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Home > Cats > How to Groom Your Turkish Angora Cat: 15 Tips to Make Things Easy

How to Groom Your Turkish Angora Cat: 15 Tips to Make Things Easy

woman touching her turkish angora cat

The Turkish Angora cat’s beautiful, long coat is a trademark of the breed. It looks high maintenance, but with regular grooming, it’s actually quite easy to keep your Angora’s coat looking lovely.

No matter the breed, grooming a cat goes beyond looks. For instance, mats and tangles can be painful, especially for long-haired breeds like the Turkish Angora. Grooming also helps you bond with your cat and check for any medical issues such as fleas, skin problems, and lumps.

Use these 10 tips to make grooming time as pleasant and easy as possible for you and your Turkish Angora cat.


Before You Start: Turkish Angora Cat Grooming Tools

You don’t need any fancy equipment to groom your Turkish Angora cat. Get these basic grooming tools and you’re good to go:

  • A good quality metal comb with both wide and narrow teeth: This will help you remove tangles and mats.
  • A soft bristle brush: This is great for everyday brushing and distributing your cat’s natural oils.
  • A nail trimmerfnail: You’ll need this to keep your cat’s nails short and healthy.
  • Mild shampoo: Only use shampoo meant for cats. Human shampoo is too harsh and can strip away the natural oils in their skin and fur.
  • Hair dryer: You’ll want to dry your Angora’s coat after bathing to prevent tangles from forming.
  • Ear wipes: These come in handy for cleaning your cat’s ears.
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste: Regular tooth brushing helps keep your cat’s teeth healthy and prevent gum disease.

You can also buy these optional but nice to have grooming tools:

  • Dry shampoo: This comes in handy if you don’t have time for a full bath.
  • Cat cologne: A light spray of cat-safe cologne can help your Angora smell nice between baths.
  • Mat splitters: These can help you remove mats without having to cut them out.
  • Grooming scissors: If you have experience trimming hair, you can use scissors to tidy up your cat’s coat.
  • Grooming razor: You can use a grooming razor to shave overgrown fur under the paws, around their bottom, or anywhere else.

If you’re not confident about trimming your cat’s fur yourself, let a professional groomer or veterinarian do it for you. They can also show you how to properly groom your cat so you can do it at home.


The 15 Steps for Grooming Your Turkish Angora Cat

Grooming a Turkish Angora cat involves daily brushing, occasional bathing, and regular nail and teeth care.

Daily Grooming for Your Turkish Angora Cat

A few minutes of brushing a day will save you and your Turkish Angora a lot of trouble down the road. It’s also the best way to keep those painful mats and tangles at bay:

1. Start with a wide-toothed comb and work through any mats or tangles you see

Be extra careful around the belly, legs, and behind the ears where the skin is thinner and more delicate.

Cat Comb
Image Credit: IhorM, Shutterstock

2. Use a soft bristle brush to gently brush the fur in the direction it grows

This will help remove any loose hair and distribute natural oils.

3. Finish up with a quick going-over with the wide-toothed comb to make sure you didn’t miss any knots

young woman holding cute white turkish angora cat
Image Credit: evrymmnt, Shutterstock

4. Every week or so, add dry shampoo to your grooming routine

Just sprinkle it on and brush it through to absorb excess oil and help reduce odors.

If you find mats or tangles that you can’t get out with a comb, you can try using mat splitters. These tools help you cut through mats without harming your cat’s skin. You can also try using your fingers to gently work out the knots. If that doesn’t work, you’ll need to cut the mats out with grooming scissors. Be very careful not to cut your cat’s skin!


Bathing a Turkish Angora Cat

Turkish Angora cats don’t need to be bathed very often. In fact, bathing too often can strip away their natural oils and lead to skin problems. A good rule of thumb is to only bathe your cat when they’re visibly dirty or if they start to develop an odor.

Follow these steps for kitty bath time:

5. Start by combing out their fur to remove any tangles or mats

Getting your cat wet will make tangles worse.

Turkish angora cat after haircut at the veterinary clinic
Image Credit: Todorean-Gabriel, Shutterstock

6. Place your cat in the sink or bathtub and slowly wet their fur with warm water

Be careful not to get water in their ears or eyes.

7. Apply a small amount of mild cat shampoo to their fur and work it in well

Be sure to avoid the eyes, ears, and nose.

girl washing a cat
Image Credit: Olleg, Shutterstock

8. Rinse the shampoo out

Rinse it out completely with warm water.

9. Remove your cat from the sink or bathtub

Now you can wrap them in a towel to remove excess water.

Turkish angora cat taking a bath
Image Credit: Ekaterina Chuyko, Shutterstock

10. Use a hair dryer set on low to lightly dry their fur

Don’t hold the dryer too close to their skin or you could burn them.

11. Dry the fur thoroughly

After drying, give your cat a final brush to remove any remaining knots.


Nail, Teeth, and Ear Care for Your Turkish Angora Cat

You don’t need to do these often, but they’re also an important part of grooming a Turkish Angora cat. Keeping their nails short will help prevent scratches and ripped furniture. Brushing their teeth will help keep their teeth healthy and prevent gum disease. This is particularly important if your cat eats wet food daily since the extra moisture can lead to tartar buildup. Finally, cleaning their ears will help prevent ear infections and bad odor.

To make this part easier, do them all in one grooming session. That way, your cat will get used to it and it won’t be such a chore.

Here’s how to do nail, teeth, and ear care for your Turkish Angora cat:

12. To clip their nails, use cat nail clippers or scissors

Cut off the sharp tip of the nail, being careful not to cut too far down and hurt the quick.

trimming nails of cat
Image Credit: Yimmyphotography, Shutterstock

13. Hold the nail up to the light and look for the pink part in the center

If you can’t see it, just cut a small amount off the nail.

14. To brush their teeth, use a cat toothbrush and toothpaste or a gauze pad wrapped around your finger

Gently brush their teeth in a circular motion.

Cat toothbrush
image credit: Alexander Dubrosvsky, Shutterstock

15. To clean their ears, use a cotton ball and apply warm water or ear cleaner

Gently wipe the inside of their ears, being careful not to go too deep. You can also use pet ear wipes already pre-soaked in the cleaner.

And that’s it! As long as you brush them daily, your Turkish Angora cat’s coat will stay beautiful and healthy. The rest of their grooming can be done on a weekly or monthly basis.

Finally, give them lots of treats and love during every grooming session. This will help them associate grooming with positive experiences and make the process go more smoothly.

Turkish angora with owner
Image Credit: New Africa, Shutterstock



Do Turkish Angora Cats Shed a Lot?

Turkish Angora cats don’t shed a lot because they only have a single coat. They don’t have the undercoat that other cats have, so their fur doesn’t fall out as much. However, they will still shed some fur, especially during the spring and fall.

Their long, fine hair can also get tangled easily. This is why it’s important to brush them regularly or they can get matted.

How Often Should You Groom a Turkish Angora?

Five minutes of daily brushing is enough to keep your Turkish Angora cat’s fur clean, healthy, and tangle-free.

Do You Need to Bathe Turkish Angora Cats?

It depends. If they play outside a lot, get dirty easily, or have a strong odor, then you may need to give them a bath. Otherwise, just bathe them as needed.


Final Thoughts

Grooming a Turkish Angora cat’s gorgeous fur is easier than you think. Maintenance is the key. Reserve a few minutes each day to give them a good brushing, plus a regular schedule of grooming their ears, teeth, and nails. Treat is a chance to show your feline friend how much you love them. And with a little patience and practice, you’ll both be grooming like pros in no time!

Featured Image Credit: Oleksandr Schevchuk, Shutterstock

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