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Home > Cats > Cat Breeds > Korn Ja: Info, Pictures, Temperament & Traits

Korn Ja: Info, Pictures, Temperament & Traits

korn ja cat resting

Thailand is home to several cat breeds, but the Korn Ja is not as well-known as the Siamese or Oriental shorthair. With its vibrant yellow eyes, fine coat, and slender, compact body, the Korn Ja is a gorgeous creature that could convince anyone that black cats are exceptional rather than harbingers of bad luck. While its appearance is striking, the Korn Ja’s personality is what draws people to the rare feline.

Breed Overview


24 inches


6 – 11 pounds


13 – 16 years


Black, lilac, gray

Suitable for:

Families with young children, active singles


Intelligent, easy to train, loyal, fond of other pets

Korn Ja cats are smart, energetic animals that thrive in homes with children and other pets. The cat’s behavior often resembles a loyal canine; it enjoys following its owner wherever it goes and participating in family games. Very few breeders raise Korn Ja cats, but if you’re lucky enough to adopt one, you’ll have a friend for life who rarely lets you out of its sight.

Korn Jas Characteristics

High-energy cat will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy cats require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a cat to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train cats are more willing and skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Cats that are harder to train are usually more stubborn and will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some cat breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every cat will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds' potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some cat breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other animals. More social cats have a tendency to rub up on strangers for scratches, while less social cats shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your cat and expose them to lots of different situations.


Korn Ja Kittens

Bringing a Korn Ja kitten into your home can be challenging due to the breed’s rarity. Even in their native country, Korn Jas do not have a large population. Prices for kittens can cost a lot, and unfortunately, you’re unlikely to find the species at your local shelter. If you find a breeder online, research the company carefully before agreeing to adopt. Study the breeder’s online reputation, and insert words like “scam” and “complaints” combined with the company’s name when you search online.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has published guidelines to help pet parents1 avoid scams. It suggests avoiding any breeder that refuses on-site visits or video chats. Photos are helpful in the pet selection process, but a Korn Ja picture could have come from anywhere, and you should not rely on pictures alone when selecting a new pet. You can do a reverse image search to see if the photos are legitimate.

If a breeder requests payment from gift cards, Western Union, or Venmo, refuse the request and look for another company. Payment apps and gift cards do not offer the same protections for recovering funds as credit cards. Ideally, you can visit the breeding facility to ensure it follows sanitary procedures.

Temperament & Intelligence of the Korn Ja

Korn Jas are intelligent, affectionate cats that enjoy playing with their families and meeting new friends. Cat lovers who spend most of their time at home are ideal pet parents for the Korn Ja.

Are These Cats Good for Families? 👪

Cats from Thailand are family-friendly pets, and the Korn Ja is no exception. The cat is gentle around children and adapts well to indoor life with families or single owners. Unlike most breeds, Korn Jas are not frightened by strangers. Although that is an advantage when friends visit, the cat’s friendly nature can make it more vulnerable to theft. Spaying or neutering the animal and limiting its outdoor access can keep it safer from immoral humans.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets?

The Korn Ja gets along with other cats and dogs, and some become great friends with their canine roommates. Raising the cat with other animals is not difficult, but introducing a new animal to the home of an adult Korn Ja will require training and patience. Some cats may warm up to a new dog or cat quickly, but most will need a few weeks to socialize before they feel comfortable sharing their home. Because the cat enjoys sprinting around the house, it may be too energetic for a bird or reptile.

korn ja cat close up
Image By: Bangtalay, Shutterstock


Things to Know When Owning a Korn Ja:

Food & Diet Requirements

The Korn Ja does not need a specialized diet, but the most vital component of the feline’s diet is protein. Unlike the canine’s gut, the cat’s stomach and digestive system are not too different from its ancestors. Dogs are omnivores that can digest plants and animals, but cats benefit from a carnivorous diet of animal protein. Premium brands and mid-range cat food provide several high protein options, but dry food often has higher protein than wet meals.

Wet meals provide more moisture than dry meals. This benefits the cats who rarely sip from the water bowl, but wet food does not keep teeth as clean as crunchy kibble. Feeding a combination of wet and dry meals is an ideal diet for an active Korn Ja cat. Look for brands that source most of their protein from animals, provide moderate fat content, and have low carbohydrate amounts.

Exercise 🐈

Although the Korn Ja will gladly curl up in its owner’s lap, the cat needs daily exercise to keep it fit and happy. The cat can adapt to a home of any size, but it must be able to run and climb indoors to release energy. A tall cat tower and a large container of assorted toys will help the animal exercise, but it will likely expect you to participate in some games. Wand toys, laser pointers, and catnip mice are some of the items that can keep them entertained.

Korn Ja cats are active and playful, but you should avoid letting them outside unsupervised. The small cat is a tempting target to predators, and it does not seem frightened by strangers. A Korn Ja is safer indoors because of speeding cars, coyotes, bobcats, and maniacs.

Training 🧶

Anyone who has trained a dog or cat understands that the process requires patience, but you will not need as much when you work with a Korn Ja. The cat is incredibly smart and enjoys learning new tricks. If you want to show off your black cat to the neighborhood, you can train the Korn Ja to walk with a harness and leash. You can also teach it tricks that are typically associated with dog training. Korn Ja cats can learn to fetch, sit, and roll over.

Using the cat’s favorite treat as a reward during training is the perfect tool for quicker results. With positive reinforcement, you can show the animal tricks and correct lousy behavior like scratching the couch. Like most cats, the Korn Ja is a sensitive creature that does not respond well to vocal or physical punishment. Training can be frustrating when the cat does not seem to be learning quickly enough but yelling or blasting the cat with a water gun will weaken the bond you share with your pet.

Grooming ✂️

You will not have to groom a Korn Ja as often as a bushy, long-haired cat, but a weekly brushing can remove hair and keep its coat free of debris and dirt. The fine fur on the cat is not hyperallergic, but it is simple to maintain. Avoid frequently bathing the cat because it can remove the cat’s natural oils that keep its fur shiny and healthy.

Clipping the cat’s nails every month and placing scratching posts around your home will keep its claws in good condition, but you may want to provide a snack before and after nail clipping to prevent the cat from getting anxious or upset. Some cats dislike the experience at first, but when they know that a treat will follow, they tend to relax, and some cats even purr when their nails are clipped.

Health and Conditions 🏥

The Korn Ja does not have a large breeding pool, but it is not susceptible to any diseases unique to the species. However, they can be prone to some of the same medical problems as other breeds.

Minor Conditions
  • Diarrhea
  • Eye problems
  • Tapeworms
Serious Conditions
  • Diabetes
  • Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD)
  • Kidney disease
  • Cancer

Male vs Female

Male Korn Ja cats may be slightly larger than females, but their personalities have few differences. However, a fixed Korn Ja will not be prone to the same behavioral problems as an intact feline. The American Animal Hospital Association suggests neutering cats by the time they’re 5 months old. Fixing your cat benefits its behavior and prevents mammary cancer and other infections of the uterus and ovaries in females.


3 Little-Known Facts About the Korn Jas

1. The Korn Ja Is Mentioned In an Ancient Text

Unlike the stereotype from medieval times that claims black cats are evil, supernatural beings, the Smud Khoi of Cats from Thailand described the Korn Ja as a cat who brings luck to its owners. The text mentions several Thai breeds that bring good luck, including the Burmese, Siamese, and Korat.

2. Korn Jas Cats Can Be Clingy

Korn Jas do not have independent or stubborn streaks like other species, and they prefer being next to their owner and family at all times. Lap cat lovers will adore the breed, but frequent travelers are not ideal caretakers for the Korn Ja. The cat suffers from separation anxiety when its family leaves it at home.

3. Korn Jas Are Ideal Pets for Children

Some breeds are irritated by young children, but the Korn Ja is patient and calm around hyper kids. It often establishes a lifelong bond with a child like a loyal dog.


Final Thoughts

Some cats are timid around strangers and uncomfortable around dogs and children, but the Korn Ja is a family cat that loves interacting with humans and other animals. Although its striking beauty complements its loving personality, the Korn Ja is not suitable for frequent travelers. The cat is happiest when it can spend time with its owner, and when it’s left alone, it can become anxious and depressed. Finding a Korn Ja to adopt is not an easy task, but with luck, you can take home one of the planet’s most lovable felines.

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Featured Image Credit: Bangtalay, Shutterstock

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