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Home > Ask A Vet > Can Bearded Dragons Eat Eggs? Our Vet Answers

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Eggs? Our Vet Answers

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Dr. Luqman Javed Photo

Written by

Dr. Luqman Javed

Veterinarian, DVM

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Bearded dragons are very popular pets. Anecdotally, they are perceived as relatively laid-back, sweet, and loving with their humans.

Like all reptiles, they do require a specific setup requirement which includes factors such as the correct temperature and humidity levels. Their diet comprises both animal-based protein and plant matter, with the composition changing according to their life stage.

Protein-rich eggs are considered a healthy addition to a human diet: in fact, we are encouraged to eat them because of the health benefits they offer, but are they safe for lizards and, specifically, bearded dragons? In brief, bearded dragons can safely consume cooked eggs in moderation.

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Health Benefits of Eggs

Chicken eggs are the most popular eggs in the world, and typically the most readily available option at grocery stores. In many parts of the world, eggs are considered the most economical option as far a complete protein is concerned (for humans).

The nutritional breakdown of an egg is as follows:

Key Nutritional Information of 1 Large Grade A Egg
  • Water: 38.1 grams (g)
  • Carbohydrates: 0.483 g
  • Fat: 5.0 g
  • Protein: 6.24 g
  • Fiber: 6.5 g
  • Calcium: 24 milligrams (mg)
  • Phosphorus: 92.6 mg

Eggs are a great source of protein and fats, and contain all the essential amino acids for bearded dragons. This makes them a fantastic source of nutrition for baby and juvenile bearded dragons, as bearded dragons of these age groups require more animal-based protein than adults in maintenance.

The protein content of eggs can be a very useful addition to an adult bearded dragon’s diet when they’re recovering from an injury or illness, as protein is required for growth, repair, and maintenance of muscles.

Bearded Dragon Lamp
Image Credit: Michael Mattner, Shutterstock

Risks of Overfeeding Eggs to Bearded Dragons

The main concern with overfeeding eggs is that they have a less than ideal ratio of calcium to phosphorus. Bearded dragons are best when the calcium content in their diet is twice as much as the phosphorus content.

However, if eggs are used as a nutritional supplement to their diet, then the ratio of calcium to phosphorus isn’t of much concern, as the overwhelming majority of their diet will consist of other foods.

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How Many Eggs Can Bearded Dragons Eat?

Because the nutritional requirements of bearded dragons change throughout their life, the amount of eggs they can eat will depend on their life stage.

General Feeding Guidelines:
  • Babies and Juveniles (under 1 year old): One egg can be incorporated into their diet once per week
  • Healthy Adults (in maintenance): Half an egg can be incorporated into their diet once per week
  • Other Life Stages (breeding, recovering from illness or injury, etc.): It is best to consult with your veterinarian to determine a suitable ratio of eggs in their diet

As a general rule, it is best to always consult your veterinarian before deciding on a meal and nutrition plan for your pet. In addition, bearded dragons should never be fed raw eggs.

How Do You Cook Eggs for Bearded Dragons?

Acceptable Preparation Guidelines
  • Hard boiled: Ensure that the egg is properly cooked, let it cool, shell it, and chop it into small and manageable pieces. Your Beardie may struggle to chew large chunks.
  • Scrambled: Scrambled eggs are also fine for your lizard. In fact, because the eggs have already been broken down to a convenient size, your Beardie may prefer this method of preparation. Scrambled eggs prepared for your pet should not contain any seasonings or additives.
  • Poached: as an alternative to boiled eggs, you can offer your bearded dragon a poached egg, however, you should “overpoach” it until the yolk hardens.
  • Omelet: an omelet (without any additives or seasonings) is also an acceptable form of egg preparation for your bearded dragon.
Freshly prepared scrambled eggs
Image Credit: Marie C Fields, Shutterstock

Can Beardies Eat Egg Shells?

Egg shells are considered a source of calcium, and can be safely incorporated into the diets of many pets. However, it’s best to avoid giving your bearded dragon egg shells because they are usually quite sharp and can cause impaction. For calcium requirements, it’s best to dust cooked eggs with reptile calcium supplements.

What Type of Eggs Can Bearded Dragons Eat?

Chicken, quail, and duck eggs are all acceptable for bearded dragons. They can also consume exotic variants of eggs that are cooked (such as ostrich eggs). It is best to purchase pasteurized eggs for your bearded dragon, regardless of which bird egg you opt for.

Bearded dragons should not be fed the eggs of other reptiles, amphibians, or insects.

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Final Thoughts

Cooked, unseasoned eggs of bird origin are not toxic for bearded dragons and can be safely incorporated into their diet as an occasional treat. Babies and juveniles are more likely to benefit from eggs in their diet, as they have a higher requirement for animal-based proteins when compared to adults.

As always, it is best to consult your exotic veterinarian if you have any doubts about your bearded dragon’s nutritional needs.

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Featured Image Credit: Karolina Grabowska, Pexels

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