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Home > Cats > Where To Put A Cat Bed? 5 Ideal Locations

Where To Put A Cat Bed? 5 Ideal Locations

cat sleeping peacefully in its bed

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Cats spend most of their day sleeping, leaving their hair behind wherever they snooze. If you are ready to reclaim your furniture, one strategy is to provide your cat with its bed. However, unless you put it in just the right spot, there’s a decent chance your cat will ignore the bed. In this article, we’ll tell you about five ideal locations to put a cat bed, along with some tips for choosing a bed and how to keep the peace when buying beds for a multi-cat household.


The 5 Ideal Locations to Put a Cat Bed

1. Somewhere Warm

Possible locations: near a window or door, appliance, heating vent
Types of beds to consider: window perch, round bed

Research has shown that cats prefer the household temperature to be warmer than humans tend to enjoy. Because of this, cats often pick the warmest or sunniest spot they can find to nap. Take advantage of this by placing a cat bed near a sunny window or glass door. Another good option is placing a bed near a heating vent or radiator, but not close enough that the kitty could get burned by accident. Some cats even like sleeping on top of the clothes dryer!

Cat on his small bed
Image Credit: Antonio Vega Barragán, Pixabay

2. Somewhere Elevated

Possible locations: furniture, shelf, bed
Types of beds to consider: round bed, sleeping mat

If you observe your cat choosing a nap spot, there’s a good chance they will select somewhere off the floor. Cats like to be high enough to keep an eye on what’s happening around them and feel safer at higher locations. Placing a cat bed somewhere elevated increases the chances your cat will use it. Potential locations include counters, tables, couches, or human beds. You could also choose a wide shelf or windowsill if they are sturdy enough.

3. Somewhere Quiet

Possible locations: closet, spare bedroom
Types of beds to consider: cat cave, round bed, sleeping pad

Because of how the cat’s sleep cycle works, they spend most of their snoozing time in a light doze or “cat nap.” In the wild, this allows them to remain partly aware of their surroundings as a safety feature. Due to this, cats often prefer to sleep in quiet parts of the house, especially those that live with a busy, noisy human family. Try placing a cat bed in a spare bedroom, storage space, or closet.

cat lying on a cat bed
Image Credit: VGstockstudio, Shutterstock

4. On Cat Furniture

Possible locations: cat tree, cat shelf
Types of beds to consider: sleeping pad, round bed

Many cat towers and trees already contain sleeping spaces and perches. You can encourage your cat to take advantage of the spots by placing a comfy cat bed on them. Situating your cat’s furniture near a window makes it even more enticing for your kitty. Cat furniture helps your cat safely engage in instinctive activities like scratching and climbing but also serves as an ideal location to place a cat bed.

5. Near Your Favorite Spot

Possible locations: couch, home office
Types of beds to consider: cat cave, round bed, cat condo

Despite their reputation for independence, most cats are very attached to their owners and enjoy spending time with them. If your cat is one of those, the best place for their cat bed may be close to wherever you spend the most time. For example, put a cat bed near your workspace if you work from home. If you spend your free time relaxing on the couch, position your cat’s bed nearby.

blue eyed sphynx cat in hepper nest bed on chair


Choosing a Cat Bed

Besides choosing the right location for your cat bed, you’ll also need to decide what type of bed to purchase. Location will play a role in your decision since some beds may be too big to fit every spot.

You should also consider your cat’s sleeping style. Do they prefer to curl up in a ball or spread out in all directions? Do they like to burrow under blankets or stay exposed?

Practically speaking, consider whether you need a bed that’s easily cleaned. Kittens can be messy, while older cats may begin to lose control of their bladder and leak urine when they sleep. For some beds, only the cover is washable, which is not helpful if pee or poop soaks in completely.

Finding the perfect cat bed begins with understanding what your feline needs regarding support, design, and comfort. Hepper has combined these essential features and created the Nest, a cat bed that most felines truly enjoy and continue to choose. The intriguing bowl-shape draws them in and the warm sherpa insert and supportive foam base are what keep them coming back.  Explore the Hepper Nest here

Hepper Cat Nest - Washable Cat Bed with Removable...
  • HAPPY COZY CATS - Your kitty will bask in luxurious sherpa-lined comfort while feeling warm, safe,...
  • MODERN DESIGN - Contemporary styling with upholstered fabric construction; just like your human...
  • WARM FLEECE LINER - Self warming, thick sherpa fleece with microfiber trim.

At Pet Keen, we’ve admired Hepper for many years and decided to take a controlling ownership interest so that we could benefit from the outstanding designs of this cool cat company!

Avoiding Bed Drama in Multi-Cat Households

Keeping the peace can sometimes be tricky if you share your home with more than one cat. Cats are territorial by nature and don’t always share space or possessions with ease. This can result in unpleasant side effects like inappropriate urination, fights, or anxiety-related behaviors like over-grooming.

When placing cat beds, avoid drama by ensuring enough for each cat to claim one as their own. If multiple cats enjoy sleeping in the same location, consider putting several beds there. Having beds on multiple levels is another helpful strategy to keep everyone happy.



Some cats will choose the oddest spots for their daily naps, whether you approve of them or not! Finding the right location for a cat bed may take some experimentation, especially if your kitty is older and set in its ways. Don’t be afraid to try different spots and consider using catnip or pheromone sprays to make the cat bed more attractive to your feline friend.

Featured Image Credit: Aleksandar Cvetanovic, Unsplash

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