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Home > Dogs > Can Dogs Eat Bran Flakes? Vet-Reviewed Benefits & FAQ

Can Dogs Eat Bran Flakes? Vet-Reviewed Benefits & FAQ

pile of bran flakes isolated on white background

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Dr. Ashley Darby Photo

Reviewed & Fact-Checked By

Dr. Ashley Darby

Veterinarian, BVSc

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Bran flakes are a fibrous breakfast cereal made from the hard external layer of a wheat kernel, also known as the bran. Bran is mostly wheat and most dogs will tolerate this well, although some dogs have a wheat allergy or intolerance.

Dogs can eat bran flakes, but there are some things you should consider before giving your pup any. Read on to learn more.


Are Bran Flakes Safe for Dogs?

Dogs can eat bran flakes in moderation, but there are some caveats. You shouldn’t feed your pup bran flakes that contain additives or sugar. They also shouldn’t eat bran flakes if they have raisins, as raisins are toxic for dogs.

It’s important to know that while bran flakes provide wholesome nutrition, they cannot fulfill your pup’s nutritional requirements alone. If you choose to give them to your dog, use them as an occasional treat or a supplement to an existing healthy and wholesome diet.

golden retriever eating dog food from metal bowl
Image Credit: LightField Studios, Shutterstock

divider-dog paw

Are Bran Flakes Healthy?

Bran flakes are ok for dogs, provided they’re offered in small quantities. Adding large amounts of bran flakes to the diet will either lead to weight gain or, if you are offering bran flakes instead of a balanced pet food, take away from their other nutrient requirements such as protein.

High in Fiber

Because they’re made of whole grain cereals, bran flakes are a source of natural fiber for your pup.

Fiber is a carbohydrate that is important to your dog’s gastrointestinal health. It promotes colon health and helps your pup maintain a healthy gut. It can produce healthy bowel movements and can be useful in relieving constipation and diarrhea. High-fiber diets also promote feelings of fullness for longer, so they’re great for weight loss.

wheat bran breakfast cereal with no milk in a bowl
Image Credit: Moving Moment, Shutterstock

High in B-Vitamins

Bran is naturally high in B vitamins, a group of essential vitamins that are great for your dog’s overall health.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is essential for brain health and is used for carbohydrate metabolism. Dogs not getting enough thiamine may exhibit signs such as lack of appetite, weight loss, and gastrointestinal upset. As the deficiency progresses, dogs may show neurological signs such as weakness, seizures and heart problems.

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) helps with red blood cells and neurological functions, including brain and heart health. Dogs without enough B12 may suffer from a lack of energy, poor coat quality, and coat loss.


A 100-gram serving of bran flakes contains almost 10 grams of protein 1. Protein is an essential macronutrient that your dog needs for their body to function properly. It contributes to coat and skin health, muscle development, and tissue repair.

Labrador Retriever dog standing on the lawn
Image Credit: Radomir Rezny, Shutterstock

Source of Magnesium

Magnesium is necessary for maintaining normal nerve and muscle function. It also promotes a healthy immune system and helps keep your pup’s bones strong and healthy.


How to Serve Bran Flakes to Dogs

Bran flakes, as with any new food, should be introduced into your pup’s diet gradually. Choose plain and unsweetened bran flakes. Never give any to your pup that contains fruit, added sugar, or sweeteners. Offer them as occasional snacks or training treats.


Final Thoughts

Bran flakes are a supplemental source of fiber and nutrients your pup needs to thrive. You should never give your dog bran flakes with added sugars, sweeteners, or ingredients like raisins. As with all new foods, introduce them slowly to prevent gastrointestinal upset, and watch your dog for any signs of tummy upset after adding this high-fiber food to his diet.

Remember, bran flakes should be used as a treat or supplement to a healthy and wholesome canine diet.

Featured Image Credit: Diana Taliun, Shutterstock

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