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Home > Cats > 8 Halloween Safety Tips for Cats (2024 Guide)

8 Halloween Safety Tips for Cats (2024 Guide)

Cat Halloween Costume

Halloween is a time to dress up and be anything or anyone you want. It’s a holiday for fun, games, parties, candy, and spooky decorations. But have you ever wondered what cats think of Halloween?

If you’re a cat owner, you are aware of the stressors (if any) that your cat may suffer during this time of year. In this article, we’ll look at eight Halloween safety tips for cats to put into place before the scariest time of year comes into play to ensure your feline friend’s safety.1


The 8 Most Important Halloween Safety Tips for Cats

1. Designate a Safe and Quiet Place

Let’s face it: Halloween night is usually a busy time, with doorbells constantly ringing and the laughter of trick-or-treaters coming to your door, all of which can stress out your cat.

Cats are peculiar creatures and may not fancy all the visitors, and designating a safe and quiet place for your cat can make a world of difference. Ensure you close the door so your cat cannot run out, and play soothing music or turn on the TV to drown out the noise.

2. Greet Treat-or-Treaters Outside

Cat halloween costume
Image Credit: Anton27, Shutterstock

Grab a chair and sit outside to greet your visitors. Make sure to bundle up if you live in a cold climate, and ensure the door is shut to prevent your cat from running out to escape the chaos. Sitting outside may not be feasible for some, especially if it’s cold out, and if that’s the case, refer to number one on our list and keep your cat in a safe and secure area of the home.

3. Hide the Candy

An important part of Halloween is giving out candy; it’s also one of the most dangerous aspects for your feline fur baby. Chocolate is a favorite among treat-or-treaters, but it’s extremely dangerous for your cat to consume. Chocolate is toxic to cats and dogs, and you should keep the candy bowl in a place your cat cannot access.

Other candies may have xylitol, a natural sugar substitute that is toxic to dogs and may be toxic to cats, so the best bet is to prevent your cat from getting into the candy bowl entirely. You can call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control if you suspect your cat has eaten candy. Signs to look for are vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, drooling, and trouble standing.

4. Be Careful With Decorations

Halloween decorations are a big part of this holiday fun, but they can be deadly to your cat, and this includes pumpkins. To be clear, pumpkin is healthy for cats, but when your carved pumpkin gets moldy, it can cause your cat to get sick if it consumes it.

A curious cat may also knock over a lit jack-o-lantern, which can cause a fire. You can always purchase a fake pumpkin that’s lit using bulbs. Nonetheless, be sure to throw out your carved pumpkin after Halloween night is over.

Halloween decorations should be kept out of reach. Fake spider webbing can cause intestinal damage in cats, or a cat can get caught up in it, making it a choking hazard. In the end, it’s best to skip this décor entirely both inside and outside your home, as the webbing can harm birds as well.

5. Keep Your Cat Indoors

cat wearing a pirate costume
Image Credit: Benevolente82, Shutterstock

Some cats love to be outside, and if your cat loves the outdoors, it’s best to keep them inside on Halloween night. Pranks run rampant on Halloween night, and if you have a black cat, your cat may be susceptible due to the black cat myth, meaning someone could steal your cat and play a mean prank.

6. Keep a Collar and Tag on Your Cat

Cats are fast, and there’s a chance your cat can run out the door if not kept in a safe and quiet area of your home on Halloween. Having a collar with an ID tag with your cat’s name, address, and phone number could mean being reunited with your kitty versus never seeing your cat again.

Microchipping is another excellent idea to ensure that your cat is found should they escape. Microchipping is not painful, and your cat should tolerate it well.

7. Avoid Costumes for Your Cat

As tempting as it may be, you should avoid dressing your cat in a costume for the spooky night. Cats don’t generally like any kind of clothes, and dressing your cat in a costume will more than likely cause unnecessary stress. Some cats may enjoy being in a costume, but in the end, you know your cat the best.

If you’ve never tried it before and have no idea how your cat will react, there’s only one way to find out if your cat will tolerate it. Abort the idea if your cat scratches, claws, hisses, freezes, has dilated pupils, or tries to get out of the costume, as these are all signs that your cat is not happy with you and wants the costume off.

8. Inquire About Calming Medicines

You can always ask your veterinarian about any medications they can provide that will help your cat not be so stressed out on Halloween night or any other occasion where your cat gets stressed.

Anxiety medications can really help, and your vet can prescribe just the proper medication for the purpose. You can always refer to keeping your cat in a safe, quiet, and stress-free area of your home if you don’t want to purchase medication.



Halloween is a fun holiday, but for some cats, it’s a nightmare. Ensure you have a game plan for the evening and stick to it. If you are not planning on being home that evening, it’s best to keep your cat in a safe area of the home, preferably with soothing music, to avoid any stress. With a little planning ahead, the night doesn’t have to be horrible for your kitty.

Featured Image Credit: Katrina Brown, Shutterstock

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