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Home > General > 6 Vet-Approved Home Remedies for Treating Cat Wounds

6 Vet-Approved Home Remedies for Treating Cat Wounds

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Vet approved

Dr. Marta Vidal-Abarca Photo

Reviewed & Fact-Checked By

Dr. Marta Vidal-Abarca

Veterinarian, BVSc GPCert (Ophthal) MRCVS

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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DISCLAIMER: Home remedies are not an alternative to professional medical advice. If your pet has a serious issue, please consult your vet immediately.

We love our pets and want to protect them. Sometimes, even under our watchful eyes, they can still find ways to get hurt. If your cat is wounded, assess the injury and decide if it needs medical attention. Some cuts and scrapes are minor, but other wounds can be life-threatening. Always consult with your veterinarian if your cat is wounded, even if it’s just over a phone call. If your cat is bleeding heavily or you can see any exposed muscle or bone, this is an emergency, and you need to take the cat to the vet immediately.

For minor injuries, there are things that you can try at home to help ease your cat’s pain and make them more comfortable.

divider-dog paw

The 7 Home Remedies for Treating Cat Wounds

1. Saline Solution

Image By: Midnight Studio TH, Shutterstock

If your cat’s eye is red, swollen, leaking, and closed, there could be several reasons for this, from infection to a foreign object in the eye. Cats’ eyes can easily become irritated and appear to be painful. To help your cat, you can rinse the affected eye with a sterile saline solution to try to dislodge any debris that could be the culprit.

Sterile saline solution can also be used to clean minor open wounds. You want to use this solution as a rinse to clean the wound and remove any dirt. This is the first line of defense against infection.

You can also make your own saline solution at home to clean minor wounds by adding two teaspoons of table salt to 1000 milliliters (4 cups) of cooled down water that you have previously boiled. Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly before preparing it, and mix it well until the salt is completely dissolved. This preparation is not sterile but will be quite handy to clean a dirty wound in emergency situations.

  • Easy to use
  • Inexpensive
  • Won’t sting or burn
  • May not have it in your home when necessary
  • Could be difficult to hold your cat still while rinsing the wound

2. Raw Manuka Honey

honey pouring from a wooden spoon
Image Credit: Three-shots, Pixabay

Raw Manuka honey has antibacterial properties and can help promote healing. This type of honey is used in medicine worldwide. The Manuka flower holds these antibacterial powers. The honey can ease inflammation and soothe the skin around the wound.

There are a few things to remember, though. Regular grocery store honey will not have the same effect and should be avoided. It’s over-processed and lacks the medicinal benefits that you’d need for your cat’s wound. Despite having great benefits in most wounds, it is not suitable for all of them. For example, those that are bleeding or some post-surgery wounds. Therefore, get the thumbs up from your vet before deciding to apply some on your cat’s wound.

  • Popular food item you may already own
  • May ward off infection until you can seek medical treatment
  • Sticky, messy, and hard to spread
  • May be hard to locate

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

apple cider vinegar
Image Credit: focal point, Shutterstock

Diluted apple cider vinegar might help clean certain minor wounds in an emergency situation. You can mix the same amount of water and apple cider vinegar (50/50) and use a cloth to dab it over the wound or graze. You can use it following your vet’s advice and on minor wounds.

  • Likely have it on hand
  • Inexpensive
  • The vinegar smell may linger

4. Epsom Salt

Image Credit: Rupert Kittinger-Sereinig, Pixabay

While humans can soak in a bath of dissolved Epsom salt and receive the soothing benefits, pets can too! We know that it’s not as easy to get your cat to relax in the bathtub. But if your feline friend starts showing signs of a pulled muscle or sprain, there’s good news. You can dissolve Epsom salt in warm water and soak a washcloth or dish towel in it. Then, apply the cloth to the affected area for up to 5 minutes, five times a day.

  • Simple and quick
  • Does not involve a bathtub
  • Cat may not sit still for 5 minutes
  • Cat may not agree with this method because it involves water

5. Arnica

Image Credit: GoranH, Pixabay

Arnica is a bright yellow sunflower used in homeopathic remedies for bruises, arthritis, and muscle pain relief. This comes in an ointment form, but it’s best to not have your cats ingest it by licking it off. Arnica is available in pellet form for cats, but always check with your vet first for the proper dosage amount. These pellets should only be given to your cat after they are mixed with water first.

  • A natural pain reliever
  • May be difficult to find
  • Pellets have to be prepared with water first

6. Oatmeal

a jar of oatmeal
Image Credit: Pixabay

Itchy skin can be irritating for cats, and they can scratch themselves bloody with their claws. If you notice that your cat is itching excessively, you can use oatmeal to soothe their skin. Baby cereal works best because it’s finely ground. This can be stirred into warm water to make a healing soak for your cat. Will they let you put them in the water? Perhaps not, but they may be so relieved when you try that they’ll make an exception.

  • Easy to use
  • Inexpensive


  • May make the water thick and hard to drain
  • Cats may not agree to this method

divider-dog pawConclusion

Treating your cat at home can be scary. While the advice here is meant for temporary relief, it should not take the place of professional medical care. Always consult your veterinarian if your cat is injured.

We want the best for our feline companions and hate to see them in pain, so trying to make them feel better is only natural. We hope that our list of remedies comes in handy should you ever need it and that you can provide relief for your kitty before they can see the doctor.

Looking for more advice for your sick cat? Try:

Featured Image Credit: Svetlana Rey, Shutterstock

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