The cherry egger chicken is a Rhode Island Red breed, and they are great for production purposes where they are farmed for their eggs. Whether you are a farmer looking to care for a docile and undemanding chicken breed or a chicken lover that wants to experience the joy of keeping a domesticated chicken then look no further than the cherry egger chicken. Understanding their care requirements, facts, characteristics, and traits then you can make an informed decision as to whether this chicken breed is right for you.


Quick Facts About the Cherry Egger Chicken

rhode Island Red hen out in the field looking at the camera
Image Credit: PatrickHolt, Shutterstock
Breed Name:Cherry Egger
Place of Origin:Rhode Island
Uses:Eggs, farming, pet, meat source
Cockerel (Male) Size:6 – 8 pounds
Pullet (Female) Size:7 – 8 pounds
Lifespan:5 – 10 years
Climate Tolerance:Variety
Care Level:Easy

Cherry Egger Chicken Origins

The cherry egger chicken was purely bred for its egg production abilities. They are a combination of breeds aimed at maximizing the production abilities to lay hens.

All cherry egger chickens are derived from two breeds – the crossing between Rhode Island Reds and New Hampshire breeds. These two breeds are popular and prolific egg producers, and since the cherry egger chicken is a combination of the two, it can give you a good indication as to how beneficial they are in the agricultural industry for farmers looking to make a profit selling their eggs.

In the 1930s, the Rhode Island Red chickens were top listed as the number one egg-laying breed in America. The breeders at that time sought to develop a rapidly growing bird which is why they began selective cross-breeding.


Cherry Egger Chicken Characteristics

Rhode Island red rooster standing in the grass
Image Credit: HighwayForSouls, Pixabay

Cherry egger chickens are a very hardy breed that can survive a variety of climates even the harsh northern winters. This chicken breed is adaptable, tolerant, easy to care for, and has great egg layers. They are widely known for their placid nature as both adults and chicks. They can make great pets for chicken lovers and also sustainable egg layers for farmers. The cherry egger chicken adapts well to confinement, which is beneficial if you want to raise them for farming purposes. Furthermore, they also do well when free ranged and can thrive in grassy fields where they can roam and explore their environment.

Some owners of cherry egger chickens will recommend keeping them free-roaming as they can be quite energetic and do not spend much of their time incubating their eggs. They are not overly loud and will remain independent and only rely on you for feeding and general maintenance. Overall, they are a very friendly breed of chicken, and you can interact with the hens more even once they have laid eggs.

The name ‘cherry egger’ is one of the many names for sex-linked breeds. They live for quite a long time with some owners reporting that their cherry egger is over 20 years of age, but their lifespan in general remains between 5 to 10 years. Their lifespan can be extended by following their proper care requirements and ensuring that they have a warm place to sleep at night and a grassy field to roam during the day so that the temperature changes do not shock them.

Cherry Egger Chicken Uses

The cherry egger chicken is mainly used for their eggs and rarely for their meat. They have a decent weight of up to 7 pounds which makes them a dual-purpose breed for both meat and egg production and hens can lay up to 300 eggs a year and begin laying eggs from 20 weeks old.


Cherry Egger Chicken Appearance & Varieties

Rhode Island Red
Image Credit: tshatzel, Pixabay

The plumage of cherry egger chickens depends on the quality of their genetic crossings. Most of these chickens will have a deep reddish-brown coloration while others will be a shiny deep golden brown. These are medium-sized birds that do not grow very large they have a single comb which is a dull red coloration.

The legs of the cherry egger are long and yellow but usually covered by the thick plumage which surrounds their bodies. They look like a mixture between their two ancestry breeds but grow at a faster rate and have a much stockier appearance beneath their feathers.

Cherry Egger Chicken Population, Distribution, & Habitat

Most cherry egger chickens can be found in various states of America, but they are primarily found on Rhode Island Red where they were originally bred. Since they are selective bred chickens, they are thoroughly domesticated, and you can purchase them from various online sources for cheap and you will need to purchase at least five chickens so that they each have company from their species and can feel part of a secure flock.

They have no origin habitat as they are a cross between two different egg-laying breeds, but those two breeds (Rhode Island and New Hampshire breeds) have a natural habitat of grasslands where they nest and search for food.


Are Cherry Egger Chickens Good for Small-Scale Farming?

Cherry egger chickens make a great best pick for small- and large-scale farmers looking for a friendly chicken that lays plenty of large brown eggs throughout the year. Since they have such an excellent egg production ability, you can use this to your benefit in terms of farming them for profit in the egg industry.

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Featured Image Credit: VutTH, Shutterstock