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Home > Cats > How Long do Devon Rex Cats Live? Average Lifespan, Data & Care Guide

How Long do Devon Rex Cats Live? Average Lifespan, Data & Care Guide

two devon rex on scratching tower

The Devon Rex is a breed of cat that has been around for about 50 years. It is known for its wavy coat and large ears. They are also affectionate, playful, and intelligent cats that make great pets. But if you’re thinking about getting one of these cats, you may be wondering how long they live. Let’s find out in this article.


What’s the Average Lifespan of a Devon Rex Cat?

The average lifespan of a Devon Rex cat is between 10 to 15 years. This is similar to other domestic cats, though some have been known to live longer.

devon rex kitten
Image by: Veera, Shutterstock


Why Do Some Devon Rex Cats Live Longer Than Others?

There are many factors that can affect the lifespan of a Devon Rex cat, including genetics, diet, lifestyle, and environment. Cats with good genetics tend to live longer than those with poor genetics. A healthy diet that includes plenty of fresh food and water is also important for a long life, as is providing your cat with plenty of exercise and stimulation. Additionally, cats that live in a safe and secure environment typically have longer lifespans than cats who live in an unsafe or damaging environment.

1. Genetics & Hereditary Diseases

The genetics of a Devon Rex cat can have a major impact on its lifespan. Some cats are more prone to certain diseases than others, and these diseases can shorten the life of your pet significantly. Devon Rexes are more prone to cardiomyopathy, hip dysplasia, and dermatitis, among others. Reputable breeders will breed out these conditions, but it’s important to talk to your vet about any health concerns you might have regarding your Devon Rex, as well as getting regular checkups and vaccinations to keep your cat in the best possible health.

grey devon rex
Image by: Veera, Shutterstock

2. Nutrition & Diet

A proper diet is essential for the health and longevity of any pet, including a Devon Rex cat. Cats need a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water in their diet to stay healthy. Feeding your Devon Rex a high-quality food that is appropriate for its age and activity level will help it live a long and healthy life.

3. Environment and Conditions

The environment and conditions in which a Devon Rex cat lives can also have an impact on its lifespan. Cats that live indoors are usually healthier than cats that live outdoors, as outdoor cats face more risks from predators and other dangers such as poisonous plants or chemicals. Additionally, cats that don’t get enough exercise or stimulation may become bored and inactive, leading to health problems.

Devon Rex
Image by: Pxhere

4. Living Quarters/Housing

The size of the living quarters a Devon Rex cat lives in can also affect its lifespan. Cats need enough space to move around and explore, as well as places to hide and climb. Providing your cat with enough comfortable space will ensure it has plenty of room to play and stay healthy.

5. Size/Weight

The size and weight of a Devon Rex can also play a role in its lifespan. Cats that are overweight or obese are more likely to develop health problems such as diabetes or heart disease, which can shorten their life span significantly. Keeping your cat at a healthy weight is essential for its longevity.

Black Devon Rex
Image by: PxHere

6. Sex

The sex of a Devon Rex can affect its lifespan. Studies have shown that female cats tend to live longer than male cats, although it is not clear why this is the case. It is important to spay or neuter your Devon Rex regardless of its sex, as this can help prevent certain health issues that may shorten their life.

7. Breeding/Breeding History

The breeding of a Devon Rex can also have an impact on its lifespan. Cats that are bred using responsible methods are more likely to have good health and long lifespans than cats that are not bred properly. If you plan to purchase a Devon Rex, be sure the breeder is reputable and follows the best practices. Cats who have given birth to an excessive number of litters in a short time frame may have shorter lifespans than cats who have not.

devon rex
Image by: Pixabay

8. Healthcare & Vet Visits

Finally, the healthcare and vet visits you provide to your Devon Rex can also play a role in their lifespan. Regular checkups with your vet will ensure that any health issues are caught early on, which can help improve the quality of life for your pet. Additionally, making sure your cat is up to date on all of their vaccines and taking appropriate steps to prevent parasites can help them live a longer, healthier life.


The 8 Life Stages of a Devon Rex Cat

  • Embryonic Stage: The gestation period for a cat is approximately 9 weeks, during which time the embryo will undergo a number of physical changes and developments.
  • Neonatal Stage: The neonatal stage begins at birth and lasts until 2 weeks after birth. During this time, kittens are blind and deaf, but they can move around with the help of their sense of smell.
  • Transitional Stage: The transitional stage begins at 2 weeks and lasts until 6 weeks old. During this time, kittens can see and hear, but they are still very dependent on their mother for food, warmth, and protection.
  • Socialization Stage: The socialization stage begins at 3 months old. At this point, the kitten is more independent, and can form bonds with other cats and humans.
  • Juvenile Stage: The juvenile stage begins at 6 months old, during which the kitten will become more independent and begin to explore their surroundings.
  • Adolescent Stage: The adolescent stage occurs between 1 and 2 years of age. At this point, kittens are becoming more independent, and they can begin to learn basic behaviors such as litter box training.
  • Adult Stage: The adult stage begins at 2 years old, when the cat is fully grown and mature. At this point, the cat is capable of forming strong bonds with humans and other cats.
  • Senior Stage: The senior stage occurs at around 7–10 years of age and is characterized by changes in behavior and physicality. During this time, cats may become more prone to health issues, so it is important to provide them with the proper care they need.
devon rex tabby cat is laying on a soft blanket
Image by: Veera, Shutterstock

How to Tell Your Devon Rex Cat’s Age

It can be difficult to determine the exact age of a Devon Rex cat, but there are some signs that may give you an indication of its approximate age. An adult cat will typically have fully developed paws, whiskers, and fur. Kittens tend to have soft pads on their feet and their ears are less pointy than those of an adult cat. Additionally, kittens typically have very soft fur that is much lighter in color than an adult’s coat. Lastly, check the teeth; kittens typically have a set of baby teeth which are replaced by adult teeth at around 8 months of age. If you’re still unsure, your vet can give you an age estimate by checking your cat’s teeth, size, and other factors.



A Devon Rex cat typically lives between 10 and 15 years, depending on its general health, diet, and exercise routine. Additionally, its breeding history and lineage can also play a role in its lifespan. Regular vet visits are important to monitor your cat’s health, as is providing it with the proper care it needs throughout all stages of life. With the right level of attention and care, you can help ensure that your Devon Rex has many happy years ahead.

Featured Image Credit: Veera, Shutterstock

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