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Home > Hedgehogs > How to Keep a Hedgehog Warm: 12 Possible Ways

How to Keep a Hedgehog Warm: 12 Possible Ways


If you have a hedgehog, you know it can be a lot of fun, but since almost all of the hedgehog species in the United States are from Africa, they have a tendency to be chilly in North American temperatures, and it can be difficult to keep them warm enough to be comfortable and happy.

If you would like to improve your pet’s habitat but aren’t sure where to start, you’ve come to the right place. We are about to look at several different methods you can use to increase the temperature in your hedgehog’s habitat, and we’ll cover standard ways and what to do when the power goes out to help you be better informed.

divider-hedgehogThe 12 Ways How to Keep a Hedgehog Warm

1. Use a Thermometer

One of the first things we recommend doing when trying to keep a hedgehog warm is purchasing a high-quality digital thermometer. These devices are easy to read, so there’s no guessing or struggling to see. You can check it frequently and will always know the exact temperature. We are often surprised by how many people believe they can tell what temperature it is in the room but turn out to be several degrees off, which could unnecessarily put your pet at risk. The ideal temperature range for your hedgehog is between 73 and 78 degrees F.

2. Thermostat

For most Americans, the ideal temperature range of a hedgehog is a little higher than we enjoy. It’s too hot in the summer when we like to run our air conditioners and too expensive in winter with the high cost of fuel and electricity. However, the first thing you can do to make your pet more comfortable is to increase your thermostat to between 73 and 78 degrees F, or as close as possible, and you can try to make up the rest with the following methods.

3. Eliminate Drafts

Many people in the United States waste tons of money each year by not properly sealing their houses up for the winter. It allows cold drafts to come through the house, making you feel cold even with an increased thermostat. These drafts could be life-threatening to your pet hedgehog. Therefore, we recommend using a window insulator kit on any windows in the room with your pet. You should also keep the door closed and use a door draft protractor to keep the temperature in the room with your pet even, consistent, and warm.

4. Heating Pads

Heating pads are a great way to help your pets stay warm without increasing the temperature of your home. Thanksgiving pads are fairly inexpensive, easy to use, and safe as long as you don’t turn them up too high. There are several brands available, and you can choose any you like, but we prefer reptile heating pads because they don’t get as dirty and are usually waterproof. The downside to heating pads is that you rarely know the exact temperature, and it’s not very adjustable.

Sequoia Reptile Heating Pad

5. Heating Lamps

Another great way to provide your pet with plenty of localized heat that doesn’t require you to increase the temperature in your home is using a heat lamp. Many people like heat lamps even more than heating pads because they create a habitat more like their natural one with plenty of light and warmth. It’s also easier to maintain the proper temperature than with the heating pad. The downside to heating lamps is that they don’t last as long as the heating pads, and since more surfaces receive heat, there is a higher risk of fire, so you need to be more careful with the setup and should start keeping fire extinguishers and other fire safety equipment nearby.

6. Ceramic Emitters

A ceramic emitter is similar to a heating lamp, but it doesn’t produce light, so it’s a great way to maintain temperatures at night. These emitters use the same lamp as a heaving lamp, and you can connect them to a timer that allows them to turn on and off automatically while you sleep.

7. Space Heaters

Space heaters are a great way to heat the entire room your pet is in without needing to heat your whole home. Space heaters are especially useful if your pet likes to roam around a lot and you like to give it plenty of time out of the cage. There are several types available, and they usually work about the same, with the number of watts giving you an idea of how well it will heat. The downside to these heaters is they can raise your electric bill quite a bit, and you will notice even a few uses. Space heaters can also be dangerous if your pet gets too close, and they are a more significant fire danger than the others—so never use one while your hedgie is unsupervised.

hedgehog in a towel
Image Credit: Spela Pogacar, Shutterstock


How To Keep The Hedgehog Warm When There Is No Power

8. Thick Blankets

Each year, the United States faces plenty of bad weather with hurricanes, tornadoes, ice storms, blizzards, and more. These events can knock out power leaving your hedgehog in extreme danger. As soon as you notice the power is out, we recommend covering the cage with thick blankets or towels to try to keep whatever heat you can inside.

9. Generator

As soon as you purchase a hedgehog as a pet, we highly recommend you consider buying a generator along with it. It feels silly to type it here, but a drop in temperature could kill your pet, and the generator can allow you to run a heater to maintain temperature until the power comes back on. There are many inexpensive models, so it’s worth considering.

10. Fireplace

If you have a fireplace, you can start a fire and bring your pets near it to help keep them warm, and a wood burner or pellet stove will also work. Many homes also have an oven that will run without electricity so you can turn it on, but you must keep the door closed, or poisonous gasses will get into the room.

Hedgehog in the dark
Image by: Daniel Rodriguez Garriga, Shutterstock

11.  Hot Water Bottles

If your stove still works, or you can build a fire in your yard or outside grill, you can use it to heat water. Then, put the hot water into bottles and place several of them near your pet to warm the environment. Replace the bottles as they cool until the power comes back on.

12. Body Heat

If you live in a large apartment building or something similar where a stove doesn’t work, and you can’t use any of the other methods here, we recommend keeping the hedgehog close to your body so it can use your body heat to stay warm. A zipper jacket that’s tight around the waist makes a great space to place the hedgehog to keep it warm.


As you can see, there are several things you can do to help keep your hedgehog warm and comfortable. We recommend getting a thermometer and sealing up the room without drafts. Heating lamps work great if your pet stays in the caves, and space heaters are perfect for pets that like to roam around and get some exercise. Any of these methods work great, and many owners use a combination. Don’t forget to prepare for a power outage because it can be one of the most dangerous experiences in a hedgehog’s life.

Featured Image Credit: Venezianomanie, Pixabay

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