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Home > Dogs > 10 Surprising Facts About Goldendoodles: Traits, Energy Levels & More

10 Surprising Facts About Goldendoodles: Traits, Energy Levels & More

Golden labradoodle on a leash

Goldendoodles are a dog breed that has increased in popularity recently. Their curly fur that comes in a variety of different colors, big brown eyes, and friendly demeanor make them a great option for a new family friend. They are also very loyal and friendly and will play with children as well as other pets whenever they get the chance. Continue reading to learn 10 surprising facts about the Goldendoodle.


Top 10 Facts About Goldendoodles

1. They Gained Popularity as a Guide Dog

The Goldendoodle has a good reputation as being a great option for a guide dog due to its high intelligence and ability to be easily trained. They listen quite well to trainers and owners alike, so they can learn very quickly. Most guide or therapy dogs are either full Goldendoodle or at least some variation of a mix. Their happy and positive temperament is also very welcoming as a guide dog.

goldendoodle lying on the grass
Image By: ALTEREDSNAPS, Pexels

2. They Come in Multiple Sizes

The Goldendoodle does not have one standard size across the breed. They can grow as adults to different size variations depending on their parents. Whether the Poodle part of the Goldendoodle is a toy Poodle, Miniature Poodle, or Standard Poodle, this will greatly affect their eventual size and weight. The size goes from possibly the biggest if mixed with a standard Poodle, or the smallest if mixed with a toy Poodle.

3. They Have Many Names

You might notice that different dog breeds are called many different names based on the two or more breeds they’re made up of. For example, a “Doodle Poodle” is another name for a Goldendoodle. You might also see them being called “Groodle” (a mix of Golden Retriever and Poodle). The Doodle in their name makes for an easy array of different nicknames.

mini parti goldendoodle puppy dog
Image Credit: maceyhurley, Shutterstock

4. Grooming Is Simple

If you aren’t a fan of shedding, then the Goldendoodle might be your perfect option. They have a low-shedding coat, which means you won’t find an abundance of fur around your home. This also means that they don’t need as much intense grooming in comparison to other dog breeds. These dogs need regular brushing though, so definitely don’t throw away your brush!

5. Can Be Healthier and Live Longer Than Their Parents

This fact is quite an interesting one that many may not know! Being a hybrid between Golden Retrievers and Poodle, this dog breed may live longer than their parents. The hybrid between the two dog breeds results in more favorable genetics, which results in better health and a longer lifespan. Also, the smaller the breed, the longer they live! So, if you have a Doodle with a standard Poodle in their immediate familial mix, they may have a relatively shorter lifespan.

goldendoodle lying on the floor
Image Credit: Kim Lewis Photography, Shutterstock

6. They Love to Work

The Goldendoodle is a great working breed because they have a high level of intelligence and are very receptive to commands and tasks. This makes them a good option for a breed that can be a service dog, therapy dog, or even a search and rescue pup! They enjoy being active and enjoy mentally stimulating activities that give them a search-and-reward type of task. Their natural hunting instinct is also attributed to being good work dogs.

7. They’re Full of Energy

The Goldendoodle is a high-energy dog, so they enjoy activities and tasks that get them running around and completing retrieval-like jobs. Things like playing fetch, going on a jog with their owners, chasing other dogs around a dog park, or playing with kids are some of their favorite activities. They are great for families with high-energy kids (which, in all honesty, means all kids) because they will play non-stop and tire themselves out!

blue merle goldendoodle dog smiling up at the camera
Image Credit: emcoops, Shutterstock

8. This Breed Is From the ‘90s

Although it might seem like you have heard of the Goldendoodle for years and years, they have only been around since the 1990s in the US (in comparison to other dog breeds, this is relatively new). They made their very first appearance in Australia before moving over to the United States. They were a cross between the two purebred breeds of Golden Retriever and Poodle which have much more historical appearances.

Fun fact: They are not considered an official breed by the AKC due to being a crossbreed.

9. They Love the Water

The Goldendoodle loves the water! This is partially due to their breed’s history, in addition to being a breed who just simply loves to swim on a regular basis. If you take this breed near any body of water big enough for them, you will likely see them jump right in. Especially if you throw their favorite toy into the water, they will be the first to go after it. They love any type of task or job that gets them swimming.

Miniature goldendoodle dog swimming
Image Credit: Kathyimages, Shutterstock

10. They’re Considered a Designer Breed

There are dog breeds that can be considered a “designer” breed, which means they were bred from two purebred doggy parents. The Goldendoodle is considered a designer breed because they are bred between purebred Golden Retrievers and Poodles.



With Goldendoodles growing in popularity, it makes sense that you’d want to learn more about them. We’ve covered some of the most interesting yet relevant facts we could find to give you some insight into why these dogs act the way they do, what jobs they’re good at, as well as what you should expect when owning one. This designer dog is definitely unique, and we hope this post has shed some light on what a wonderful breed they really are.

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Featured Image Credit: Lopolo, Shutterstock

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