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Home > Cats > 80 Funny Cat Jokes: Just Kitten Around

80 Funny Cat Jokes: Just Kitten Around

Smiling cat

There’s nothing better than breaking the ice with good, funny cat jokes. Tell a trapped bystander on an elevator.  Tell the cashier at the gas station.  If ever there is an awkward silence and you’re looking for space to fill—take one of these cat-inspired popsicle stick-style jokes and spread it like confetti. Whether you’re looking for cat jokes for kids, or some punny cat jokes for adults, we have them for you.


Jokes About Cats

1. What color is a kitty’s favorite?


2. What does a cat say after making a joke?

Just kitten

3. What is it called when all the yummy treats are gone?

A cat-astrophe

4. What is a cat’s favorite cereal?

Mice Crispies

5. How do cats stop crime?

They call “claw enforcement.”

6. What do cats read on Sunday mornings?

The meowspaper

7. What’s a cat’s favorite movie genre?


8. What is a kitten’s favorite school subject?


9. Why don’t cats play poker in the jungle?

There are too many cheetahs

seal point siamese cat making funny face
Image By: Nils Jacobi, Shutterstock

10. What’s a cat’s favorite dessert?

White chocolate mouse

11. Where do cats go when they lose their tails?

The retail store

12. What do you call a cat that lives in an igloo?

An eskimeow

13. How do cats resolve arguments?

They hiss and make up.

14. What do you call it when a cat has a temper tantrum?

A hissy fit

15. What dessert do kitties love on a hot day?

A mice-scream cone

16. What is a cat’s favorite film?

The Sound of Meowsic

17. What kinds of cats join bowling leagues?

Alley cats

18. Why did the cat get her way?

She was very purr-suasive.

19. What’s a cat’s favorite magazine?

Good Mousekeeping

20. How did the kitten pass English?

They could identify an independent claws.

happy cat
Image Credit: islam zarat, Shutterstock

21. What is the cat’s job title at the bakery?

The Whisker

22. What’s most important to a cat?

A great purr-sonality

23. What’s a grumpy old cat called?

A sour puss

24. What is a cat’s favorite rap song?

Mice, Mice Baby!

25. What did the kitten tell the mother cat?

Tall tails

26. What do cats do after a successful hunt?


27. How did the cat overcome his troubles?

He stayed pawsitive.

28. What happened when the cat swallowed a ball of wool?

She made mittens.

29. What did the alien say to the cat when it landed?

Take me to your litter.

30. What is a cat’s favorite game?

Cat and mouse

31. What do you call a cat in love?

One smitten kitten

32. What’s a cat’s favorite season?


33. What is a cat’s favorite book?

The Great Catsby

34. Why did the cat’s back hurt?

He had bad paw-sture.

Cat at the top of christmas tree
Image Credit: Jon Osumi, Shutterstock

35. What did the cat say when he checked his bank account?

I’m so paw.

36. What is a cat’s favorite catchphrase?

Live long and paw-sper.

37. Why do cats win video games?

They have nine lives.

38.What stickers do kittens love?


39. How do cats know when they are sick?

They feel clawful.

40. Who brings Christmas gifts to kittens in the desert?

Sandy Claws

41. Why did the cat change its camera settings?

He wanted to use paw-trait mode.

42. What do you call a super-stylish cat?

Haute cat-ture

43. Why is the woman so untrustworthy?

She kept letting the cat out of the bag.

44. What kind of sports car does a cat drive?

A fur-rari

45. Why did the cat get fancy?

She was feline fine.

gray kitten meowing
Image Credit: Daniel Park, Unsplash

Cat Jokes One Liners and Puns

  1. I need to take a paws.
  2. I’ve got such cattitude.
  3. Hang on, wait for a meow-ment.
  4. What doesn’t love Santa Claws?
  5. It’s meow or never.
  6. I loaf you.
  7. I’m a VIP—Very Im-paw-tent.
  8. I knead you.
  9. You’ve gotta be kitten me.
  10. I’m a real catterbrain.
  11. Oh, paw-lease.
  12. It’s paw-ssible.
  13. Purrhaps you’re right.
  14. Meow and forever.
  15. Let’s watch Pawcahontas.
  16. Believe it, I’m fur real.
  17. That looks fur-miliar.
  18. We’ll go down in hiss-story.
  19. I’m a big cat purr-son.
  20. You two better hiss and make up!
  21. Help meow-t.
  22. That’s a-meow-zing.
  23. Wait a meow-nute.
  24. That is meow-sic to my ears.
  25. My cat is lazy—always doing the bare mew-nimum.
  26. I’m litter-ally not kidding.
  27. Do your own thing.  Don’t be a copycat.
  28. People who don’t like cats are claw-ful.
  29. Another cat joke?  Hiss-terical.
  30. I’ll love my cat furr-ever.
  31. My cat’s skills are radi-claw.
  32. I’m feline like a million bucks.
  33. Purr-haps we can cuddle later.
  34. How claw-some is that?
  35. Isn’t my kitty purr-ty.



So, which one of these real conversation starters will you use on your next Tinder date?  You can think of a few to pipe off at family dinners or tell a few of your friends via text—they’ll love or hate you for it.  But one thing is for sure—jokes about cats are simply purr-fection.

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Featured Image Credit: felix-mittermeier, Pexels


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