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Home > Birds > Green-Rumped Parrotlet: Personality, Diet, Care & Pictures

Green-Rumped Parrotlet: Personality, Diet, Care & Pictures

green rumped parrotlet

A huge personality wrapped up in a petite package, the Green-Rumped Parrotlet is a stunning little bird that will grow to be about five inches long. A tad tinier than Parakeets, the Green-Rumped Parrotlet is an adorable, social, and low-maintenance bird that is excellent for beginners. They also make a great choice for folks who live in apartments or smaller houses.

If you’re thinking about this little cutie to your family, here is everything you need to know about owning a Green-Rumped Parrotlet.

divider-birdsSpecies Overview

Common Name: Green-Rumped Parrotlet
Scientific Name: Forpus Passerinus
Adult Size: 5 inches
Life Expectancy: Up to 20 years

Origin and History

A common sight in South America, the Green-Rumped Parrotlet can be found throughout Brazil, Columbia, the Guianas, and Trinidad. Living in extremely large flocks that can number in to the hundreds, the Green-Rumped Parrotlet prefers to live in forests, deciduous woodlands, and farmlands.

Green-rumped parrotlet
Green-rumped parrotlet (Image Credit: Jam.mohd, via Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0)


This pocket parrot has the personality of a bigger bird. Curious, comedic, and super social, the Green-Rumped Parrotlet is sure to be a wonderful addition to your flock! Somewhat energetic, this bird needs plenty of mental and physical stimulation. It loves to learn new tricks, sit on your shoulder, and is great with other smaller birds.

Keep in mind that the Green-Rumped Parrotlet does best in the company of its own kind. It’s always best to purchase this bird in pairs.

  • Great for beginners
  • Social
  • Can easily learn new tricks
  • Quieter than other birds
  • Cannot be kept alone
  • Does not have extremely vibrant plumage

Speech & Vocalizations

Due to the Green-Rumped Parrotlet’s tendency to be quieter than other birds, it will do great in an apartment setting. They do chirp, trill, and tweet. However, their sounds are not obnoxious or annoying. The Green-Rumped Parrotlet has the ability to mimic some noises it hears often, such as alarms, beeps, and a few words.

Green-Rumped Parrotlet Colors and Markings

As its name implies, the Green-Rumped Parottlet is mostly a vibrant green. It is a sexually dimorphic bird breed, meaning that the females and males have visible differences. Male Green-Rump Parrotlets have blue markings on their wings and some yellowing on their heads. Both genders have rosy, pale beaks. There are several different color mutations available on the market, including white, blue, and yellow.

divider-birdCaring for the Green-Rumped Parrotlet

As we previously mentioned, these birds do best in pairs. Provide your Green-Rumped Parrotlet with a spacious cage where it can roam, stretch its wings, and explore. A single bird needs at least 18 x 18 inches of cage space. The cage should have bars that are spaced ¼-inch apart so your bird can comfortably climb. Ensure the bottom of the cage has a tray and line it with old newspaper that you change regularly. Provide your Green-Rumped Parrotlet with plenty of toys, including bells, mirrors, and items it can chew. A super-smart breed, the Green-Rumped Parrotlet is prone to destructive behavior if it becomes bored. Never place the cage in direct sunlight, near a vent, or next to a window. The fluctuating temperatures can make your bird sick.

green rumped parrolet
Image By: guentermanaus, Shutterstock

Common Health Problems

This bird is not prone to many serious health issues. Common signs of illness include crusty nostrils, lethargy, a sudden decrease in appetite, flaky skin, changes in its vocalization, overgrown beak, and sores at the bottom of the feet.

Since it’s a curious bird, the Green-Rumped Parrotlet loves to explore, making it accident-prone. If your bird is out of its cage and out and about, keep a close eye on it.

Diet and Nutrition

A pellet-based diet is ideal for the Green-Rumped Parrotlet. Supplement its daily diet with small seeds and fresh fruits and veggies. It also needs a good source of calcium, such as a cuttlebone.


An active little bird, the Green-Rumped Parrotlet needs a spacious cage where it can easily move around. You can take your parrot out of its cage to let it move about in your home. Always keep a watchful eye when your pet is free-roaming. Cover all windows and mirrors with towels.

Where to Adopt or Buy a Green-Rumped Parrotlet

This bird can be found at your local pet store. You can also buy one from a reputable breeder. Plan on spending between $100 and $300 for a Green-Rumped Parrotlet.


In Conclusion

If you’re looking for an easy-going and quiet bird, the Green-Rumped Parrotlet could be the perfect pet for you! Great for beginners and apartment dwellers, this pleasant little parrot loves to learn and socialize.

Consider adding a Green-Romped Parrotlet to your home today!

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Featured Image Credit: Chelsea Sampson, Shutterstock

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