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Home > Cats > National Take Your Cat to Work Day 2024: What It Is & How To Celebrate

National Take Your Cat to Work Day 2024: What It Is & How To Celebrate

Ginger cat acts as human working on laptop

For a cat lover, it may seem like dogs get all the attention. They are known as man’s best friend. We see amazing dogs at work with the police, military, and even as service animals. Not to mention all the great Hollywood movies starring canines. There’s also a National Take Your Dog to Work Day. Now, we aren’t saying all the adorable dogs in the world don’t deserve all this attention, but what about the kitties out there? Don’t they deserve a bit of love?

As it turns out, cats and their place in people’s hearts have finally received the attention they deserve. As part of National Bring Your Pet to Work Week, we now have National Bring Your Cat to Work Day. Finally, the love we have for our feline friends can be shared with the people we work with and others around the world on Monday, June 19, 2023.

Let’s learn a bit more about this special day for cats and their parents so you can be prepared to take part when this holiday rolls around.


How Did It All Start?

To better understand National Take Your Cat to Work Day, you need to go back 25 years to the original, Take Your Dog to Work Day. National Take Your Dog to Work Day (TYDTW Day) originated in 1999. It was started by Pet Sitters International (PSI) to bring love and attention to the amazing companions dogs are and to help promote adoptions. It was a great way for employers to not only enjoy a bit of fun with dogs at work but to promote and support their local pet communities. PSI estimates approximately 300 businesses took part in the first event 25 years ago but says it’s too difficult to pinpoint exact numbers today due to so many taking part and no registration is required.

After seeing how strong TYDTW Day was going, Pet Sitters International decided it was time to do even more for the pet community. Instead of a single day of fun, why not create Take Your Pet to Work Week? And what better way to kick off a week of loving pets than to introduce Take Your Cat to Work Day? Yes, the day PSI dedicates to cats kicks off the national event on Mondays and is now promoting the love of cats and dogs to people in the workplace. Pet Sitters International hope these events continue to promote love for animals and help show people who don’t have a pet in the home a few of the reasons they should adopt one and make it part of the family.

Woman working with a cat on her lap
Image Credit: azem, Shutterstock

How Does It Work?

You may think there’s a lot involved with getting a business involved with Take Your Pet to Work Week but that simply isn’t the case. There are no registration fees, sign-ups, or anything of the sort with Pet Sitters International. The only thing they do is offer tips and ideas on their website to make a work event more fun. You’ll find template downloads, fun pets at work policies, and even an entire toolkit to help make things lively for businesses that participate. The best part is it’s all free on their site as a way to give back to the pet community.

With the way the workforce has changed over the years, PSI has also incorporated remote workers into the fun. On their site, you’ll find fun ways to share your pets with those at the office while you stay in the comfort of your home. You’ll also notice fun hashtags like #takeyourcattoworkday and other ways to share all the fun taking place at the office on Instagram and Twitter to show a business’s support.


The 7 Tips for Taking Your Cat to Work

Now that you better understand what National Take Your Cat to Work Day is, let’s talk about where the kitties come into play. Cats are fickle little creatures. Each one has a personality all their own. As a pet owner, you know your cat best. This means you’re the only one that truly knows whether taking your cat to work with you is a good idea. Yes, some cats love to go out and explore. Others? Not so much. They prefer being in the safety of their home instead of meeting new people.

Here are a few tips every cat owner should know before deciding to take part in National Take Your Cat to Work Day.

1. Get the Needed Permissions

Unfortunately, not every business is going to take part in Take Your Cat to Work Day. Instead of bringing your kitty along only to be disappointed, speak with management first. Maybe they aren’t aware of National Bring Your Pet to Work Week. You could be the voice of reason at the office that convinces everyone to take part. If you can’t get the team on board, that doesn’t mean the fun is over. Bring a photo of your cat to have at work as a way to show your support.

2. Be Considerate of Others

Cat allergies are a major issue for some people. Of course, you won’t be allowing your cat to roam the office on their own, but being considerate of those who could potentially suffer from their presence is important. If someone at work is severely allergic, make plans ahead of time on how to keep your cat away from them safely.

3. Make Sure the Event Is Right for Your Cat

As we’ve already mentioned, not every cat will be up for a trip to the office. You may face other obstacles as well. If your cat is feeling under the weather or has recently been treated for illness or injury by the vet, taking them into a new environment may be too much for them. Keep all this in mind before you decide to participate.

person working on laptop with a black cat on the table
Image Credit: Kari Shea, Unsplash

4. Keep Kitty Happy

Your cat is used to having all the comforts of home at its fingertips. Don’t upset them by forgetting that. You’ll need to bring a few favorite toys, a comfortable carrier, a bed, food, water, and a litter box so your cat doesn’t stress. You can’t set up an area at your workstation for your kitty so they can enjoy the day with all their items.

5. Keep Your Cat Safe

Allowing your cat to run free in an area they aren’t used to isn’t the greatest idea. Some cats love to hide. If your cat is a real Houdini, this could leave you searching the office for hours to locate them. Instead, have an area at work where your cat can be safe with you. If you venture out, use a harness and leash to keep your kitty safe. This is also a great way to respect other co-workers and their space. Perhaps someone in the office simply isn’t a cat person. You don’t want your kitty to seem rude by trying to force themselves onto someone who isn’t interested in interacting. Let other cat lovers come to you and your kitty for a visit.

6. Have an Exit Plan

If things aren’t going great with your cat at the office, you need an exit strategy. Talk to your boss ahead of time. They may allow you to take a long lunch to take your kitty home if they aren’t happy. You could also schedule a pick-up with a trusted pet sitter or family member you trust with your cat. By no means take your cat to the car and leave them until you finish your shift!

7. Involve the Community

If your workplace is on board with National Take Your Pet to Work Week, perhaps they’d be willing to involve the animal community. If so, local shelters or rescues would love to bring cats or dogs that are up for adoption to meet the people you work with. Who knows, maybe you could help an animal find their forever home.

Young woman with cat working on computer at table
Image Credit: New Africa, Shutterstock


Final Thoughts

Yes, National Take Your Cat to Work Day is a great way to promote the love we have for our kitties. It’s also a way to help the animal community connect with people who may be looking to bring an animal into their lives. If you and your business decide to participate, remember that the happiness and safety of the animals and people involved should be the top priority. Other than that, have a great time and share all the fun online using the hashtags so all of us can enjoy it.

Featured Image Credit: Chansom Pantip, Shutterstock

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