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Home > Hamsters > Can Hamsters Eat Cucumbers? Facts & FAQ

Can Hamsters Eat Cucumbers? Facts & FAQ

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Hamsters are cute little creatures that make excellent pets for households of all types. They like to be handled and interact with their human family members. They eat an omnivorous diet made up of fruits, vegetables, and ideally, insects. While they can be fed commercial food in place of the insects, any fruits and vegetables should be fed fresh and straight from the kitchen.

When it comes to the types of veggies that hamsters eat, you may be wondering whether they can eat cucumbers. The short answer is yes, cucumbers make a great addition to any hamster’s diet. Here is everything you need to know about feeding cucumbers to hamsters.divider-hamster

Are Cucumbers Good for Hamsters?

The bulk of a cucumber is made up of water, which can help keep your hamster hydrated. Past this, there isn’t anything remarkable about the nutritional value of cucumbers, especially when you factor in how small a portion your hamster eats (cucumbers should only be used as an occasional treat).

Please note that a hamster may not accept cucumber as a food item, especially if they aren’t used to it.

gray hamster is eating a cucumber from a girl's hand near his house
Image Credit: Irennikia, Shutterstock

The Risks of Feeding Cucumbers to Hamsters

While cucumbers are a safe treat for hamsters, there are a couple of risks that should be considered before cucumbers are offered to your hamster for the first time. One consideration to make is that hamsters are small and cannot eat much cucumber to benefit from the nutrients. If too much cucumber is offered to a hamster in one sitting, it could lead to an upset stomach, which often manifests itself in the form of diarrhea.

Another risk with cucumbers is the natural eating habits of a hamster. Hamsters are known to hoard food, and therefore, your hamster might take the cucumber piece into their favorite burrow or den, where it will eventually spoil, leading to bacterial contamination, which could potentially make your pet unwell.

Likewise, hamsters are known to stuff food into their cheeks before they transport it. Fruits or fresh vegetables can, at times, become stuck in their cheek pouches. Their cheek pouches, though large, do not have any salivary glands, and therefore, a non-dry food item might get trapped within them. This can lead to a condition known as cheek impaction, which requires veterinary intervention.

cucumber slice in isolated background
Image By: PixaHub, Shutterstock


Cucumber Feeding Tips, Tricks, & Ideas

Your hamster does not need more than a slice or two of cucumber once a week at most. Simply give your furry pet a thin slice of cucumber to munch on, as they’re more likely to accept foods they can hold in their paws and manipulate. However, there are a few fun and interactive ways to hand out cucumbers.

  • Hollow Out a Cucumber: Cut a cucumber in half, and then scoop most of the pulp from the inside of one half. Let your hamster use the hollowed cucumber as a snack tunnel for a while, making sure that the entire half a cucumber does not get eaten.
  • Make Cucumber Balls:Cut a cucumber in half, and use a melon ball scooper to scrap a ball of flesh out from between the skin. The cucumber ball can serve as both a toy and a snack that will keep your hamster busy while in their habitat. However, not all hamsters might accept cucumbers in this form.


Final Thoughts

It is safe to feed your hamster some cucumber occasionally. However, your hamster will not lose out on a lot if you choose to feed them, a common trend with other types of fruits and vegetables instead.

It is important to note that you should always discuss your hamster’s nutritional requirements with your exotic veterinarian to ensure that they are being fed a diet that is appropriate for them for their current age, health status, and life stage.

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: monika1607, Pixabay

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