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Home > Cats > How to Get Cat Urine Smell & Stains Out of Leather Boots: Effective Methods

How to Get Cat Urine Smell & Stains Out of Leather Boots: Effective Methods

Cat peed in shoes

Cats will pee outside of their litter boxes for several reasons. If you find a puddle on the floor, that’s easy enough to clean up. Unfortunately, sometimes, cats want to make a statement. Heading into your closet to pee on your shoes is one way that they can get your attention.

If you find your favorite leather boots soaked in cat pee, we know how devastating that can be. Leather is porous and will absorb stains and odors. Removing the cat pee as soon as possible is the best way to salvage your footwear.

If other non-leather shoes end up covered in cat urine, they may be able to be thrown into the washing machine without a second thought. This can’t be done with leather boots, but don’t worry! You won’t have to toss them into the garbage instead. This article will show you how to get cat pee out of your boots so you can get back to wearing them in no time.

divider-catGetting Started

Gather your materials to clean the cat urine from your boots. Many of these items can be found around the house already. You’ll need:
  • Baking soda
  • An old toothbrush or dry, soft cleaning cloth
  • Vinegar
  • Mouthwash, dish soap, or your favorite essential oil
  • A clean, damp cloth
  • Cat litter
  • Warm water
  • Leather conditioner

If you don’t have all these items, use what you do have from this list and clean your boots using the following methods.

british shorthair cat in litter box
Photo Credit By: Nils Jacobi, Sutterstock

Cleaning Cat Pee From Your Leather Boots

  • Cover the soiled area of your boots with baking soda, which is a safe and natural odor absorber. Use the baking soda liberally. It takes more than a light sprinkling to tackle cat pee odors. Allow the baking soda to sit for at least 2 hours or overnight if you can.
  • Vacuum or dust off the baking soda.
  • Mix one part vinegar with two parts warm water. The vinegar naturally neutralizes odors and is handy to have on hand if you have pets. Add a few drops of mouthwash, dish soap, or essential oil to the vinegar and water mixture.
  • Using an old toothbrush or cleaning cloth, apply the vinegar solution to the soiled areas of your boots and any spots that still smell like cat pee. Work the mixture into the leather to fully fight the odors.
  • Use a clean cloth dampened with plain water to wipe the boots, and rinse off any leftover vinegar solution.
  • If the odors remain, repeat the process.
  • Set your boots somewhere to dry. The best option is to set them outside and let the fresh air and sun remove any lingering smells. Make sure to place these boots in an area where outdoor cats won’t be drawn to the cat’s urine odor. A balcony or deck would be ideal.
  • If you can’t place your boots outside to air dry, you can use cat litter to absorb leftover moisture and odors. Covering the soiled areas with cat litter will draw the moisture out. Since cat litter is designed to absorb pee smells, it will draw those out too.
  • When your boots are dry and odor-free, use a leather conditioner to restore them and get them looking fresh again.

Enzymatic Cleaners

If you complete these steps and still notice stains and odors in your leather boots, you may need to use an enzymatic cleaner. Uric acid in cat urine is broken down by the enzymes in these cleaners and will remove the odors. If you have an enzymatic cleaner on hand, you may want to try it before using the previous method.

  • Spray the soiled areas of your leather boots with the enzymatic cleaner of your choice.
  • Let the cleaner sit for the recommended amount of time on the label. Usually, it’s about 15 minutes for maximum effectiveness.
  • Wipe the area clean with a damp cloth.

Some enzymatic cleaners may change the color of the leather, so we recommend testing a small patch of the leather to see if this occurs before spraying the cleaner all over your boots. Get an all-natural enzymatic cleaner if possible to reduce this risk.

Our favorite enzyme cleaner is the Hepper Advanced Bio-Enzyme Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator Spray because it permanently removes even the very worst pet stains and smells you can imagine (and makes clean-up a breeze). They even offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee! Click here to order a bottle and freshen up your home today.

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Why Did My Cat Pee on My Boots?

When cats pee outside of their litter box, there’s usually a good reason for it. This could be something minor, or your cat could be trying to alert you to something serious. Whenever you notice your cat eliminating in places that they shouldn’t, don’t dismiss it. Try to find the reason that it’s happening to not only solve the issue and keep your home from smelling like cat pee but also to potentially discover and treat any health problems.

The 4 Reasons That Cats Pee Outside of the Litter Box

1. The litter box is dirty.

two cats sniffing the litter box
Photo Credit By: Zoran Photographer, Shutterstock

Cats like their surroundings and their bodies to be clean. Cats are meticulous groomers, always getting every bit of dirt off their coats and keeping themselves sleek and shiny. If the litter box is too dirty, your cat isn’t going to like it. They don’t want to walk in their waste. If there isn’t enough room for them to adequately do their business and cover it up, they will go outside of the box. The remedy, in this case, is to clean the litter box and refill it with fresh, clean litter. Then, scoop it every day to keep this from happening again.

2. You have multiple cats.

When cats live with other cats, they may choose to urinate outside the box to mark their territory and try to keep the other cats from using it. The simple fix is to add more litter boxes to your home. A good rule of thumb is one for each cat, plus one extra.

3. Your cat is trying to alert you to a medical issue.

Vet administering cat spray to calm a cat down
Photo By: Elnur, Shutterstock

If the litter box is pristine and you only have one cat, your cat may be trying to tell you that there’s a problem. They may pee away from their box because of a urinary tract infection, bladder infection, crystals in the urine, or anything else that makes them uncomfortable. It could even be kidney disease or arthritis. If they feel pain when they are in the litter box, they will associate the box with that and not go in it.

If your cat is peeing outside of the box for no obvious reason, it’s best to get them to the vet for a checkup. They will test your cat’s blood and urine to see what’s going on with their health. Once your cat is feeling better, they should resume their normal litter box activity.

4. Your cat is upset about something.

If the previous reasons are not the cause of your cat peeing outside of the box, they could be doing it to show their displeasure about something. Did you recently move? Did you add another pet to the household? Did your cat’s things get moved to different locations in the home? Try to determine what could be upsetting them. With patience and love, your cat will eventually adjust to the changes. Talk to your vet about ways you can calm your cat, or consider adding a pheromone diffuser to the room with their litter box to help ease their anxiety.


It can be upsetting to find that your cat has peed on your leather boots, but all is not lost! We hope that you found these suggested cleaning methods helpful and that they come in handy if you ever need them. Once you get your boots clean, remember to figure out why your cat is peeing outside of the litter box in the first place. You can then fix the issue, keeping your cat happy and healthy and your shoes dry!

Featured Image Credit: AJSTUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY, Shutterstock

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