate, but this is generally not recommended for adults and is advised against for babies and juveniles due to the risk of accidental ingestion and intestinal impaction.

Tank Recommendations

Tank Type Glass, wood, PVC, mesh screening, or combination
Lighting Regular day/night natural light and UVB light 12 hours a day
Heating Basking area with heat lamp
Best Substrate Tile, slate, paper, reptile mats

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Feeding Your Translucent Bearded Dragon

Adult Translucent Bearded Dragons are mainly herbivorous and should be provided plenty of veggies daily. They can have some fruits and a couple of times per week they can be offered gut loaded insects. Calcium supplementation and a reptile multivitamin are recommended.

Juveniles require a much higher protein diet than adults. Up to 18 months of age, the diet should be approximately half proteins and half vegetables. When they are hatchlings, they should slowly have veggies introduced and proteins reduced from greater than half the diet.

Diet Summary

Green Vegetables 50 – 60% of diet
Other Vegetables and Fruits 10 – 25% of diet
Gut Loaded Insects 25 – 30% of diet
Supplements Calcium + Vitamin D, multivitamin

Keeping Your Translucent Bearded Dragon Healthy

Keeping your Translucent Beardie healthy mostly consists of providing an appropriate diet and tank environment. Create safe enrichment with different toys and provide a healthy, varied diet. Proper humidity will help reduce shedding problems. All in all, Translucent Beardies are relatively hardy reptiles with proper care.

Common Health Issues

  • Shedding difficulties
  • Mouth rot
  • Respiratory infections
  • Parasitic infections
  • Metabolic bone disease

The most common health problems seen in Translucent Bearded Dragons are shedding difficulties, mouth rot, respiratory infections, parasitic infections, and metabolic bone disease. With proper diet, tank setup, and tank cleaning and maintenance, most of these issues can be avoided.

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Translucent Bearded Dragons have the normal life expectancy of Bearded Dragons. In captivity, this is usually 10-15 years. This means that Beardies are a longer commitment than many people are aware of. They are not a short-term pet, and this should be planned for.


Beardies are not particularly difficult to breed and can start breeding as early as 8 months of age. With a healthy, low stress environment, they are often willing to breed. It is recommended to match your female to a male of a similar size, so she is not hurt by the male.

A male will breed with a female, who will then lay a clutch of eggs 4-6 weeks later. Once the eggs are laid, the female will care for them in a nest. They can also be moved to an incubator to keep them safe. It can take 50-100 days for the eggs to hatch.

Are Translucent Bearded Dragons Friendly? Our Handling Advice

Since Translucent Beardies are social reptiles, they often are comfortable being handled. However, it takes time to build up trust, so be prepared to start slowly by allowing your Beardie to get used to your presence. They should be comfortable with your hands near them before you attempt to begin picking them up.

Once your Beardie is comfortable with you, you can gently pick it up. Limit your handling to short periods of time once daily. Make sure you are only handling your Translucent Bearded Dragon in a low stress environment in which they feel safe. Don’t handle your Beardie in an area where they may become injured by small children or other pets.

Shedding & Brumation: What to Expect

Adult Beardies tend to shed every couple of months until around 18 months of age, and then only a couple of times per year. You may see the translucent scales take on a whiteish tone before a shed. Shedding can take a few days, and in a healthy environment, should not be an issue. If your Beardie is struggling to completely shed, you can increase the humidity or provide tepid water soaks. Do not pull off stuck shed.

Brumation is a semi-hibernation state that usually occurs during the cooler months of the year. During this period, your Beardie will become less active. The metabolism drops, which results in a decrease in appetite. Monitor your Beardie during this period and maintain a healthy, safe environment.

How Much Do Translucent Bearded Dragons Cost?

When purchasing a Translucent Bearded Dragon, expect to spend $500 or more. You may luck into one for less, but this specialty morph tends to be pricey. Don’t forget to account for the expense of initial setup of a tank environment.

Care Guide Summary

  • Hardy and healthy
  • Social and curious
  • Simple dietary needs
  • Require large enclosure
  • Needs time to adjust to a new environment and handling
  • Require nutrient supplementation
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Final Thoughts

Translucent Bearded Dragons can make interesting pets that are a great conversation piece. However, they do require a commitment of time and care to keep them healthy. A proper environment and diet will keep them with you for up to 15 years. This specific color morph is beautiful and unique, but these reptiles are hardy and healthy, making them great pets, even for beginners to the reptile world.

Featured Image Credit: Tenshi, Shutterstock

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