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Home > Hamsters > 15 DIY Hamster Hideouts You Can Make Today (With Pictures)

15 DIY Hamster Hideouts You Can Make Today (With Pictures)

Djungarian hamster is looking out from the wooden house

Since hamsters are relatively new as pets, they have retained many instincts that come from being a prey species. One of these automatic responses is hiding. Hamsters are burrowing animals. These underground structures provide critical cover, providing protection when they’re most vulnerable while they sleep.

You should replicate these features in your hamster’s cage to make them feel more secure. These animals also cache food in their burrows. Undoubtedly, you’ve noticed your pet hamster does the same thing. So, making a DIY hamster hideout is an excellent way to provide security and enrichment for your pet.


The 15 DIY Hamster Hideouts

1. Fancy Mystery Shack

Materials: Balsa wood, graph paper
Tools: Pencil, ruler, scissors, awl, box cutter, cutting board, sandpaper, painter’s tape, glue, marker, paint
Difficulty Level: Moderate

Beautiful isn’t the first word that comes to mind when thinking of a hamster hideout. Yet, that’s an apt description for this one. It’s a kid-friendly project, especially if your child wants to get creative with the design. Balsa wood is the base. It uses an interesting technique with painter’s tape and glue to keep the joints straight and add to the strength of the design.

2. Simple Hideout

Materials: Cardboard, glue, painter’s tape, hay, non-toxic paint
Tools: Pencil, Exacto knife, soup bowl, scissors, paintbrush
Difficulty Level: Easy

This hay-covered hideout is easy to make. The only challenge is ensuring even cuts of the right size so everything comes together. We love the idea of the covering. It’s both aesthetically pleasing and probably tasty for your hamster when it gets around to chewing it. The beauty exists in how easy it is to make.

3. Hamster Camper

DIY Hamster Camper
Image Credit: Instructables
Materials: Pallet, plywood, non-toxic paint, PVA glue
Tools: Sander, drill, marker, ruler, paintbrush
Difficulty Level: Advanced

If you want a theme for your hamster hideout, you can’t go wrong with this cute camper. Admittedly, it’s an advanced project only because of the tools you’ll need to complete it. However, it’s worth the time and effort since it’ll last longer than the cardboard hideouts. You can go retro and paint it with Volkswagen colors or make it yours with your own design.

4. Balloon Hideout

Materials: Twine, toilet paper roll, balloon, wood glue, scotch tape
Tools: Scissors, small saucer, paintbrush
Difficulty Level: Moderate

This balloon hideout gets props for creativity. Undoubtedly, the materials list had you scratching your head. We like this project because it’s like many we see for sale online. It’s not difficult, but it’s more time-consuming with the downtime while the glue dries. Your hamster will like the different texture it brings to its cage, though.

5. Natural-Looking Burrow

Materials: Cardboard, PVA glue, plastic wrap, paper towels, non-toxic paint, painter’s tape
Tools: Pencil, ruler, scissors, or box cutter
Difficulty Level: Moderate

This natural-looking burrow is an excellent choice if you want something that fits in with this theme and doesn’t scream out fake. This project involves more work and downtime for things to dry. However, we think it’s worth the effort for a piece that looks like it was plucked out of the woods. It includes cutting and gluing all the pieces. The magic comes from the paper mache, which adds texture.

6. Repurposed Box

Materials: Cardboard box, cardboard strips, glue, wood shavings
Tools: Scissors, box cutter, pencil, tape measure, wood plank, paintbrush
Difficulty Level: Moderate

Many products come in elaborately crafted boxes that seem a shame to waste. This project takes them to the next level with a hamster hideout. We love the idea of repurposing them for something so useful. You can create your own interior floor plan inside the box with cardboard strips to make exploring it more interesting for your hamster.

7. Popsicle Stick House

Materials: Popsicle sticks, PVA glue, string
Tools: Scissors, box cutter, sandpaper, pencil, ruler
Difficulty Level: Moderate

This DIY popsicle stick house is so cool, especially in the theme as it’s presented. Pirates and the sea couldn’t be better subjects that just have to make you smile. Popsicle sticks are an excellent building material because they’re usually the same size. That cuts down on the work. The fun part is creating the design. You can make it as elaborate as you want to fit your pet’s cage.

8. DIY Shoebox House

Materials: Shoebox, non-toxic paint
Tools: Scissors, pencil, box cutter, paintbrush
Difficulty Level: Easy

This hideout is on the other side of the spectrum with something simpler and easier to make. It’s an excellent way to repurpose shoeboxes that are often sturdy and provide a solid base. A light coating of paint gets rid of any branding and allows you to customize it for your hamster. Of course, you can take it to the next level with rooms inside the box.

9. Luxury Hamster Hideout

Materials: Wood pieces, PVA glue, metal rods, wood doll rods, nails
Tools: Pencil, ruler, miter saw, file, paintbrush, protractor, drill, hammer
Difficulty Level: Advanced

This hideout could be your hamster’s summer home or its luxurious top-of-the-line living quarters—you decide. It’s probably more advanced than most pet owners who desire. If you have the time and skill, it’s a worthwhile project, even if your hamster will chew it up over time. It has a lot of extras for enrichment, including a hamster wheel.

10. Hamster House

Materials: Wood planks, shims, chalk paint, PVA glue, doll rod, wood slats, screws, plexiglass
Tools: Ruler, pencil, paintbrush, drill
Difficulty Level: Advanced

This hamster house is enticing because it looks so cozy. This hideout can be a cage if you make it big enough. The open top ensures plenty of air circulation for a healthy living environment for your pocket pet. However, you can use the design elements of this plan and fit it to size. Depending on how complex you want it to be, it can involve a lot of cutting.

11. Pineapple House

Materials: Non-toxic paint, modeling clay, non-toxic glaze, plastic wrap
Tools: Paintbrush, clay cutter, palette knives, wire scorer
Difficulty Level: Advanced

Some hamster hideouts are more for us to admire than our pocket pets. This one is a classic example that’s still functional. It is an advanced project since you’re creating the hideout from scratch with modeling clay. That gives you the freedom to make it as you please. It will take longer to finish because of all the drying time, however.

12. Hamster Playground

Materials: Paper, newspaper, glue, flour, salt, water, cardboard boxes, paper rolls
Tools: Marker, scissors, ruler, fork, measuring cup, pot
Difficulty Level: Moderate

This hideout is more than just a place to hang out for a while. It’s a playground to explore and enjoy. You can think of it as a freestyle project. Use the supplies you have on hand to create a habitat that fits your space. You can mix things up with different-sized boxes and rolls. You can make it high or low. Anything will add interest to the finished product.

13. Hamster Habitat


Image Credit: Instructables
Materials: Paper towel or toilet paper rolls, cardboard, glue
Tools: Scissors, Exacto knife, painter’s tape, pencil
Difficulty Level: Easy

It doesn’t get much easier than making this hamster habitat. Your pocket pet will love the chance to burrow through the tubes. You can make it as simple or complex as you like. We’d suggest borrowing an idea from our second selection and covering the completed work with hay for a natural look. The plain cardboard seems too boring.

14. Hamster House

Materials: Cardboard, glue, painter’s tape, hay, non-toxic paint, pine cone with seeds removed (optional)
Tools: Pencil, Exacto knife, scissors, paintbrush, clothespin, book
Difficulty Level: Easy

This hideout is a riff on our second option, with some more details added. It is square like a house instead of round like the other one. Cutting plays a big role in its design and stability. This one uses a clothespin instead of just painter’s tape to hold the pieces in place. A book also comes in handy when gluing down the roof. The DIYer uses a pinecone to create shingles, which is a fun addition.

15. Cheap Cardboard Hideout

Materials: Cardboard pieces
Tools: Box cutter or scissors, ruler, pencil
Difficulty Level: Easy

This project couldn’t be simpler. It’s something your kids can make to get them more involved with their pet’s care. The great thing about it is you don’t need glue to put it together. Instead, you cut slits into the pieces to provide a rigid structure that works even better. You don’t have to follow a set plan, either. You can use what cardboard you have lying around the house. You can also replace it when done in a snap.


Final Thoughts

DIY hamster hideouts offer an excellent way to provide necessary enrichment for your pocket pet. You can go as simple or elaborate as you want. The best thing about them is they minimize the costs. You can also replace it after your hamster has messed it up a bit, which is inevitable.

Featured Image Credit: IRINA ORLOVA, Shutterstock

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