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Home > General > How to Remove Pet Stains From Oriental Rugs – 5 Effective Methods

How to Remove Pet Stains From Oriental Rugs – 5 Effective Methods

cat poop on the carpet

Unfortunately, pets can’t differentiate between cheap rugs and luxurious oriental rugs. They won’t know that an oriental rug can cost thousands of dollars and may accidentally relieve themselves, vomit, or hack up a hairball on it.

Fortunately, there are several methods that you can try to remove pet stains from your precious rugs. You may be able to save money by using home remedies, but keep in mind that calling a professional rug cleaner may still be the best and safest option for cleaning expensive rugs.

Here’s everything you need to know about removing pet stains from oriental rugs.

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Before You Start

The best way to remove stains is to start cleaning them up right away before any liquid sets deep into the rug. If you’re cleaning vomit or diarrhea, use a knife or other flat tool to scrape any solids off the rug. Then, use a sponge, towel, or rags and dab the area.

Avoid rubbing the affected area in circles because this will only cause liquids to soak deeper into the rug. Also, don’t use a steamer to clean the area. Steamers can cause moisture to set in the rug. So, if you don’t properly clean up stains, they can permanently stay on the rug.

Once you’ve gotten as much moisture out of the rug, you can treat it with the following solutions.

PK paw divider

How to Remove a Pet Urine Stain From an Oriental Rug

1. Warm Water

Woman with cleaning materials
Image by: VGstockstudio, Shutterstock
Ingredients: Warm water
Materials: Towel or sponge

If you’re left with a very light stain, warm water may be sufficient enough to remove it. Heat water to about the temperature of warm bathwater. Since you’ll be touching the water, it should be boiling or scalding hot.

Slowly and carefully pour small amounts of water on a towel or sponge until it’s damp. Then, pat and dab the wet towel on the stain to absorb any remaining material from the rug. You can use a gentle up-and-down motion to get into the fibers, but avoid using circular motions.

  • Gentlest clean-up method
  • Most cost-efficient
  • Only works on mild stains

2. Warm Water and Vinegar

Image by: NatureFriend, Pixabay
Ingredients: Warm water, vinegar
Materials: Towel or sponge, spray bottle

Using warm water and vinegar can help remove most mild stains and odors. Mix warm water with no more than an equal amount of vinegar. Too much vinegar can alter the color of the rug, so it’s best to use a more diluted solution and then strengthen it with more vinegar as needed.

You can use a spray bottle to apply the vinegar solution to the stain, or you can pour a small amount on a towel and dab it on the stain. When you use this solution, make sure to wipe with the grain of the rug. If you go against the grain, you can end up fraying some of the fibers and cause permanent damage to the rug.

  • Also neutralizes odors
  • Removes most mild stains
  • Can alter the color of the rug

3. Vinegar and Laundry Detergent

A large white plastic bottle of laundry detergent and a stack of rolled-up blankets
Image Credit: Frezi Gate, Shutterstock
Ingredients: Warm water, vinegar, liquid laundry detergent
Materials: Towel

If the vinegar and water solution doesn’t work, you can strengthen the solution by adding liquid laundry detergent. Mix a teaspoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of liquid laundry detergent with a quart of warm water.

Once all the components are fully incorporated, pour the solution onto a towel. Then, use the towel to dab the stain. This solution should be able to get rid of more stubborn stains and simultaneously remove odors.

Work gently and patiently because working too vigorously can damage the rug fibers. Once the stain fades, dab warm water over the treated area to remove any remaining traces of the vinegar and laundry detergent solution.

If you use this solution, make sure that your pets are in a different room since liquid laundry detergent is safe for them to ingest.

  • Works against stubborn stains
  • Removes odors
  • Not safe for animals to ingest

4. Commercial Carpet Cleaning Solution

Cleaning Carpet
Image by: Syda Productions, Shutterstock
Ingredients: Commercial carpet cleaning solution
Materials: Towel

If homemade solutions don’t work, you can always try using a commercial carpet cleaning solution. When using cleaning products, avoid any formulas containing ammonia. Dog and cat urine can smell like ammonia, so they can encourage pets to urinate on the same spot.

Make sure to follow the cleaning solution’s instructions carefully to avoid fading or damaging your oriental rug. If you’re feeling extra cautious, you can purchase cleaners using all-natural ingredients instead of synthetic chemicals.

  • Efficient
  • Easy to use
  • Natural formulas are available
  • Can be expensive

No matter how hard you try, pets will always leave you cleaning up smells, stains, vomit, hair, and everything in between. With the Hepper Advanced Bio-Enzyme Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator Spray, you can advance your clean-up routine!

Hepper Advanced Bio-Enzyme Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator Spray
  • ADVANCED ENZYMATIC CLEANER - Penetrates the most stubborn smells and stains at the deepest molecular...
  • FOR ANY MESS, ON ANY SURFACE - This pet odor eliminator cleans your carpets, floors, furniture,...
  • FRESH, NATURAL ODOR - Our unique formulation doesn't rely on dangerous or unpleasant chemical...

It permanently removes the very worst pet stains and smells (and truly makes clean-up a breeze). Click here to learn more, order a bottle, and freshen up your home today.

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5. Professional Cleaner

woman cleaning carpet
Image by: Pixel-Shot, Shutterstock
Ingredients: None
Materials: None

Calling a professional rug cleaner is the most low-risk and effective option. Rug cleaners can use expert treatment methods to remove stains. So, it’s best to use the services of a professional rug cleaner if you’re dealing with a particularly large and stubborn stain.

If you have a particularly expensive oriental rug, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Calling a professional rug cleaner can be costly, but they’ll be the best option for restoring a stained oriental rug.

  • Best for large stains
  • Best outcomes for removing stains
  • Best for treating expensive rugs
  • Most expensive option


Frequently Asked Questions

Cleaning an oriental rug can make matters worse if you don’t have the proper information. Here are some common questions that other pet owners have had about removing pet stains from oriental rugs.

Will Hydrogen Peroxide Remove Old Pet Stains From Oriental Rugs?

Yes, hydrogen peroxide will technically remove new and old pet stains from rugs. Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful disinfectant and stain remover, but it’s often too strong for delicate oriental rugs, especially older antiques.

Using hydrogen peroxide can end up bleaching or fading the color of your rug. The damage is irreversible, so it’s best to avoid using it on oriental rugs.

Does Baking Soda Clean Oriental Rugs?

Baking soda shouldn’t be used to clean up stains, but they’re great deodorizers that you can use to freshen up your rugs regularly.

If you want to use baking soda, make sure that your rugs are completely dry. Then, vacuum your rug to remove any dirt and debris. After that, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda on the rug. After a couple of hours pass, vacuum up the baking soda.

When using baking soda, be careful not to massage it deeply into your rug because it can remain stuck between the fibers. If you have a particularly old antique rug, it’s best to avoid using baking soda because it can leave irreversible effects. Antique oriental rugs should be treated and maintained by professionals.

What Do Professional Rug Cleaners Use to Clean Oriental Rugs?

Professional cleaners have several tools that help them safely and effectively clean oriental rugs. To begin with, professional cleaners receive training so that they know how to use special machinery and treatments used specifically for cleaning antique rugs.

Professional rug cleaning companies also usually have special treatment formulas that they use to protect rugs from having dye run and bleed together. They’ll use an accurate amount of water and treatment to clean rugs without damaging them.

With a combination of specialized equipment and techniques, reputable professional rug cleaners can remove stains from oriental rugs and help them last a long time.



Home remedies are available to clean up pet stains. However, these formulas are typically very gentle and work on mild stains and small spots. The best way to treat oriental rugs is to clean up as much of a stain as you can and then call a professional for a more thorough cleaning.

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Featured Image Credit: schankz, Shutterstock

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