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Home > Cats > How to Clean a Cat Water Fountain in 4 Simple Steps

How to Clean a Cat Water Fountain in 4 Simple Steps

cat drinking from water fountain

Cat water fountains come in different shapes, sizes, and materials. And like any other animal-related supplies, they’ll need to be cleaned every so often to keep them from breeding or harboring harmful bacteria and germs. How exactly do you clean a cat water fountain? Let’s discuss.


The 4 Steps to Clean a Cat Water Fountain

1. Get Your Supplies Together

The first thing you want to do is make a list of everything that you’ll need for your cleaning job. Most fountains come with cleaning kits which include a set of small brushes, scrubbers, and other tools for cleaning their parts. You can purchase a set of small brushes and tools online for about $15 if you don’t have this kit. Because you only need something small to reach those tiny spaces, cotton swabs (or cotton balls and paper clips) can also work.

cotton swab for ears
Image By: PDPics, Pixabay

2. Empty and Disassemble the Fountain

Now it’s cleaning time. Once you have your kit ready, disconnect the water supply and empty the tank completely. Grab the pump and remove it by lifting it out of its position. This will include removing the propeller, which will typically twist off. When you’re removing the propeller, be prepared to use tweezers as it can be a bit tricky to grab with your index finger and thumb.

3. Use Warm Soapy Water

Many of the tank parts can be cleaned and scrubbed with warm soapy water. So be sure to get out your scrubbers, brushes, and other tools to remove any slime buildup from each individual part. You may need to use paper clips, swabs, and any other fan devices to clean inside the crevices of the pumps and other small parts. You will need to insert a small brush or cotton swab in the tube where the propeller is. This tiny hole can also cause water to flow slower than normal.

Soapy water
Image By: aga7ta, Shutterstock

4. Rinse Everything Off

After you’ve cleaned out all the slime and debris from the parts, rinse off the pump parts and re-assemble it. Then simply fill up the bowl with water and plug it in. You may want to keep an eye on it initially just to make sure that it fills and that no parts are loose.


How to Prevent Slime from Forming On Cat Fountain

It’s common to notice slime forming on the top and sides of the cat water fountain. The fountain can trap hair and other particles, creating an environment ideal for bacteria and mold to grow. To prevent this, regularly empty and clean the water bowl.

Hot, humid weather may require that you clean the fountain at least every few days. And if you notice any odor coming from the cat fountain, be sure to drain it and clean it out as well, as this is usually an indication of mold or bacteria buildup

You should also clean out the splash guard often as dirt can settle between the spout opening and allow shampoo or dish soap to get into the untreated water your cat drinks. Remember that tap water may contain traces of chlorine, which can kill bacteria that cause slime. However, this chlorine will evaporate in a matter of hours. So, it is important to change your cat’s water frequently.


Wrapping Things Up

Cleaning your cat’s water fountain is the first step for ensuring your cat is consuming safe drinking water and that it stays well-hydrated. The frequency at which you may need to clean the fountain may change throughout the year or during certain times, depending on the cat’s habits. However, be sure to always have clean and fresh water in the fountain and to take note of any slime or debris build-up around the base.

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Featured Image Credit: Creative Cat Studio, Shutterstock

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