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Home > Cats > Why Do Cats Like to Sleep With Their People So Much? 7 Adorable Reasons

Why Do Cats Like to Sleep With Their People So Much? 7 Adorable Reasons

cat sleeping in owner's arms

Cats have a reputation for being independent, which might make you wonder why you wake up some mornings to find your cat next to you or even lying on your head. Various reasons tempt your cat into bed with you, but they all have one thing in common—they show how much your cat loves and trusts you.

If you have a cat, you know a cat’s aloof reputation is a little unfair. Cats want to spend time with their humans, despite what people think. So, let’s look at all the reasons that special kitty in your life wants to spend time with you at bedtime.


The 7 Reasons Why Cats Like to Sleep With Their People So Much

1. Love and Trust You

Just like humans, our pets show us that they love us in different ways, which is why you might have noticed that your cat, that hates to be held or cuddled, enjoys sleeping next to you at night.

Sleeping with someone they love might also remind your cat of when they were a kitten and would cuddle with their mother and siblings. Hearing your heartbeat and the sounds you make during the night will relax them into a deep sleep, which is similar to what they heard growing up.

cat sleeping on owner's lap
Image Credit: Karpova, Shutterstock

2. Security

Cats might be predators, but they’re small, which means they risk being attacked by another bigger predator. Cats are at their most vulnerable when they’re asleep, and you provide them with extra security should they be attacked during the night. This also shows how much they trust you because they don’t expect you to attack them.

3. Territory and Protection

Cats are known to be territorial, so it’s unsurprising that they might consider you theirs and theirs alone. Your cat might show other signs of making you their territory by rubbing their head on you or walking on your bed because they have glands on their heads and feet that release pheromones.

cat staring its sleeping owner
Image Credit: MOUii, Shutterstock

4. Warmth

If there’s a patch of sunlight in your home, chances are you’ll find your cat lying in it; cats love to be warm, so it makes sense that your cat is drawn to your head or feet at night when most of the heat escapes your body.

5. Comfort

Your cat might be sleeping with you for emotional and psychological comfort. If you have a multi-cat household, you might notice the tension between the cats, and one of the cats may prefer sleeping with you for security.

Cats are also more in tune with their owners’ emotions than people give them credit for. So, if you’re feeling distressed, sad, or anxious, your cat might sleep next to you to help ease your worries.

cute cat sleeping in bed with owner
Image Credit: Pixel-Shot,Shutterstock

6. You’re Family

Cats recognize that we’re bigger than them, but scientists have surmised that cats think of us as hairless, clumsy cats. So, your cat is treating you exactly like they would another cat. You’re family, and your cat clearly loves and trusts you enough to want to keep you company when you sleep. Consider it a huge compliment.

7. Missed You

If you’ve been away or busier than usual, your cat might take the chance to spend some time with you. Cats are very social, despite what some might think, so sleeping next to you could indicate how lonely they’ve felt if they haven’t spent much time with you lately.

cat waking up its owner
Image Credit: Anna Kraynova, Shutterstock


Should You Let Your Cat Sleep With You?

There are many positives to your cat sleeping beside you, but you might wonder if it’s something you benefit from and if there are any downsides.

Benefits of sleeping next to your cat:

  • Bonding: Life can be hectic, and it’s difficult sometimes to find a peaceful moment to snuggle with your cat. So, sleeping together is the perfect opportunity to reconnect and bond. Not only is this important for your cat, but it’s also important for you to spend some time with your best friend after a busy day!
  • Cozy: Sleeping next to your cat is undoubtedly warm and cozy on colder nights, and there’s no better hot water bottle.
  • Stress relief: Pets are a wonderful way to destress and relieve anxiety. Stroking your pet for 10 minutes has been proven to decrease the amount of cortisol, which is the stress hormone.
Cat and owner sleeping together on bed
Image Credit: Marina mrs brooke,Shutterstock

Downsides to sleeping next to your cat:

  • Disrupted sleep: Cats don’t tend to sleep through the night; they spend much of the day asleep but are more active at night. This could lead to disturbed sleep for you. Cats also have interesting ways of waking up their humans, like biting their noses or jumping on their stomachs.
  • Dirty feet: If you have an outdoor cat, they can bring dirt and mud on their paws. This could all end up in your bed, which isn’t what you want, so we suggest cleaning dirty paws before allowing them back into the house.
  • Allergies: People can develop an allergy to pets they’ve always had if they are in close contact, and once you’ve invited your cat into your bed, it’s difficult to rescind the invitation. There are tools you can invest in, like a pet hair roller, to get rid of the excess pet hair from your bed. However, it’s best to keep your cat out of the bedroom if you have allergies.
  • Hurt you/your cat: If you toss and turn at night, you might accidentally roll onto your cat and hurt them. Cats are also easy to startle, and they won’t take being rolled on quietly and could potentially bite or scratch you.


Final Thoughts

There are many benefits to you and your cat sleeping next to one another, but it is a personal preference, and some pet parents might prefer not to, especially if they are restless or light sleepers. However, it’s clear that cats enjoy sleeping with their people for various reasons. Whatever the motivation, it shows how much you’re trusted and loved by the special kitty in your life.

Featured Image Credit: Impact Photography, Shutterstock

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