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Home > Birds > 17 Fascinating & Fun Parakeet Facts You Never Knew

17 Fascinating & Fun Parakeet Facts You Never Knew

close up Moustached Parakee

Parakeets are one of the most popular pets in the United States, behind cats and dogs because they make wonderful pets. Most parakeets have long lifespans, few health problems, colorful feathers, only require a small cage and enjoy being around people. If you are thinking about getting a parakeet or two for your home but would like to learn more about them first, keep reading while we list several fascinating and fun facts that we think will help convince you to get one.

divider-birdThe 17 Facts About Parakeets

1. Parakeets Are Monogamous

The first fact that many people find interesting is that parakeets are monogamous, and once they find a mate, they stay with them for their entire lives. Because these birds enjoy spending their whole lives with a mate, most owners recommend purchasing them in pairs.

2. There Are Several Kinds of Parakeet

There are currently 16 different species of parakeet that you can keep as a pet, and breeders can mix some to create even more varieties. Each kind has unique qualities and colors, so you are sure to find something you like. The most common ones in America include the Budgerigar, Lutino Budgie, and Opaline Budgie.

cockatiel and parakeets in cage
Image By: Stanislavskyi, Shutterstock

3. Two Color Groups

You can separate most parakeets into two groups based on color. The blue group is the first and is so named because the parakeets are predominantly blue with white feathers. Next, we have the green group named because the birds usually have green and yellow feathers.

4. Parakeets have a Long Lifespan

Parakeets usually live close to 10 years, but some can reach 15 years if you keep them away from drafts and stressful environments.

5. Some Parakeets Can Talk

If you spend enough time with them and start early, some parakeets will be able to mimic some of your words and will use the skill to get your attention frequently.

african ring necked parakeet
Image Credit: sac_9977, Pixabay

6. Parakeets Have Complex Body Language

You can learn a lot about your parakeet by getting to know its body language. After a few weeks, you will become familiar with the way your bird looks when it is comfortable and relaxed. However, add another bird or mirror that gets it upset, and it will be easy to notice the new way your pet is holding its wings, so the feathers are slightly ruffled, making your pet look larger.

Body language doesn’t only convey anger, either. If you watch closely, you will notice that your bird squats slightly shortly before it poops. Learning this body language will help you put the bird down in time if you are holding it.

7. Parakeets Get Human Illnesses

Your parakeet won’t catch your cold or other illnesses, but it will face many of the same problems. Your parakeet can come down with a bird version of anemia, asthma, bronchitis, and diabetes. Parakeets will even suffer from depression in not getting enough attention and are without cage mates.

8. Parakeets Have Feelings

We mentioned earlier that parakeets are monogamous and choose a single mate for life. They also tend to show signs of depression if one of them becomes sick or dies. This depression can last several weeks, and they may refuse to eat during this time. Sometimes purchasing a new parakeet can help, but your pet is just as likely to reject it.

Two Caroline Parakeet_Wirestock Creators_Shutterstock
Image Credit: Wirestock Creators, Shutterstock

9. A Bird of Many Names

Melopsittacus undulatus is the scientific name of your parakeet, and the word parakeet is French for “parrot”. Other experts argue that parakeet mean’s “long tail”.

10. Parakeets Don’t Build Nests

Wild parakeets prefer to lie in hollow trees rather than build a nest.

11. A Parakeets Feet Reflect Its Health

You can get a clue about your bird’s health by looking at its feet. Scale feet are often a sign of a nutritional deficiency, and it can also reveal a parasitic infection.

vet. examining parakeet
Image Credit: New Africa, Shutterstock

12. A Parakeet Beak Reveals Its Gender

You can easily determine the gender of your bird by looking at its beak. A male parakeet will have a blue cere right above the beak, while a females cere will be brown.

13. Parakeets Can Talk

Some parakeets can talk and are capable of learning an extensive vocabulary. The Guinness World Record for the largest vocabulary belongs to a parakeet named Puck, who knew more than 1,700 words.

14. Parakeets Are Trainable

Parakeets are extremely intelligent and are capable of learning new tricks quickly.

Moustached Parakee
Image Credit: Perry Correll, Shutterstock

15. Your Parakeets Beak Is Continuously Growing

The beak of your parakeet will continuously grow, and it can quickly get out of hand. To help our bird manage its beak, we highly recommend placing several wooden toys inside along with a cuttlebone which can help wear down the beak even faster while providing your bird with calcium.

16.  Parakeets Like Baths

Your parakeet will enjoy taking baths. However, it prefers to bathe in private, so you will need to supply it with a shallow bowl of lukewarm water that it can use at its leisure. You will also need to change the water every day or two to help convince them to bathe.

17.  Parakeets Frequently Regurgitate Their Food

The more time you spend with your bird, the more likely you are to notice its strange behavior of regurgitating its good. Parakeets often do this to feed chicks as they hatch, and it’s a natural behavior that it will display to those it considers a member of its family. While it’s not uncommon for your pet to attempt to feed your finger with the food, doing so frequently can be a sign that your pet is becoming too close to you. Overly bonded pets will become extremely protective, and they might even try to attack other birds or family members it feels are coming between you.

Quaker Parakeet
Image Credit: Jean van der Meulen, Pixabay

divider-birdFinal Thoughts

Parakeets are fascinating animals that make wonderful pets for children and adults. They are easy to raise, only require a small cage, and can learn how to talk. It will also mimic other sounds besides your voice, especially sounds that cause you to move through the home, like the doorbell. These birds are relatively healthy with long lifespans but are happiest when there is one male and one female for companionship.

We hope you have enjoyed reading over this list and learned some new facts. If we have convinced you to get one of these pets for your home, please share these 17 fascinating and fun parakeet facts on Facebook and Twitter.

Featured Image Credit: Diha Bali, Shutterstock

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