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Home > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Teacup Dachshund: Facts, Origin & History (With Pictures)

Teacup Dachshund: Facts, Origin & History (With Pictures)

a teacup dachshund dog lying on the floor

The adorable Teacup Dachshund stays puppy sized their entire lives. These tiny dogs have boundless energy, and they’re the smallest Dachshund breed in the world. But there’s more to this dog than just their cuteness.

Breed Overview


14 – 19 inches (standard); 12-15 inches (miniature)


16 – 32 pounds (standard); under 11 pounds (miniature)


12 – 16 years


Solid red, black, and tan, red and tan, merle

Suitable for:

Families with older children


Devoted, playful, curious

Teacup Dachshund Characteristics

High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.


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The Earliest Records of Teacup Dachshunds in History

When it comes to dog breeds, the Teacup Dachshund is fairly new. Standard- and miniature-sized Dachshunds were bred as hunting dogs, but the Teacup Dachshund was bred to be a domestic pet.

The breed has been artificially created by breeders in several ways:
  • Labeling runts of Dachshund litters as “Teacup Dachshunds”
  • Purposely feeding puppies less to produce smaller pups
  • Repeatedly breeding runt-sized dogs
  • Targeting the genes for dwarfism
  • Crossbreeding miniature Dachshunds with other toy breed dogs

Some of these breeding practices are considered unethical, but not all Teacup Dachshund breeders engage in these practices. Many simply select parent dogs that were smaller than average and continue to breed them. Since the gene for dwarfism is already prevalent in miniature Dachshunds, it is easy to capitalize on this by breeding animals that are smaller than average miniatures to create toy-sized dogs.

How Teacup Dachshunds Gained Popularity

The Teacup Dachshund was bred to capitalize on the increasing popularity of tiny dogs. While many people dream of owning a dog, they may not have the time or ability to exercise them regularly, so toy breeds with lower exercise demands have become extremely popular. Standard-sized Dachshunds require a great deal of exercise, so many people like the idea that Teacup Dachshunds don’t need as much exercise as their larger counterparts.

These tiny dogs also don’t require much space, so they’re perfect companions for inner-city living or those who live in apartments. Since their energy requirements are lower as well, these dogs aren’t as expensive to feed as bigger breeds.

Formal Recognition of Teacup Dachshunds

The Teacup Dachshund isn’t officially a breed. The American Kennel Club doesn’t recognize them as a distinct breed, and they’re considered a “designer dog.”

However, the American Kennel Club, World Canine Federation, and United Kennel Club all recognize Miniature Dachshunds as an official breed. Assuming that a Teacup Dachshund is obtained from a reputable breeder with parents that are registered, a Teacup Dachshund can be officially recognized as a Miniature Dachshund.


Top 10 Unique Facts About the Teacup Dachshund

1. The Teacup Dachshunds weigh under 8 pounds

While Miniature Dachshunds are under 11 pounds.

2. Teacup Dachshunds have three different coat types

These are Longhaired, Smooth haired, and Wirehaired.

Dog puppy dachshund sitting in bathtub with yellow plastic duck on her head and looks up
Image By: Masarik, Shutterstock

3. Dachshunds were originally bred for badger and wild boar hunting

Miniature Dachshunds were bred to hunt smaller game, like rabbits.

4. The breed existed long before the “wiener” or hot dog

Dachshunds are often referred to as “wiener dogs”, in fact, the original name for the hot dog was Dachshund sausage. While it was later shortened, the hot dog was named after the Dachshund, not the other way around.

5. During World War I, Dachshunds were used extensively by the German Kaiser in propaganda posters

It affected how people in America viewed the dog breed, so they were temporarily rebranded as the “Badger Dog” by the American Kennel Club. Some places also referred to them as “liberty dogs.”

Image Credit: Pixabay

6. The first canine Olympic mascot was a Dachshund named Waldi

He was the official mascot of the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, Germany. The marathon route was even based on the shape of a Dachshund.

7. Dachshund races have been popular in Australia since the 1970s

They have taken place in Southern California since 1995. The California race is called the Wienerschnitzel Weiner Nationals.

8. 3 of 23 dogs that have held the Guinness World Record for the longest-living canine have been Dachshunds

Chanel held the record in 2009 for living to age 21, while Otto held it in 2010 and lived to the age of 20. A Dachshund named Scolly lived to be 20 in 2013 and held the title too.

Black furry dachshund puppy climbing up on a stair
Image Credit: at.rma, Shutterstock

9. The first ever cloned canine in the United Kingdom was a Dachshund named Winnie

The clone was named Mini-Winnie. The dog is alive and well to this day. Mini-Winnie produced a healthy litter of her own puppies in 2018.

10. Dachshunds are the 10th most popular dog breed in the United States


Does the Teacup Dachshund Make a Good Pet?

Despite their size, Teacup Dachshunds have remarkably similar personalities to standard-sized Dachshunds. While they aren’t quite as high energy as their larger counterparts, they are known for their courageous, curious, adventurous nature. They instinctively have a high prey drive that drives them to run, chase, and dig. While Teacup Dachshunds weren’t bred for their hunting instincts, they are descended from dogs that were.

Teacup Dachshunds are affectionate and loyal dogs. Their alertness means they also have amazing watchdog tendencies. If they are treated well and trained from an early age, they are sensible companions for children. They can get along well with other animals if they have grown up around them but are known to be aggressive to pets that are unfamiliar, even if those animals are much larger than they are.

Dachshunds in general are not friendly with strangers. They are naturally shy and suspicious, so it’s important to socialize them well as puppies to avoid developing stranger aggression.

It’s important to note that while certain traits are natural for Dachshunds, most of them can be modified and tempered with proper training and socialization. Teacup Dachshunds can be amazing family pets as long as the proper time and attention are devoted to training them to be happy, well-socialized animals.

miniature dachshund on the bed
Image Credit: Dominika Roseclay, Pexels



Teacup Dachshunds are adorable miniature versions of the wiener dogs that we all know and love. Due to a few unethical breeding practices in developing this toy breed, it’s extremely important that pups are obtained from reputable breeders. These dogs will make loyal additions to your family, given the proper time and attention. They are adaptable to many living situations and are slightly less demanding than larger Dachshunds.

Featured Image Credit: Serhii Bobyk, Shutterstock

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