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Home > Dogs > Can Dogs Eat Marzipan? Vet-Approved Facts & FAQ

Can Dogs Eat Marzipan? Vet-Approved Facts & FAQ

close up of marzipan

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Dr. Ashley Darby

Veterinarian, BVSc

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As dog parents, we love spoiling our pups, which we typically do with toys, walks, playtime, and cuddles. Also, finding them tasty treats that make them happy can make us happy in return.

So, if you’ve been enjoying a piece of marzipan and are wondering if you can share it with your dog, know that while marzipan isn’t toxic, it’s not a healthy option for dogs, so it’s not recommended.

Here, we explain why and what better treat options are available for your dog.

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What Exactly Is Marzipan?

Marzipan is typically made with just three ingredients: ground almonds, confectioners’ sugar, and egg whites. It is more popular in parts of Europe than in most other areas of the world. Various countries have traditions around marzipan, and it is traditionally dyed and shaped into little sculptures.

For example, marzipan is shaped into candy and coated with chocolate in France. In Germany, pink marzipan pigs are made specially for New Year’s Eve.

Marzipan is made by grinding blanched and skinless almonds and combining them with sugar, egg whites, and sometimes almond extract, to kick that almond flavor into high gear!

After everything is combined, it becomes a smooth and pliable dough that can be easily shaped and molded.

marzipan in and around the bowl
Image Credit: HandmadePictures, Shutterstock

Why Is Marzipan Not Good for Dogs?

Marzipan is a sweet treat, which is partly why your dog shouldn’t be given any. While almonds do have nutritional benefits for humans, marzipan isn’t healthy for dogs because it’s too high in fat and sugar.

Sweet Almonds

Almonds have nutritional benefits but are also high in fat, so if they’re consumed too often, it can lead to obesity. They can also cause upset stomach, which can lead to:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lack of appetite
  • Drinking less water
  • Lethargy
  • Dogs excessively gulping and licking at the air and their chops

There’s also the risk of a flare-up of pancreatitis, which can be quite serious if left untreated.

While Marzipan is usually made with sweet almonds which are fine it is important to remember that bitter almonds contain high levels of cyanide which can be toxic to our pets.

Image Credit: t_watanabe, Pixabay


Too much sugar in a dog’s diet can potentially lead to obesity, pancreatitis, and gastrointestinal upset. A dog’s digestive system isn’t accustomed to sugar and has difficulty processing it, and marzipan contains a large amount of sugar.

If the marzipan is made with the artificial sweetener xylitol, it’s toxic to dogs and must be avoided!

Additional Ingredients

It is possible that other ingredients are added to marzipan to make it delicious for humans but some of this could be toxic to your dog. These include chocolate, raisins, grapes and macadamia nuts.


What If Your Dog Eats Some Marzipan?

If your dog ate a little piece of plain marzipan, they will likely be fine beyond experiencing a bit of stomach upset. Marzipan is not toxic and shouldn’t cause any serious harm, especially if your dog only ate a small amount. Make sure you check for other harmful ingredients such as chocolate, xylitol, raisins, grapes or macadamia nuts.

If they ate a large amount or the marzipan had some ingredients toxic for dogs, you should ask your vet for their advice.

vet examines dog
Image Credit: SeventyFour, Shutterstock

What Human Foods Are Safe to Give as Treats?

Food high in fats, sugar, and carbohydrates isn’t recommended for dogs. You can give your dog any of the following, albeit in moderation:

  • Blueberries
  • Bell peppers
  • Carrots
  • Green beans
  • Pumpkin
  • Watermelon
  • Chicken (cooked, plain, with no seasonings)
  • Peanut butter (no added ingredients like salt, sugar or xylitol)

All these foods should be considered treats and only given to your dog in moderation. Anything that you feed your dog should be plain with no added seasonings.

Remember, certain human foods are highly toxic to dogs, such as xylitol, onions, and garlic, which are frequently used in seasonings and as ingredients in other foods.

Speak with your vet if you have any concerns about your dog’s diet and what is safe to feed them.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can Dogs Eat Almonds?

Almonds aren’t the greatest snacks for dogs. Beyond the high fat that can lead to health issues, almonds are also a choking risk or can sometimes cause an intestinal blockage.

They are frequently sold salted and seasoned with species that can include onion and garlic powder, which is also bad for dogs.

What Kinds of Almonds Are Dangerous to Dogs?

The worst almonds—for humans and dogs—are bitter almonds. These are not available in the U.S. because they are illegal to sell to consumers.

Bitter almonds have a toxin that turns into cyanide when the body breaks it down. A dog suffering from cyanide poisoning will show the following signs:

Avoid bitter almonds, and always take your dog to your vet or the closest emergency clinic if they eat something toxic.

almonds in a black bowl against dark rustic wooden background
Image Credit: kuvona, Shutterstock

Can Dogs Eat Treats Made With Almond Flour?

This is technically safe, though it depends on the other ingredients. That said, almond flour still has the high-fat issue that regular almonds have. If your dog has a small treat that contains almond flour and nothing else bad for dogs, it’s okay but not necessarily recommended.

Is Almond Milk Safe for Dogs?

A small amount of almond milk on rare occasions should be okay. However, manufactured almond milk tends to contain added sugar, which can lead to an upset stomach and weight gain over time. Almond milk tends to be less fatty compared to whole almonds, but it’s still not recommended for dogs.



Marzipan should only be eaten by humans. It isn’t toxic to dogs in most cases, but if they eat too much they can develop vomiting and diarrhea.

So, keep your marzipan out of your dog’s reach, and the same can be said for any other sugary and fatty treats. Consult your vet before you add something new to your dog’s diet, and ask for advice about healthier alternatives.

Featured Image Credit: Gayvoronskaya_Yana, Shutterstock

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