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Home > Rabbits > Can Rabbits Eat Bok Choy? Nutritional Facts & FAQ

Can Rabbits Eat Bok Choy? Nutritional Facts & FAQ

Can Rabbits Eat bok choy

Rabbits eat mostly hay, but they also enjoy a variety of vegetables supplementing their diets, including leafy greens. Bok Choy is a great choice to add to your rabbit’s diet, as it can bring in lots of nutrients and vitamins without introducing anything harmful. But Bok Choy (and all leafy greens) shouldn’t ever be a big part of your rabbit’s diet.

Keeping the portion sizes right is key to a happy, healthy rabbit.


What Is Bok Choy?

Bok Choy is a leafy green that can look a little bit like spinach. It has thick, white stems that end in a small bulb. It is from China and sometimes called Pak Choy or Pok Choy. You’ll also hear it called Chinese Cabbage, although there are other greens that can also be called Chinese cabbage. It’s a delicious, healthy food for humans and rabbits, and it’s found in many Chinese dishes and markets.

Bok choy
Image Credit: yuchinutrition, Pixabay

Bok Choy Benefits

Bok Choy has a lot of benefits for rabbits. One of the biggest benefits is its high water content. Bok Choy is 95% water, which means that it’s great for rabbits who don’t drink enough on their own. This high water content also means that it is low in calories and nutrients like calcium that many rabbits get too much of.

Bok Choy is also a great source of vitamins. Some of the most important nutrients found in Bok Choy are vitamin A, vitamin K, magnesium, and potassium. It’s also high in antioxidants. These nutrients will help keep your rabbit’s diet healthy and balanced.

Finally, Bok Choy is tasty! Many rabbits like a variety of crunchy and leafy vegetables, and Bok Choy has crunchy stems and soft leaves that rabbits love. Many rabbits also seem to enjoy the mild, slightly peppery flavor of Bok Choy. This makes it ideal for adding into your rabbit’s diet as an occasional snack.

Rabbits eating chinese cabbage
Image Credit By: Taphat Wangsereekul, Shutterstock

Bok Choy Drawbacks

Although Bok Choy has a lot of good things, it shouldn’t be a major staple food for rabbits. It is a very healthy snack, but it can’t replace the hay that should be your bunny’s main food. It is too low in calories to feed your rabbit properly. It’s also way too low in protein. It only has about 10% of the protein per serving as rabbit feed, so it won’t keep your rabbit full and healthy as a replacement for hay or feed.

The other big nutritional shortcoming is that it’s very low in fiber. Rabbits need a lot of fiber to stay healthy, so eating too much Bok Choy and not enough other foods can cause an upset stomach. If your rabbit gets loose stools after eating Bok Choy, it’s probably because it didn’t have enough fiber that day.

bok choy
Image Credit: tab62, Shutterstock

How Much Bok Choy Should I Feed?

Leafy greens like Bok Choy should make up 10% of your rabbit’s daily diet or less. Greens are great for rabbits in moderation, but too much of it will fill up their stomachs without providing real nutrition. Bok Choy also shouldn’t be the only green in your rabbit’s meals. Adding a handful of it here and there is healthier than making it the main green on a daily basis. Variety will help your rabbit be much happier and healthier than relying on only one green food, no matter how healthy.


Last Thoughts

Overall, Bok Choy is a great addition to your rabbit’s diet. It’s high in nutritional value and most rabbits find it delicious. However, Bok Choy should always be a supplement to your rabbit’s hay and pellets, not the main course. Feeding your rabbit too much Bok Choy and not enough of other foods will cause a nutritional deficiency.

Featured Image Credit: laker, Pexels

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