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Home > Cats > Do My Cats Like Each Other? Feline Friendships Explained

Do My Cats Like Each Other? Feline Friendships Explained

two cats on a cat tree

Many owners get two or more cats because they hope they will be good company for one another. And this can certainly be true. Many cats form lasting and close relationships with other cats, even if they aren’t litter mates and even if they are introduced later in life.

However, it isn’t always the case, and some paired cats may not get along. If your cats groom one another, play nicely, headbutt each other, and curl up to sleep or rest, there’s a good chance they do get along.


The 6 Signs Your Cats Get Along

We all want our cats to get along, but it can be difficult to read the signs, especially if you’ve never owned cats before, and because some of the signs may make it look as though they hate one another. Signs your cats get along include:

1. Headbutting

Cats can scent surfaces, including humans and other cats, by rubbing their heads and cheeks against those surfaces. If one cat headbutts the other, this is usually a sign that they are transferring scent. It’s a sign that they trust one another, and it shouldn’t be discouraged. Cats may also headbutt their humans in the same way.

2. Grooming

Grooming another cat is a very personal thing and your cats will only do this to one another if they are close. It can be followed by play fighting, though, which can have the appearance of being quite violent.

Two ginger cats grooming each other
Image By: Films42, Pixabay

3. Sleeping

You should ensure that both or all cats have their own beds and sleeping areas, but if two or more of your cats sleep together, that’s a good sign. They may just lay next to one another, or they may cuddle up while they snooze.

4. Nose Rubbing

Similar to headbutting, the nose touch is an affectionate greeting reserved for those that your cat is close to. Also, like the headbutt, this can include humans as well as your cat’s feline family.

5. Spending Time Together

Generally, if your cats don’t get along, the only time they will really spend together is when they are fighting or when they both want to get to the same treat you’ve dropped. If your cats hang out, whether it’s just to watch birds out of the window, or to relax, it’s a sign that they must trust one another and are comfortable in the other’s company.

Two cats playing with laser pointer
Image By: Wanda Lizm, Shutterstock

6. Play Fighting

Play fighting serves multiple purposes for cats. It helps burn off energy and it also aids in honing their hunting and killing skills. When two cats are play fighting, they won’t typically use their claws and they will usually take it in turns to be the aggressor and the hunted. Sometimes, the cats can become overstimulated, and this may see the fight turn a little bit nasty.


The 3 Signs Your Cats Don’t Get Along

If you believe your cats are not getting along as well as you would like, look for the following signs:

1. Fighting

Generally, you can tell the difference between a play fight and a real fight. Play fights generally don’t involve claws and the cats will take turns being the aggressor. With real fights, there is no role-playing and the cats will use their claws and teeth to win. You shouldn’t shout at your cats if they are fighting but look for ways to disrupt the fight or to safely put an obstacle between them. They may just need a little time apart so things can cool down.

white and red cats fighting
Image By: RJ22, Shutterstock

2. Hissing

When cats don’t get along, it doesn’t usually start with claws and teeth. There will be signs of an impending fight. One or both cats may hiss at the other. They may also growl, raise their hackles, and make aggressive lunges. If you see these signs, distract the cats with a toy or try to safely separate them before it escalates into a full-blown fight.

3. Ignoring One Another

It is possible that your cats don’t get along but don’t necessarily dislike each other enough to fight. Your cats may choose to give one another a wide berth and simply stay out of the other’s way. If your cats are rarely together, don’t groom or play fight with each other, it may be that they tolerate the other but don’t want to become friends.



Many pairs and groups of cats get along perfectly well while living under the same roof. Some form very close bonds that continue to deepen and strengthen over time. However, there is no guarantee that the two cats will get along. Above, we have given some of the most common signs that your cats do get along, as well as the most obvious signs that they really don’t like one another.

Featured Image Credit: Arina Krasnikova, Pexels

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