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Home > Rabbits > Velveteen Lop Rabbit: Care, Pictures, Temperament, Habitat & Traits

Velveteen Lop Rabbit: Care, Pictures, Temperament, Habitat & Traits

velveteen lop rabbit inside the cage

When you hear the words “Velveteen Lop Rabbit”, you probably immediately flash to the book The Velveteen Rabbit. However, the Velveteen Lop breed is relatively new, so it was named after the book and not vice versa. Despite not being around for long, this breed is extremely popular, and it’s easy to see why. These rabbits are cute as can be and have amazing temperaments on top of that.

If you’re going to own a Velveteen Lop, though, you’re going to need to know a few things first, and we’ve got you covered. Here’s everything to know about caring for these beautiful bunnies!

Size: Mini/Standard
Weight: 5–7 lbs
Lifespan: 5–11 years
Similar Breeds: Mini Lop, Mini Rex, Holland Lop
Suitable for: Families with children, singles
Temperament: Sweet, friendly, affectionate

The Velveteen Lop Rabbit came about because a California breeder wanted a rabbit that combined the Rex’s plush, lovely coat with a curved body type. Thus, she began breeding Mini Rexes and English Lops. Though the Velveteen Lop took almost 20 years to emerge, it certainly meets that standard. And because of the nature of its parents, the breed has a sweet, docile temperament that makes it an excellent pet.

Velveteen Lop Rabbit Breed Characteristics


Divider-rabbit2How Much Do These Rabbits Cost?

Though most people probably recognize this rabbit breed name from The Velveteen Rabbit, it’s actually a rarer breed. That means you can expect to pay quite a bit for one (compared to other rabbit breeds). Depending on the age and quality, you may end up paying from $60 to $150. It also depends on your location and which breeder you choose to purchase from (and remember, always search to find the most reputable breeders!).

You might also take a look at rabbit rescue organizations. Again, because the Velveteen Lop is rarer, you might not have any luck. But if you do find one via a rescue organization, chances are good that it will be cheaper than going through a breeder (plus, you’ll be saving a bunny’s life!).

Sites like Petfinder might also have a Velveteen Lop occasionally, but chances are slim. In most cases, you’ll end up getting your rabbit from a breeder.

Temperament & Intelligence of the Velveteen Lop Rabbit

Rabbits, in general, are fairly easygoing, but the Velveteen Lop rabbit is even more relaxed and chill than other breeds of similar size. The breed has a very mild temperament and is known for being friendly, sweet, and affectionate. They love getting attention, so you’ll want to interact with them often. And while the Velveteen Lop can be playful, for the most part, it’s quite calm and docile. They’re very social, though, so they’ll love to hang out with you!

Velveteen Lops are also intelligent, which means you can train them to do many things! Some people train their Velveteen Lops to do tricks or come when called. Others teach them to use litter boxes. You can even train these rabbits to play fetch or walk on a leash. The possibilities are endless!

Do These Rabbits Make Good Pets? 👪

This calm, friendly demeanor makes this breed an excellent pet for almost anyone. The Velveteen Lop will get along well with children, so it’s a wonderful pet for families. Although you should keep an eye on small children and pets; if a rabbit becomes scared, it might nip. And the breed is easy enough to care for that it doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or an experienced rabbit owner.

These rabbits are typically only active around dawn and dusk, though, so you’ll have a lazy, napping bunny for most of the day and evening. You could be disappointed if you and your family are looking for a super playful rabbit.

Does This Rabbit Get Along With Other Pets?

The Velveteen Lop rabbit can get along with other (rabbit-friendly) pets due to their social natures. However, it’s best to introduce your pets to one another early on and slowly, so they can become used to each other. Early socialization is always key to ensuring good relationships between all your animals.


Things to Know When Owning a Velveteen Lop Rabbit:

Now that you know more about the Velveteen Lop rabbit, it’s time to learn how to take care of one! When adopting a pet, there’s a lot to consider, such as its dietary requirements, potential health issues, and habitat needs. Take a look to find out all that and more for the Velveteen Lop!

Food & Diet Requirements 🥕  

The main thing all rabbits need when it comes to diet is clean water and fresh hay. Choose good hay, and ensure it and water are available in several locations around your home or rabbit’s habitat to encourage eating and drinking.

Hay isn’t all your Velveteen Lop will need, though. You’ll also want to provide your rabbit with a variety of vegetables (especially leafy greens!) to help it get the nutrients it requires to stay healthy.

You can sometimes add rabbit pellets to your Velveteen Lop’s diet, but the majority of their food should be hay and veggies. Treats can also be given sparingly. A few you can try out are fruits, non-green veggies, and crackers.

Keeping your rabbit’s diet appropriate is vital in helping ward off ileus!

Habitat & Hutch Requirements 🏠

The first thing to know about your Velveteen Lop rabbit’s habitat is that it needs to be indoors. These rabbits will be very susceptible to not only predators but also infections and illness if housed outdoors. Keeping this rabbit indoors is a must to help it stay healthy!

As for the rabbit’s actual habitat, these rabbits aren’t particularly picky. So long as any cage you get is at least five times the Velveteen Lop’s adult size, it should be suitable. Why so big? Well, all rabbits need the space to hop around and play. Plus, you don’t want your rabbit to feel cramped. And if you don’t want to purchase a cage, many people make their own enclosures, so you could do that.

Placing a sleeping area or hide box in your rabbit’s habitat will help it feel safer while in there, as it gives your pet a spot to go when it wants to be by itself. Also, remember to make the floor of any cage soft to avoid injuring your Velveteen Lop’s paws!

Exercise & Sleeping Needs 🐇

Though your Velveteen Lop’s enclosure will be large, you’ll still want to take them out to exercise in a larger area. Try for at least two hours a day outside their habitat for exercise, and aim to time this for the early morning or early evening since those are the times when these rabbits are most active. You should also include plenty of toys for your rabbit inside its habitat, so it can play whenever it wants.

As far as sleep goes, your rabbit will sleep mainly throughout the day. On average, rabbits get about 8 hours of sleep each day.

Training 🥎

We said earlier that the Velveteen Lop is intelligent and can be trained to do numerous things, from playing fetch to walking on a leash. Training your rabbit will take time and patience, but overall, training should be fairly simple. Treats and verbal encouragement (i.e., positive reinforcement) are key to successfully training your rabbit.

Grooming ✂️

The Velveteen Lop rabbit has short, soft hair, but it will still require at least weekly brushing (maybe a bit more). This will keep their fur clean and super silky! This isn’t the only grooming they will require, though.

One of the most significant parts of grooming for a Velveteen Lop is keeping the ears clean. This is vital since this breed’s ears are so long; this length means it’s easier for debris to collect and moisture to build up. So, keep an eye on your rabbit’s ears, and clean them as needed.

Other than that, you’ll want to keep your pet’s nails nice and trim. You might also need to give an occasional bath if your rabbit gets dirty, but don’t ever submerge your rabbit in the water while bathing! You only want to clean off the specific areas where your rabbit is dirty with warm, soapy water and a cloth.

Lifespan and Health Conditions 🏥

The Velveteen Lop rabbit can live between 5 to 11 years, so it’s a fairly hardy breed. However, there are a handful of health issues that can affect it.

Minor Conditions
  • Dental issues
  • Ear and skin mites

Serious Conditions
  • Respiratory conditions
  • Ileus

divider-rabbitpaw1Male vs Female

Male rabbits tend to make better pets for those who are first-time rabbit owners. This is because they are often more likely to interact with you while also being less territorial than females. Of course, if you don’t have your rabbit neutered, you could run into issues such as spraying and mounting.

Female rabbits are often seen as more aloof and tend to be a bit more destructive (i.e., chewing, etc.) than male rabbits. However, once a female has claimed you as their own, they’ll be quite affectionate. They are often more adventurous than males, too. Like males, having your female rabbit fixed should help lessen negative behavior.

3 Little-Known Facts About the Velveteen Lop Rabbit

Want to know even more about this rabbit breed? Here are three important facts about the Velveteen Lop rabbit!

1. They are a newer breed.

Though the idea for this breed came about in 1980, the Velveteen Lop wasn’t presented until 1999!

2. The Velveteen Lop is so popular it has its own club.

This club is the Velveteen Lop Rabbit Club of America.

3. The Velveteen Lop is not yet recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association.

The Velveteen Lop is still new and rare enough that it is not yet recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA). However, as of May 2022, the ARBA does allow them in shows, though the rabbits can not compete for Best of Breed.


Final Thoughts

The Velveteen Lop is an adorably floppy-eared bunny with a fabulous temperament. Known to be sweet, sociable, and affectionate, this breed makes wonderful pets for anyone, regardless of whether they’re a first-time rabbit owner. The Velveteen Lop breed is also intelligent, making it easy to train them to do a variety of things, which is a bonus. Overall, if you adopt one of these cute bunnies, you’re in for a treat!

Featured Image Credit By: Juli V, Shutterstock

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