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Home > Dogs > The Blissful Dog No H2O Spray Pet Shampoo Review 2024: Our Expert’s Opinion

The Blissful Dog No H2O Spray Pet Shampoo Review 2024: Our Expert’s Opinion

The Blissful Dog No H2O Spray Pet Shampoo

Our Final Verdict

We give The Blissful Dog No H2O Spray Pet Shampoo a rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars.

Effectiveness: 4.6/5
Scent: 4.8/5
Ingredients: 4.9/5
Value: 4.9/5

For most pet owners, the trickiest part of owning a pet is grooming them. Have a dog that needs to sit still so you can brush them? They’re wiggling away. Trying to clip their nails or brush their teeth? They think it’s terrifying. Need to dunk your dog in a bathtub full of water? Absolute torture!

Bath time can be the hardest task to accomplish with a dog, especially ones that are already nervous, older, or just hate getting wet. If you can’t get your dog in your tub at home but don’t want to drag them to the groomers every time they roll in something outside, The Blissful Dog’s No H2O Spray was made for you!


About The Blissful Dog

The Blissful Dog No H2O Spray Pet Shampoo - elo and the product

The Blissful Dog was started by Kathy Dannel Vitcak who, for over twenty years, bred and showed Top Winning French Bulldogs. When there was nothing available to be used to moisturize the Frenchie’s noses, Kathy took matters into her own hands. She began with Nose Butter, then expanded to more dog products like Paw Butter, Boo Boo Butter, and more!

Every tin, tube, whatever container their products come in, is still individually handcrafted by one of The Blissful Dog team members. The Blissful Dog knows our dogs are so important and make sure to put the same amount of care into every product to help every dog’s health and well-being. They are dedicated to “helping your dog look and feel their best… physically, emotionally, and mentally”.

What Is No H2O Spray Pet Shampoo?

No H2O Spray is a spray product made by The Blissful Dog that is exactly what it sounds like! It is designed to simplify bath time and even remove the bathtub aspect from the experience. It is essentially a “waterless shampoo” to be sprayed on your dog, rubbed in, and used to freshen them back up in between proper baths. This product isn’t meant to fully take the place of baths but to lengthen the time in between and help de-stink your dog. Since there’s no bathtub or water involved, this product is easy to use and great for messy puppies, nervous dogs, senior dogs, or any dog that just hates getting a bath.

The spray includes ingredients such as water, a mild coconut-derived cleanser, aloe, citric acid, and some fragrance. It is a non-drying formula that is also irritation and alcohol-free, with a scent of “soft mimosa”.



The Blissful Dog offers several sizes of their No H2O Spray so that whether you’re just trying it out, or need a jug of it in your household, they’ve got you covered. The 4 oz bottle is priced at $11.95, the 8 oz bottle at 17.95, the 16 oz bottle at 27.95, and the gallon at 72.95. It’s good to note that the Blissful Dog does have free shipping within the USA and free priority shipping for orders over $50 in the USA.


When I received my package from The Blissful Dog, I was pleasantly surprised to see the contents! It had my bottle of No H2O Spray, but also a special Blissful Dog bath towel for me to use. I hadn’t seen any images of a towel in the product imagery on the website, so it was a fun surprise. The towel is super cute with their logo on it, so you don’t mix up which towels are for your face and which are for your dog. It also contained a little packet with more information on The Blissful Dog and a thank you notecard, which I always think is such a sweet touch.

How To Use

The Blissful Dog’s No H2O Spray Pet Shampoo is so easy to use! You simply give your bottle a little shake, and spray down your dog’s spine. Go from the back of the neck, all the way down to the base of the tail to spray the length of your furry friend. Then rub the product in a little bit with your hands, or with a towel. You can also apply the product to the towel first and go over their coat that way if preferred.

The Blissful Dog No H2O Spray Pet Shampoo - elo getting wiped with the product


The Blissful Dog wants to leave all customers happy and ecstatic with their order. If you are displeased with your order, they want to make it right! They accept returns and exchanges and will work with you to make you happy and therefore offer an unlimited 90-day return policy.

In Summary

  • No tub involved
  • Quick and easy spray application
  • Good smell
  • No stress for people or dogs
  • Gallon option needs to be transferred into a spray bottle



One of the best parts of The Blissful Dog’s No H2O Spray Pet Shampoo is that it has a short ingredient list of “all-natural good stuff”, as they say. All the ingredients are listed on their website. The list includes water, mild coconut-derived cleanser, aloe, citric acid, a soft fragrance, and a few more. This is a product with fewer ingredients in it and better ingredients for your pup.

Quick and Easy

The Blissful Dog’s No H2O Spray is great because it is incredibly quick and easy to use. You simply spray down your dog’s back and rub the product in. Even the most uncooperative dogs could probably handle this spray for the few seconds it takes to apply! With a few treats as well, it would be super easy to practice some cooperative care and even get your dog to enjoy the spray bottle coming out.


Is The No H2O Spray Pet Shampoo a Good Value?

Waterless shampoos for dogs come in quite a range, from several being priced at $8, to more options being priced around the $22 range (when looking at 8-ounce bottles). The Blissful Dog’s No H2O Spray Pet Shampoo falls in-between, at $17.95. There are cheaper options that can be found than the one from The Blissful Dog, but with the small company attention the No H2O Shampoo gets, I feel more comfortable using it on my dog. Plus, a little of it goes a long way.

The Blissful Dog No H2O Spray Pet Shampoo - product and elo



What is No H2O Spray Pet Shampoo?

No H2O shampoo is a waterless shampoo. It’s designed to make bath time easy because there’s no bath! The No H2O Shampoo is a spray you can use to freshen up your pup.

How do I use the shampoo?

That’s easy! Since it’s a No H2O shampoo, there’s no need to try to wrangle your pup into a bath or even get them wet. All you need to do is spray the shampoo on, and towel them off…kind of like a dry shampoo a person would use! Spray your dog from the back of their neck, down their spine. Then, tousle the spray into the coat with your hands. Just make sure to avoid their eyes and take extra care by applying with a towel or paper towel if you are cleaning your pup’s face!

What’s in the No H2O Spray Pet Shampoo?

The Blissful Dog has the ingredients in the product listed out. The shampoo includes water, a mild coconut cleanser, aloe, a slight fragrance, and a few more ingredients. Always good to know what you’re putting on your furry friend!

The Blissful Dog No H2O Spray Pet Shampoo - spraying the shampoo on towel


Our Experience With The Blissful Dog’s No H2O Shampoo

I know in my house, baths are pretty much out of the question when it comes to my nervous pup, Elo. It was such a miserable experience to pick him up and force him into a tub of water that he was clearly terrified of. Once he was in the bathtub, he would be scrambling around the whole time, trying to jump out. It was a two-person job, one person holding him, and the other trying to shampoo and wash him as fast as humanly possible. Without fail, this always resulted in everyone getting completely soaked and the humans getting some accidental scratches from panicked claws that were thrashing about.

Since my dog is a rescue, he’s pretty anxious and probably wasn’t exposed to things like baths. Because of that lack of exposure, everything bath and grooming-related is a bit more difficult. Since I don’t want to traumatize him by forcing him into the bathtub, he is typically taken to a groomer at our vet’s office so he can be helped by a professional. However, he doesn’t go very often since he still hates getting bathed and going to the groomers. So, when I started hearing about waterless shampoos, I was super interested to learn more!

The Blissful Dog caught my attention with how easy and fast their spray sounded to apply, and when my No H2O Spray box came, I had to try it out right away. Since I know Elo is startled by even the smallest of new things, I thought the sound of the bottle spritzing onto him might spook him away. Instead of spraying it directly onto him, I took a few steps away, sprayed my Blissful Dog towel, and ran that over his coat as if I were just giving him back scratches. I also used the corner of the towel to clean off his face, being very careful to avoid his eyes, mouth, and nose. Elo had no problem letting the towel rub the product into his fur to clean him up.

I’ve used this spray a few times after long days in the backyard sniffing, playdates, and trail walks. I love how hassle-free this spray is; there’s no stress for me or for my dog. The application is super fast and can be done in less than five minutes. And at the end of the application, I was still dry and had a freshened-up pup who was happy and wagging instead of running away from me.

The Blissful Dog No H2O Spray Pet Shampoo - wiping elo with shampoo on towel



Overall, The Blissful Dog’s No H2O Spray Pet Shampoo was a hit. This product is a game-changer for wiggly puppies, senior dogs, nervous pups, or any dog who hates bath time. It only takes a couple of minutes and a few sprays down their spine to apply the No H2O shampoo. The spray definitely helps to lengthen the time that pups can go between baths and would help clean up and de-stink any dog!

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