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Home > Dogs > Can Dogs Eat Injera? Vet-Reviewed Health Concerns & Considerations

Can Dogs Eat Injera? Vet-Reviewed Health Concerns & Considerations

Injera food

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Dr. Ashley Darby

Veterinarian, BVSc

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There are hundreds of different foods in the world, and it is impossible to know all of which are safe for your dog. Some foods are easy to remember to avoid, like chocolate or grapes. Other foods are not so easy to keep track of. One such food is the popular Ethiopian bread injera. Is injera safe for dogs? If you don’t know the answer, you are not alone, and you will be excused for not knowing. But the answer is yes, injera is safe for dogs. Injera is a very simple food that can be eaten by dogs in most situations.


What Is Injera?

Injera is a dish native to Ethiopia and Eritrea. It is a type of fermented (sour) bread that is served alongside a plethora of dishes in these regions. Injera is extremely popular in Ethiopia and is often served in Ethiopian restaurants around the world. Injera is made from teff, which is the world’s smallest grain and gluten-free. Teff is native to Ethiopia, which is why it is used in their signature bread.

Image Credit: Thao Lan, Shutterstock

Can Dogs Eat Injera?

Yes. Dogs can eat injera. There is nothing in injera that should be harmful to dogs if it is fully cooked. Injera is a very simple food. If your dog has allergies or sensitivities to grain Injera may cause vomiting, diarrhea or itchy skin. In addition, if raw dough with yeast goes into your dog’s stomach it can react to produce ethanol which can poison your dog.

Should Dogs Eat Injera?

While dogs can technically eat injera, they shouldn’t make a habit of eating human food. Injera does not have many nutrients that dogs actually need to be healthy. As with any food, too much can lead to an upset stomach. Injera also doesn’t have the vital nutrients that dogs get from formulated dog foods. Therefore, injera is only acceptable as an occasional treat.

Border collie holding food bowl
Image Credit: Emolaev Alexander, Shutterstock


Injera Ingredients

The reason that injera is safe for dogs to eat is because it contains relatively few ingredients. Injera is made from teff flour, water, yeast, and a little salt. It is then left to ferment before being flattened and served. Injera doesn’t have a lot of spices, and it doesn’t have artificial ingredients, additives, or modern chemicals that could upset your dog’s health.

Injera Basic Ingredients:
  • Teff flour
  • Water
  • Yeast
  • Salt

Injera Health Concerns

A small amount of injera should almost always be safe. Large amounts may lead to an upset stomach. A small portion of dogs may have an allergy or intolerance to the ingredients in injera; these dogs can show signs such as vomiting, diarrhea and itchy skin. If your dog develops any of these signs they should be seen by a vet. Too much injera over time will add too many calories to your dog’s diet. Obesity is very common in our pets and may lead to joint disease, pancreatitis and other diseases, so it’s always best not to give treats in excess. You also want to make sure that the injera is not baked with any additional spices and is not being served with ingredients that could be potentially dangerous to your dog, such as onion or garlic.

onion and garlic
Image Credit: Monika, Pixabay

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Can Dogs Eat Teff Flour?

Yes. Dogs can eat teff flour. Teff is a simple grain used to create the flour used to make injera. Teff flour is not dangerous for dogs. Teff is native to Ethiopia and Eritrea. Though teff is not necessarily bad for dogs, it is also unhelpful for dogs. Teff has some protein and fiber in it, but dogs do not need to be eating large amounts of grains that are meant for human consumption. Some grain is okay, but dogs should be eating formulated dog food rather than teff or other flour or grains.




Injera is a food that is near and dear to the hearts of Ethiopian and Eritrean eaters around the world. Injera is a simple fermented bread that is a staple food from this region of the world. Injera is not harmful to dogs. Dogs can eat injera with few worries unless they have particular grain allergies. Injera is a yummy food for people, but it was not made for dogs. Dogs should stick to dog food whenever possible. 

Featured Image Credit: Artush, Shutterstock

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