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Home > Gerbils > 10 Best Beddings for Gerbils in 2024 – Reviews & Top Picks

10 Best Beddings for Gerbils in 2024 – Reviews & Top Picks

Pure white gerbil sitting on wood-chip bedding in cage

As responsible gerbil owners, we understand the importance of selecting the right bedding that promotes their natural burrowing instincts, absorbs moisture effectively, controls odors, and provides a comfortable surface for them to play and rest. With so many pet bedding products available, which one should you choose? Which ones have the best reviews?

In this article, we’ll introduce you to the top bedding options that have proven to be popular and well-reviewed among gerbil enthusiasts, helping you make an informed decision and creating the perfect habitat for your beloved gerbils!


A Quick Comparison of Our Favorites in 2024

Image Product Details
Best Overall
Kaytee Clean & Cozy Small Animal Bedding Kaytee Clean & Cozy Small Animal Bedding
  • Non-toxic
  • Easy to Clean
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Best Value
    Second place
    Carefresh Small Animal Bedding Natural Carefresh Small Animal Bedding Natural
  • Eco-friendly
  • 99% Dust-Free
  • Excellent absorbency
  • Premium Choice
    Third place
    Vitakraft Fresh World Ultra Strength Bedding Vitakraft Fresh World Ultra Strength Bedding
  • 5% dust free
  • Excellent absorbency
  • Soft and comfortable surface
  • Oxbow Pure Comfort Small Animal Bedding Oxbow Pure Comfort Small Animal Bedding
  • Non-toxic
  • 100% pure, never-printed paper
  • Ultra-absorbent and excellent odor control
  • Carefresh Small Animal Bedding White Carefresh Small Animal Bedding White
  • Dust-free
  • Easy to clean
  • Hypoallergenic
  • The 10 Best Beddings for Gerbils

    1. Kaytee Clean & Cozy Small Animal Bedding – Best Overall

    Kaytee Clean & Cozy Small Animal Bedding

    Kaytee Clean & Cozy Small Animal Bedding is our best overall pick for bedding for gerbils and other small pets due to its exceptional qualities, along with the long-standing reputation of Kaytee as a brand. This bedding is made from soft, hypoallergenic materials that are gentle on your pet’s delicate paws, ensuring maximum comfort. It is highly absorbent, effectively controlling odors and keeping the habitat clean and fresh for an extended period.

    The material is dust-free, reducing the risk of respiratory issues for your furry friend. With its superior odor control, soft texture, and excellent absorbency, the Kaytee Clean & Cozy Small Animal Bedding provides an ideal environment for small pets, making it a top choice among pet owners. However, there is a risk of gut impaction if your gerbil ingests too much of this bedding.

    • 99% dust free
    • Hypoallergenic
    • Excellent absorbency
    • Easy to clean
    • Non-toxic
    • Mid-range price
    • Risk of gut impaction if ingested

    2. Carefresh Small Animal Bedding, Natural – Best Value

    Carefresh Small Animal Bedding

    For the best bedding for gerbils for the money, we recommend the Natural Carefresh Small Animal Bedding due to its affordability without sacrificing quality. This bedding provides a soft and comfortable surface for your small pet, promoting their well-being and natural behaviors.

    It also has excellent absorbency, effectively controlling odors and keeping the habitat clean and fresh. The bedding is dust-free, reducing the risk of respiratory issues for your pet. Additionally, it is made from natural paper fibers, making it an eco-friendly choice. With its reasonable price point, the Carefresh Small Animal Bedding provides great value with excellent quality! However, like our best overall choice, there is the risk of gut impaction if too much is ingested.

    • Soft and comfortable surface
    • Excellent absorbency
    • 99% dust free
    • Eco-friendly
    • Risk of gut impaction if ingested

    3. Vitakraft Fresh World Ultra Strength Bedding – Premium Choice

    Vitakraft Fresh World Ultra Strength Litter Box & Cage Small Animal Bedding

    The Vitakraft Fresh World Ultra Strength Bedding is our premium choice for small pet bedding, offering exceptional quality and features. This bedding is specifically designed for ultimate strength and durability, making it long-lasting and reliable.

    It provides a comfortable and secure surface for your pet to rest and burrow in. The bedding has excellent absorbency that controls odors and moisture in the habitat. This bedding is made from 100% recycled paper, ensuring an environmentally friendly option. The ultra-strength formula of this bedding prevents it from falling apart, keeping the habitat cleaner for longer periods. It is also dust-free, reducing the risk of respiratory issues.

    With its premium quality and superior features, the Vitakraft Fresh World Ultra Strength Bedding offers an unparalleled experience for small pet owners who prioritize durability and performance. However, it may not be as soft as the first two options.

    • 5% dust free
    • Soft and comfortable surface
    • Excellent absorbency
    • Exceptional strength and durability
    • Environmentally friendly, recycled materials
    • Risk of gut impaction if ingested
    • May not be as soft as Kaytee or Carefresh

    4. Oxbow Pure Comfort Small Animal Bedding

    Oxbow Pure Comfort Small Animal Bedding

    Another excellent choice for pet bedding is the Oxbow Pure Comfort Small Animal Bedding. This bedding is made from 100% pure, never-printed paper, providing a soft and cozy surface for your small pet to enjoy. It is ultra-absorbent, quickly wicking away moisture and controlling odors, ensuring a fresh and clean habitat, while also remaining dust free. It is also biodegradable and environmentally friendly, making it a sustainable choice.

    The Oxbow Pure Comfort Small Animal Bedding is easy to clean and maintain, with spot cleaning and regular changing recommended. With its high-quality materials and performance, this bedding offers comfort, cleanliness, and safety for your beloved pet. However, some users say that this bedding produces a lot of dust, which may cause respiratory issues in some small animals.

    • Non-toxic
    • 100% pure, never-printed paper
    • Ultra-absorbent and excellent odor control
    • Biodegradable and environmentally friendly
    • Produces a lot of dust

    5. Carefresh Small Animal Bedding, White

    Carefresh Small Animal Bedding, White

    Made from natural paper fibers, the Carefresh Small Animal Bedding in White provides a soft and comfortable surface for your small pet to nest in. It offers excellent absorbency, effectively controlling odors and keeping the habitat fresh and clean.

    Like the previous Carefresh Small Animal Bedding, it is hypoallergenic and easy to clean. The main difference between the two is the color, with the white variant providing a visually appealing and clean look to the habitat. With its softness, absorbency, dust-free nature, and hypoallergenic properties, the Carefresh Small Animal Bedding in White is a reliable and popular choice for small pet owners. However, the scented versions may be overpowering, so you may wish to choose unscented.

    • Clean, visually appealing look
    • Excellent absorbency
    • Easy to clean
    • Dust-free
    • Hypoallergenic
    • Scented options may be overpowering

    6. Small Pet Select Small Pet Aspen Bedding

    Small Pet Select Small Pet Aspen Bedding

    Made from pure aspen wood, the Small Pet Select Small Pet Aspen Bedding provides a soft surface for your small pet with aspen wood. The aspen wood is free from aromatic oils, making it safe for your pet’s respiratory health. It is easy to clean and maintain, allowing for spot cleaning and regular changing.

    With its natural and reliable characteristics, the Small Pet Select Small Pet Aspen Bedding provides a great aspen option for your gerbil! However, it may need to be changed more frequently than other bedding options.

    • Made from pure aspen wood
    • Soft and comfortable
    • Highly absorbent
    • Dust free
    • Aromatic oil free
    • May need more frequent changing

    7. Frisco Aspen Wood Small Pet Bedding

    Frisco Aspen Wood Small Pet Bedding

    The Frisco Aspen Wood Small Pet Bedding is an all-natural pet bedding with its beneficial properties. Aspen bedding is made from pure aspen wood shavings, which offers several advantages.

    Aside from its low dust content and highly absorbent properties, aspen also does not contain aromatic oils which reduces the risk of skin irritation or allergies for your gerbil. With its natural and reliable characteristics, the Frisco Aspen Wood Small Pet Bedding provides a comfortable and safe bedding option for your furry friend. However, like our previous choice, it may need more frequent changing.

    • Made from pure aspen wood
    • Soft and comfortable
    • Highly absorbent
    • Dust free
    • Aromatic oil free
    • May need more frequent changing

    8. Small Pet Select Premium Paper Small Pet Bedding

    Small Pet Select Jumbo Natural Paper Bedding

    The Small Pet Select Premium Paper Small Pet Bedding offers several advantages for your small pet’s comfort and well-being.

    Compared to the aspen version previously mentioned, this bedding is made from paper instead of wood, offering a different texture and feel. While the aspen bedding provides a natural and aromatic oil-free option, the premium paper bedding offers a softer and potentially more comfortable surface. Ultimately, the choice between the two may depend on your pet’s preferences and specific needs.

    • Made from premium paper fibers
    • Soft and cozy surface
    • Excellent absorbency
    • Easy to clean
    • May need more frequent changing compared to other materials

    9. Eaton Pet & Pasture Naturally Grown Hemp Small Pet Bedding

    Eaton Pet & Pasture Naturally Grown Hemp Small Pet Bedding

    Another alternative bedding material is the use of hemp, and Eaton Pet & Pasture Naturally Grown Hemp Bedding is what we recommend. Hemp bedding is made from naturally grown hemp fibers, which offers several advantages, including its superior absorbency, dust-free properties, and eco-friendly material.

    Additionally, hemp has natural antimicrobial properties, promoting a cleaner and healthier environment for your small pet. With its exceptional absorbency, eco-friendliness, and antimicrobial benefits, the Eaton Pet Pasture Naturally Grown Hemp Bedding provides a comfortable and safe bedding option for your furry companion. However, it may have a distinctive scent that some owners and gerbils may not care for.

    • Made from naturally grown hemp fibers
    • Superior absorbency
    • Biodegradable and eco-friendly
    • Dust free
    • Natural antimicrobial properties
    • May have a distinctive scent

    10. Sweet Meadow Farm Straw Small Pet Bedding

    Sweet Meadow Farm Straw Small Pet Bedding

    For owners who want a straw option, Sweet Meadow Farm Straw Small Pet Bedding is our recommendation. Straw bedding is made from natural straw, providing several benefits. Straw is known for its excellent insulation properties, keeping your small pet warm and comfortable. It also offers a soft and cozy surface for your furry friend to rest and play on.

    Like the other recommended bedding materials, Straw is also excellent in controlling odors with its highly absorbent properties, as well as being dust-free and hypoallergenic. With its insulation, softness, absorbency, and hypoallergenic nature, the Sweet Meadow Farm Straw Small Pet Bedding provides a natural and comfortable bedding option.

    • Made from natural straw
    • Excellent insulation properties
    • Highly absorbent
    • Dust-free and hypoallergenic
    • Risk of gut impaction if ingested


    Buyer’s Guide: Selecting the Best Bedding For Your Gerbil

    Gerbil Overview

    Gerbils are small, social rodents that make delightful pets. They are active, curious, and require mental and physical stimulation to thrive. Creating a suitable habitat for your gerbil involves replicating their natural burrowing instincts and providing a bedding material that meets their needs.

    Gerbil’s Need for Bedding

    Bedding is vital for gerbils as it serves multiple purposes. It provides them with a soft and comfortable surface for them to rest and sleep. Additionally, gerbils are natural burrowers, and bedding allows them to exhibit their natural behavior by creating tunnels and nests. Bedding also helps in maintaining the cleanliness of their enclosure by absorbing moisture and odor.

    a pet gerbil alone in a cage
    Image Credit: borisenkoket, Shutterstock

    Recommended Bedding Material

    Aspen shavings are an excellent choice for gerbil bedding. They are soft, absorbent, and do not contain aromatic oils that can be harmful to your pet. Aspen shavings also provide good burrowing opportunities for gerbils.

    Aside from aspen shavings, paper bedding is another recommended material to look into. Paper bedding, made from recycled paper, is another safe and widely available option for gerbils. It is dust-free, absorbent, and allows for burrowing. Ensure that the paper bedding is free from inks, dyes, and additives.

    Timothy hay is a versatile bedding material that can serve as both bedding and food for gerbils. It is safe, edible, and provides a natural, comfortable surface for burrowing. However, it should be noted that hay alone may not be sufficient as bedding and should be supplemented with other materials.

    Bedding Materials to Avoid

    While there are many materials that can provide comfort and security for gerbils, some materials should be avoided due to the potential harm they can cause to your gerbil’s health.

    With gerbils’ sensitive respiratory systems, cedar and pine shavings should be avoided as bedding material for gerbils. The aromatic oil content in these shavings can easily irritate their breathing and may lead to respiratory issues and other health problems.

    Like cedar and pine shavings, cat litter and clumping clay are also unsuitable for gerbil bedding. They can also cause respiratory issues if inhaled and can also pose a risk of poisoning if the gerbil mistakes them for food and ingests them.

    Caring for Your Gerbil

    Apart from choosing appropriate bedding, caring for your gerbil involves a few essential practices. It is important to ensure that their bedding is cleaned regularly to maintain a clean living environment.

    Spot clean soiled areas daily and change the bedding entirely every 1 to 2 weeks while also monitoring the temperature and humidity levels in the gerbil’s habitat to keep them within the recommended range.

    Like all pets, owning a gerbil is a responsibility, and providing them with the best bedding is one of those responsibilities!

    gerbil mice
    Image Credit: sonjafurter1, Pixabay



    With so many options available, choosing the best pet bedding for your gerbil can be overwhelming, but we hope our reviews helped. Our top pick is the Kaytee Clean & Cozy Small Animal Bedding for its best overall standing with quality and reputation. For our pick with the best value, we chose the Carefresh Small Animal Bedding because it provides the best price without sacrificing quality.

    Selecting the best bedding for your gerbil is crucial for their comfort, health, and natural behavior. By choosing the right bedding and maintaining a clean and hygienic environment, you can ensure that your gerbil remains happy and healthy for years to come! 

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    Featured Image Credit: Snappyart, Shutterstock0

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